
The half-life of Ben Revenant

Ben Arken is just your run of the mill teen,at least that is what everyone else in their moderately sized town of Solemn Valley thinks. People thought Ben was just a kid with strange parents,but that’s not really the case. We will watch as some regular kid with a semi regular life becomes someone amazing. Hero,protector,savior,and many more names he will pick up along the way. But his first and greatest will always be, Revenant! ———————————————————————— Nothing is mine except my OCs. This is sorta a Danny Phantom phan fic but not really. It’s more about what an OC would do in a similar situation. There is some other stuff but those things will be revealed later on.

Everything_Forever · Others
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11 Chs

#2 New status quo.

I wake up groggy and feeling sick for some reason,"Feels like I got hit by a truck." I say aloud with fatigue laced in my voice. As I go to get off my bed and stand I fall halfway into the floor below my feet and I then remember all that had happened yesterday. As I pull my self up with my upper body that isn't invisible and intangible and crawl back onto my bed while looking down at it and seeing a faint outline of the lower part of my body and wondering if everyone else would be able to see that or if only I can see it,but quickly that thought left me and a new one was in its place but not the ones that you would expect from someone. I don't think about how if any one found out I would be like the frogs you dissect in class or how I'm now a freak of nature. No I think about how maybe my parents will finally give me a little attention now even if it's to tear me open to see how I tick now that I'm whatever I am now.

I tear up knowing that now I won't be able to have a calm and boring life away from all the weirdness that comes with living with my parents and moving away as soon as I was able to. I'm now some strange thing and I don't even know if I'm alive or not, but as I'm thinking that I unconsciously put my hand over my heart and feel it beat granted it is a lot slower then it is supposed to be but it's still there.

When I feel that I still have a heart beat that both greatly confuses me and makes me very happy but the happiness eventually wins out because even though I might be some weird freak that can become invisible and intangible and pretty sure he died yesterday but still I'm alive and at least that's something. As I'm floating on the happiness of being alive my father calls for me,"Son,get down here! Me and your mother have great news!" My father says sounding happy then he has in days.

My father calling me broke me from the spell that is called happiness making me realize that while I was metaphorically floating on the happiness of finding out I'm alive I was also actually floating over my bed,when I realized that fact I fall back down,"Just glad that I was on the bed for that." I grumble as I go to get up again but quickly check on the lower part of my body and see that it was back in the realm of visibility and not intangible anymore."Come on son,or I'm coming up there and dragging you down here!" I hear my father say in a joking tone but with a hint of seriousness that made me nervous because I knew he was serious,wasn't going to be the first time he had done it. Or the last,though it did make me think that the next time he dragged me from my bed it would be because he's replacing it for an operating table and a vivisection or would it be a dissection now?

As I am pondering that important question my father bellows,"Ben!" I hurriedly get up and go to step on the ground and thankfully it doesn't go into the floor which is a huge relief. As I go to pull on a shirt and go to open the door only to see that now my arm is invisible and intangible but I only freak out a little bit about that because I have already seen that happen already and so I'm a little bit more used to it and also because my father was calling me and I don't want to annoy him further by being late so will only a slightly annoyed and frightened face I used my other hand to open the door and hurriedly went down the stairs and went to were I thought my father would be, which is the lab.

I pat my back in my mind as I hear my father yell my name again from outside and from all the way down the shed lab. Which would surprise regular people but not me,my father is a big and he has a big set of lungs. As I go down to the lab I see my parents backs and them facing the active portal talking in excited whispers. I stand shell shocked as I stare at it, I didn't really get a good look at it last night because well I felt like I was dying. As I stare at the mesmerizing green swirls that make up a gate to another dimension I can't help but think about how beautiful it was but then as I was staring at it I let my mind wonder as I think about how strange it was that I don't feel bad at all after I woke up and all that stuff happened,not one bit of uncomfortableness. I actually haven't felt this good in years and as I take my eyes off the portal and go to stare at a small scar on my thumb I got when I was seven and nicked it when I was cutting something up for a salad. I realized the scar was gone!

As I stare in shock at the scar that was on me for seven years my parents must of finally got done with there talk or finally noticed I was there because next thing I know I had my dads giant hand on my shoulder and his very large chest up near my face. Let me tell you, having to look up at a 6'10 man when your just a 5'9 guy is really intimidating. Good thing my dad wouldn't hurt a fly,well he would hurt a ghost fly pretty bad or anything ghost really. "Finally!" My father said exasperated,"Your mother and I were waiting for you awhile you know?" "Sorry,I had to go to the bathroom before getting down here." I lied quickly. My father didn't seem to notice the lie which made me breath a silent sigh of relief as my father continued.

"Anyway,look son! We came down here because we picked something up on the sensors…" My breathing got very fast and quiet as I try and think up a good enough lie while also thinking of a good escape plan when my father said,"Ben!" While shaking my shoulder while saying it. "Sorry father,I was in my own head there for a second. Could you say that again?" I said scared about what was going to happen. My father frowned and seemed disappointed that I wasn't listening but said again," I said we picked something up on the sensors and the portal seemed to turn on in the middle of the night! Isn't that crazy?! Must of needed to charge or something." My father laughed with glee. "Was that all you caught?" I asked,knowing I was crossing dangerous territory but had to know.

"Well yes! Why? Did you see anything last night son? Like one of those evil ghosts?! My father exclaimed. "Oh no,I was just curious is all." I said hurriedly afraid of catching my fathers interest. Good thing my mother had my back even if she didn't know it when she said,"Marco! Come over here and check out this amazing readings I'm getting!" "Coming hon!" My father said losing interest in our conversation right then and going over to my mother. "I'll leave you guys to it!" I called as I hurriedly turned around ready to leave that place and the thing that maybe killed.

"Wait honey!" Called my mother as she didn't looked up from the readings or whatever she was onto now when she said,"Me and your father are going out and try to find some ghosts,your going to clean the lab ok?" She phrased it like a question but it was obviously something I had to do so I quietly sighed and said,"Ok mother." Even though she was already turned back to the readings. I sighed and again and decided to go try and read for the next hour if the book won't fall out of my hands or something for the next hour is so till they go out on 'patrol' which is then going around town and doing property damage while I have to clean the lab. Let's just hope for a quiet night and a fast clean up.

I have a feeling that's not happening though.