
The Guardian

He has cancer, and she is the most cheerful person he's ever met. Soon, his pointless life will take an unexpected turn!

damianczapla1212 · Realistic
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2 Chs



I didn't take Alice with me until two days later, when the waves of summer heat ceased and were replaced by passing rainfall.The weather as a whole was becoming more unpredictable by the day. Groups of unlucky people who had ventured outside with some destination were probably now regretting it. As I found out, the girl had been staying at her grandfather's house the whole time playing with toys hour after hour, and she herself was not fully aware of what was going on.

- Just be careful! - said my father as we stepped outside the door, his grey hair seemed to be blowing in the wind and his wrinkled face had turned from a happy face to a sad one.

Our first and at the same time longer conversation took place when we reached the platform where we were to go to my house. The place was unchanged, after all, it had been two days since I had been here, the place was full of small benches with no backrest, and there was a row of rubbish bins by the walls. I went to the window where a man much younger than me stood and bought a ticket.

- Are we going to take the train? - Alice asked, pulling me by the sleeve of my jacket. When I looked at her, I noticed for the first time her delicate, chubby cheeks, which unnaturally began to lift due to a childish grimace.

- Yes — I replied — Why, don't you like trains?

Alice didn't answer, instead she sat down on one of the many benches and swung her legs back and forth.

- I've always played with trains...she said after minutes of awkward silence — Trains Trains are cool, but I don't want to be away home...e....

Of course I understood what she meant, it's only been a week since her mother died and her grandfather took care of her, the change of environment seems to be the biggest problem for a child now...

- Hey, now, now... I crouched down in front of her, having the impression that she was going to start crying — After After all, I am your uncle, your family, you will stay with me now...

- And you, uncle?

- hmm?

- Do you like trains? - she asked, resting her head on his right shoulder, just like a dog that he addresses by name.

- Sure! Trains are very fast, and riding them gives us beautiful views...

- It doesn't look like the one I was playing with...

- You know, there are many other trains...

- Which ones?

- You know...why don't we go inside before our train leaves?

She nodded.

And then something happened that I didn't expect, Alice hugged me and I patted her tiny back, reciprocating the hug.

The feeling of warmth returned once again. A short time later we boarded one of the rear carriages and awaited departure, which came about a quarter of an hour later. The menu was as rich as before; home-cooked food, restaurant food and something sweet for dessert. I decided to buy Alice an ice-cream, which apparently pleased her not so much as fascinated her, maybe she had actually been feeling the fun since time immemorial? Or maybe it was me who felt it? Sometimes I am an enigma to myself. Our order was served by waitresses, the same as before - with a slender figure that would become the object of envy of many a model. I noticed that this time they were wearing different uniforms, unlike before, these were crimson.

- Yummy! - replied Alice, while I looked thoughtfully through the window of the compartment.

- We'll probably arrive in the evening... - I thought.

We spent the rest of the journey talking, admiring the view from the window and she even insisted that I say something about my favourite toys, but I refused.


We arrived home before dark, I showed Alice some cartoon on TV and started cleaning up. First to go was the remains of uneaten food, the stench of which was so strong that I had to open the window to let in some air. I then grabbed the scattered clothes and quickly packed them into the cupboard. Alice didn't seem to mind the mess or the cramped conditions. She was just watching cartoons...

- Alice, I'm going to go throw this rubbish away

- Mhmm... - she replied, glued to the screen...

When I got back, Alice was already asleep, I picked her up gently and then moved her to my bed so she would be comfortable. I sat down at the kitchen counter and pulled out the first better newspaper.

- If I want to take care of her, I should find some work...We can't live only on my savings...we need money for clothes, furniture and other such things...

My watch indicated twenty o'clock. I grabbed a box of instant coffee and then, having put the water on, I started looking for a job. A full-time job was out, because I couldn't leave her alone, not now that I had promised to take care of her. On the last page of the newspaper, there were job advertisements in bold print. They were mainly looking for carpenters and plumbers, which didn't really suit me...


The phone's display turned white and a new message appeared on the top of the phone.

I reluctantly entered the pin number, which was also my code to unlock the phone, and then read:

"Glenn, the new school year starts in a month, remember to sign Alice up for school!"


I almost fell off my chair, well I did!

September is starting soon, how could I forget that!