
The Guardian Planet. [O Planeta Guardião]

[NOTICE English chapters are translated by Google translator] SINOPSE ENGLISH: The protagonist of 21 years of the year 2023 AD who reincarnates as the consciousness of Planet Earth in an interstellar era, he will have to protect himself from other races that have technology and "magic" superior to that of humans while trying to evolve. The story takes place 4650 years from the Christian calendar where the earth advanced to the point of colonizing the solar system, with the advancement of technology an "energy" was discovered that is everywhere, some call it "Magic" others "Qi" others of ki or Reiki. Depending on the technique used, it will bring different effects and different names, after such an energy was discovered it was called Primordial Energy. SINOPSE PORTUGUÊS: O protagonista de 21 anos do ano 2023 d.C que reencarna como a consciência do Planeta Terra em uma era interestelar, ele terá que se proteger de outras raças que possuem tecnologia e "magia" superior ao dos humanos enquanto tenta evoluir. A história se passa 4650 anos do calendário cristão onde a terra avançou a ponto de colonizar o sistema solar, com o avançar da tecnologia foi descoberto uma "energia" que está em todo lugar, alguns os chamam de "Magia" outros de "Qi" outros de ki ou Reiki. Dependendo da técnica que se usa trará efeitos diferentes e nomes diferentes, depois que tal energia foi descoberta ela foi intitulada de Energia Primordial.

Ghost_Friend · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Death - AD 2023 [ENGLISH]

Brazil 2023 AD

A man named Miguel is at his house, Miguel has been an orphan since he was young, lives alone and works as a programmer and is not very social.

- The food is over again, will I have to go out to buy a noodle or order a pizza? - says Miguel

Well, better save a little, thought Miguel.

Miguel goes to a supermarket to buy 3 noodles and returns, during the return he hears a shooting, nothing unusual, just another day in Rio de Janeiro.

After returning home and making the noodles Miguel realizes that the packaging says that the noodles are only valid until 02/01/2021.

- shit, do I eat or not? - says Miguel

- well, since it's ready, you're lucky, right? Like that saying, what doesn't kill is fattening - says Miguel and started to eat.

{Author's note: yeah, he died with spoiled food, never believe in luck, it can kill you}

After Miguel opens his eyes, all he sees is the dark, he tries to open his eyes but he can't, it's actually like he doesn't have any more eyes, after he realized he couldn't see he tried to touch his eyes, until he finds out that he doesn't even have a hand, after despairing for about 2 hours Miguel calms down and tries to understand the situation of his body.

- calm down, try to remember the last thing you did, I finished adjusting the firewall, went out to eat, ate the noodles and went to sleep, WHY am I like this? I can't even move a member of my body - Miguel thought

- did I die? Or am I blind? But if I am blind, why can't I move other members? And if I died because I didn't go to heaven or hell, if the two didn't exist then there shouldn't be an afterlife right?

After calming down and trying to understand what's going on again, Miguel tries to focus on his body, and oddly enough this time he saw something ..

Is that ... A balloon with a string ?? - says Miguel

After calming down and understanding what is happening Miguel finally accepted that it turned into a "balloon with a string" and the worst part is not even that.

- I ... am I bored? It seems that the "air" is leaking from me? - says Miguel.

2 days later, Miguel already accepted the fact that he became a punctured balloon, after much thought he came to the conclusion that when the balloon is totally out of breath it will be when he will die, after accepting his destiny he decided to think of a way to "see" so that he can at least see before he dies, after that he tried several ways, until one hour he realized that if he took the "air" from the balloon and transformed it into a kind of aura around the body he can see, the downside is that he consumes the air faster and will be empty faster, after accepting the destination and expanding his aura to about 10 meters he started to go around, the place where he was was in his fourth, he even saw his body there.

- since I'm going to die, better than going out to see the world - says Miguel.

17 days later.

Miguel in front of a park, at this moment he is almost completely empty, although he accepted his "destiny" in the end, nobody wants to die so in these last moments he is desperate, to calm down he decided to meditate according to those monk stories , after starting to meditate it was as if the world was full of super small fireflies, some shone in blue, others in brown, others in red, it had almost all colors, among the colors the blue was the most and they shined more , brown was second, after thinking for a while he discovered that it is possible to put these "fireflies" inside his body, so he thought that if he filled his body with it he would not be empty and would not die, well, he would not really be empty but it was as if the "air" in his body that was leaking was a different type of "energy" that these fireflies give, so no matter how much he put in his body it didn't change the fact that he is dying, until at a time when absorbing so many fireflies had "changed" something in his soul (the balloon) in the upper part of his body a spiral hole appeared, that aspiral started to absorb all the "fireflies" in the surroundings and after entering the aspiral it turned into "AR" and fill the balloon!

Although it was still leaking, the speed of absorption was greater than that of emptying.

After Miguel discovered that the speed is greater than the expense, he increased his aura to 50m so that he can see, in the next few days it was just wonderful, one of the first things he did was obviously go to the cinema without having to pay for tickets .

1 year later things started to get a little repetitive, he can't interact with things or talk to other people, he even went to the hospital to see if he sees another soul like him, but it seems that other people's souls are different , it is as if the air comes out almost instantly after leaving the body, after seeing so many souls "disappear" he started to wonder if heaven and hell exist and is he some kind of bug?

So he decided to look for heaven or hell, but the question is, where is it? Will I have to fly into space? Is there some kind of different dimension? Once he tried to go into space, but the farther he gets from the earth, the less "fireflies" there are, if he goes up too much he will lose more air than supply, he also discovered that with the fireflies he absorbs he can transform it into a type of neutral energy, that energy can transform into any other type of energy, including soul power (he titled the "air" of the soul power balloon)

After knowing that he cannot go up he decided to go down, after all, if hell exists and he is not in another dimension he should be at the center of the planet right? Then he started to go down.

- it must be about 5 years that I'm going down, the more I go down the bigger and brighter the lights become, it seems that the more "strong" the lights become, the slower I get, at that speed it won't take long for me to walk at speed of a turtle, well, at least it seems that my soul is getting stronger from absorbing these lights - says Miguel

after their size and brightness increased Miguel realized that these lights are not exactly fireflies, they are more literally a light or a type of energy

Miguel kept going down until at a moment it seems that he entered a kind of "sea" of blue lights, here they are all blue and although I do not see it because it is under the ground it is as if I felt the "sea" and in the center of that sea there seems to be a type of fish.

[Author's note: it looks like in the next chapter it will finally become the planet ~

I tried to make the protagonist in a way that he didn't look like a very superficial person but it seems that I didn't do it very well, well it's the first "book" I write, I'll try to improve it]