
The Guardian Of The Multiverse

In the real world, there lived a young adult with a simple life. Until one fateful night, a small meteor barely noticeable landed near his home, then his entire life completely changed. He once fantasized about being a superhero but who would have thought that his dream would come true? Follow the story of the once called Adriel now Karito in his new adventure of being the multiverse's sole protector. He will fall, he will stand. But will he be up to the task of saving everything in reality? Let a new story unfold...

ElectricWrites · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Beginning Of A Journey Part 2

Location: The Gala

The meticulous dance of subterfuge unfolds seamlessly as each guard, one after another, succumbs to the relentless accuracy of the arrows, finding their marks with unwavering precision. From the vantage point of the rooftop, the sentinel's vigil is disrupted by the sudden realization of his compatriot's fate below, a piercing arrow penetrating his chest, heralding his descent into the abyss. Emerging from the shadows, Agent Barton, flanked by two skilled mercenaries, halts in their tracks as their progress is arrested by the presence of a highly sophisticated security protocol, its unwavering vigilance demanding an ocular imprint unique to its proprietor. Patience becomes their ally as they await the return of Loki, entrusted with the acquisition of the requisite ocular artifact sought by Barton.

Within the opulent confines of the gala, Loki, garbed in the sartorial elegance befitting the occasion, navigates the hall with a measured stride, his gaze sweeping the expanse of the second floor in search of his coveted quarry. Descending the staircase with resolute determination, he chooses a path of audacious aggression. With an authoritative blow from his scepter, he swiftly incapacitates the first bodyguard, rendering him insensate in a single resounding strike. A tremor of panic permeates the gathering as Loki seizes his intended target, forcibly dragging him into the heart of the chamber, where he deftly positions him atop the imposing bull statue. Retrieving a device bristling with menacing pincers, Loki sets it into motion, a malevolent contraption spinning with relentless ferocity.

Meanwhile, Agent Barton, bearing a similar apparatus, forcefully deploys it against the scanning mechanism, employing his expertise to bypass its formidable defenses. As Loki revels in his sadistic play, impaling the device into the hapless victim's eye, the room resounds with agonized screams and convulsions, a symphony of torment elicited by the unbearable pain inflicted upon the unfortunate soul. Dread overtakes the witnessing throng as blood seeps and flesh rends under the relentless assault of the drilling device. Unfazed, Loki savors the chaos he has sown, a devilish grin adorning his countenance.

Simultaneously, Agent Barton successfully gains entry into the clandestine chamber, securing the coveted Iridium from its well-guarded sanctuary. The cessation of Loki's macabre spectacle prompts him to withdraw the instrument of torment from the lifeless eyes of his victim, now consigned to eternal darkness. Observing the panicked flight of the populace beyond, he adopts an unhurried pace, gradually shedding his mortal guise to reveal his resplendent Asgardian regalia. Taking to the open expanse outside, Loki conjures illusions of himself, effectively thwarting the escape of the hapless throngs. A fleeting police vehicle, its intrusion a futile gesture, falls victim to Loki's swift retribution, its aerial somersault a testament to his unwavering dominion. Now fixated upon the crowd, he revels in an ostentatious display of supreme superiority, a grandiose manifestation of his profound narcissism.

(Loki) "Kneel before me."

The atmosphere was fraught with tension as the crow's terrified screams pierced the air, echoing with a chilling resonance. Loki, his patience waning, channelled his mounting frustration into a forceful strike, the tip of his scepter impacting with a resounding thud. In that instant, a blinding radiance emanated from the scepter, casting an ominous glow that seemed to swallow the surrounding darkness, while a haunting sound reverberated through the space, evoking a sense of impending doom.

(Loki) "I SAID KNEEL!!!"

A hushed silence enveloped the room as a collective submission took hold, compelling each individual to obey the commands of the deranged figure before them. Loki, his countenance adorned with a sinister smile, relished in the intoxicating sensation of power, akin to that of a monarch surveying his subjects. The pitiful humans, now prostrated at his feet, fueled his excitement, igniting a fervor within him to further dominate and subjugate them. And so, with an air of grandiosity, Loki prepared to deliver an oration that would solidify his position of supremacy.

(Loki) "Is not this simpler?

With an imposing stride, Loki embarked on a deliberate procession through the throng, the assembled masses parting before him in reverence and trepidation. Their deference created a path, a sacred passage for the enigmatic figure to traverse, a testament to the sway he held over their hearts and minds. Undeterred by the awestruck gazes and the respectful distance they maintained, Loki's voice resonated with a compelling authority as he wove his words into an enchanting tapestry, captivating their attention and leaving an indelible mark upon their souls.

(Loki) "Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble of power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel."

Amidst the sea of submissive figures, one elderly gentleman, fueled by indignation and a sense of wounded pride, gradually rose from his humble posture. His weathered countenance bore witness to a life rich with experience and resilience, and now it conveyed a burning resolve. The audacity of this interloper's words had ignited a fiery ember within him, compelling him to defy the imposed subservience and demand the restoration of dignity. With a steely determination, he vowed that this affront would not go unanswered, for he recognized the imperative to stand up against such brazen disrespect.

(Old man) "Not to men like you."

(Loki) Chuckles "There are no men like me."

(Old man) "There are always men like you."

In a chilling display of authority, Loki raised his scepter, its gleaming tip aimed unwaveringly at the defiant figure of the elderly man. The weight of the moment hung in the air, fraught with the impending decision that could seal a fate of life or death. The malicious glint in Loki's eyes betrayed his malevolent intent, considering the irrevocable act of extinguishing a life before the assembled multitude. The ancient power of the scepter hummed with an ominous energy, poised to unleash its lethal force upon the unfortunate target, casting a shadow of uncertainty and trepidation over all who bore witness to this critical juncture.

(Loki) "Look to your elder, people. Let him be an example."

In a mesmerizing display of ethereal luminescence, Loki's scepter radiated an incandescent brilliance, pulsating with otherworldly power. The dazzling glow enveloped the chamber, casting an eerie aura that seemed to distort the very fabric of reality. With unwavering precision, a beam of concentrated energy surged forth from the scepter's celestial core, hurtling towards the elderly man, its trajectory poised to seal his tragic fate.

In a moment of profound resignation, the old man closed his eyes, his countenance a portrait of acceptance. Resolute in preserving his dignity, he embraced his impending demise, a testament to his unwavering spirit and refusal to succumb to the tyrannical whims of Loki. Yet, fate intervened with an extraordinary twist of providence.

As if summoned by the tides of destiny, Captain America emerged with impeccable timing, his indomitable shield acting as a stalwart defender of justice. With a seamless display of superhuman agility and unwavering resolve, he intercepted the malevolent energy with a deft stroke, redirecting the destructive force back towards its malefactor.

The room trembled with the impact of the rebounded assault, a symphony of cosmic energy colliding with the ground. Loki, momentarily stunned and toppled from his vantage point, found himself sprawled upon the cold, unyielding surface. The dichotomy of power and vulnerability played out in his dethroned posture, a potent reminder of the inherent equilibrium of forces in the grand tapestry of existence.

(Captain America) "You know, the last time I was in Germany, and saw a man standing above everyone else, we ended up disagreeing."

(Loki) Looks up "The soldier. The man out of time."

(Captain America) "I'm not the one who's out of time."

Agent Romanoff swiftly piloted the quinjet into the fray, activating the menacing machine gun mounted on its frame. As the weapon unleashed its lethal barrage, her authoritative voice resounded through the speakers.

(Agent Romanoff) Static "Loki, drop the weapon and stand down."

In a display of unwavering determination, Loki refused to succumb to surrender. As he prepared to unleash his wrath upon Agent Romanoff, his malevolent intentions were abruptly interrupted by the unexpected intervention of a mysterious figure. In a remarkable demonstration of supernatural prowess, strands of webbing materialized and swiftly ensnared Loki, lifting him aloft with a force that defied human capabilities.

(Loki) "WHA-?"

(Spider-Man) "Surprise Mother Fucker!"

Spider-Man Pov

Alright, let's rewind a bit before I go all spidey-crazy. So, when Cap took his shot, I went full-on invisible mode, like the sneaky spider I am. Then, out of the blue, Nat pops in with the quinjet, guns blazing and all. Now, here's where it gets hilarious. I use that distraction to shoot myself into the air, courtesy of the quinjet's propulsion. Can you picture it? Spider-Man, flying through the sky like some web-slinging superhero...oh, wait, that's actually me!

But just as I'm about to give Loki a taste of my awesomeness, bam! It's like someone hits the rewind button in my brain. A flashback, man! So, instead of landing a punch, I shoot a web straight at Loki's chest and hoist him up into the air. Talk about a surprise elevator ride!

Now, get this. I decide to go all out with my Venom blast because, hey, Loki's a god and if I want to make a dent, I gotta bring the big guns. And guess what? There's a little fireworks show right where I hit him. Boom! Did I just become the official Spidey pyrotechnics expert? Holy moly, that explosion was way cooler than I expected! I mean, did you see that?! Spider-Man bringing the boom!

Now excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor. Turns out, this friendly neighborhood spider has got some serious power!

(Captain America) "Did you...just knock him out?"

Alright, let's take a moment to appreciate the glorious sight before me. There lies Loki, the mighty trickster, sprawled out on the floor like a discarded sandwich wrapper. I mean, the guy's not moving, but hey, he's still breathing. Can't deny him that, right?

(Agent Romanoff) "What the hell did you just do Spider-Man?"

(Spider-Man) "I...uh...I just used the full power of my...venom blast..."

(Captain America) "Anyways, he's down for the count. Let's take him in."

(Spider-Man) "I...uhh...Okay, let's do that."

Well, talk about perfect timing! Just when we thought we were all set to take Loki away and have a nice little villain-vacation in the quinjet, Iron Man swoops in like a flashy, metallic knight in shining armor. I mean, seriously, does he have a built-in radar for superhero team-ups or something?

So there we were, Captain America gripping Loki like he's a bag of groceries, Agent Romanoff skillfully securing those pesky cuffs on the trickster's wrists, and me, the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, trying not to trip over my own excitement. And then, BAM! Iron Man lands right next to us, making a grand entrance that could put fireworks to shame.

Now, I have to admit, seeing Iron Man up close and personal is always a thrill. The sleek armor, the glowing arc reactor, the whole "I'm-a-billionaire-superhero" vibe he's got going on. It's like witnessing a walking, talking tech convention. And here I am, in my spandex suit, feeling slightly underdressed. Note to self: invest in some cooler gadgets.

But hey, I won't let my envy distract me from the mission at hand. With Iron Man joining the party, it looks like our little team of heroes is about to get even more formidable. And I have a feeling things are about to get a whole lot more interesting. Strap in, folks, because this ride is far from over!

(Iron Man) "Did you miss me, Miss Romanoff?"

(Agent Romanoff) "You're late, the party ended before I even began."

(Iron Man) "Wait for real? Who stole my spotlight?"

(Agent Romanoff) "That would be him" Points at Spider-Man

(Spider-Man) "Sup"

(Iron Man) "Well, good job Spider. Names Tony Stark, The Iron Man. But I think you already knew that right?" Extends hand

(Spider-Man) "Of course, Stark. Who doesn't?" Takes it

(Iron Man) "Captain."

(Captain America) "Mr. Stark."

Small time skip...

So, there we were, all crammed into the quinjet like a bunch of sardines in a can. Loki, our not-so-friendly neighborhood Asgardian, finally regained consciousness after what felt like an eternity of silence. It was as if he had a sudden realization that his charming monologues weren't going to work on us.

Meanwhile, Iron Man and Captain America were deep in conversation, probably discussing superhero fashion trends or debating who has the shiniest suit. It's always amusing to see those two together, each with their own brand of charm and bravado. I couldn't help but jump in, eager to join the banter and add my two cents. After all, who doesn't love a good superhero pow-wow?

As the quinjet soared through the sky, with Agent Romanoff taking the wheel like a pro, the atmosphere was oddly tense. But just as I was getting comfortable in my seat, enjoying the superhero chitchat, Nick Fury's unmistakable voice crackled through the coms. It was like a rude interruption in the middle of a good conversation.

(Nick Fury) On the radio "Is he saying anything?"

(Agent Romanoff) "Not a word."

(Nick Fury) On the radio "Just get him here. We're low on time."

As the quinjet cruised through the sky, my mind couldn't help but spin with confusion and curiosity. I mean, seriously, how in the name of all things web-slinging did I manage to knock out Loki with just a single venom blast? It defied all logic and common sense.

I took a moment to reflect on my own capabilities. Don't get me wrong, I've got some seriously cool spider-powers, but let's face it, I'm still the new kid on the block. I should be the underdog, the one who needs to level up and grind for experience points to stand a chance against powerful foes. But here I was, delivering a knockout blow to a god. It just didn't add up.

Unable to contain my bewilderment any longer, I reached out to Kara, my trusted ally and fellow crime-fighting companion, mentally summoning her for an explanation. I mean, she's the resident expert when it comes to all things superpowers and abilities. If anyone could shed some light on this mind-boggling situation, it had to be her.

As I waited for Kara's response, I couldn't help but wonder if there was some hidden potential within me, waiting to be unlocked. Was I destined for greatness beyond my wildest dreams? Or was this just some cosmic fluke, a glitch in the superhero matrix? Either way, I knew one thing for sure: I had a lot more to learn about my own powers and the extent of what I could achieve.

With a mix of excitement and trepidation, I eagerly anticipated Kara's insight. Maybe she had some superhero wisdom or a theory that could explain this unexpected turn of events. Whatever the case, I was ready to embrace the unknown and uncover the truth behind my astonishing power surge.

"Player, the reason behind your ability to knock out Loki with a single venom blast lies in the power of Miles Morales, the character you currently embody. In the comics, Miles has showcased incredible feats throughout his adventures. However, it's important to note that you caught Loki off guard, allowing you to deliver a critical blow. The system empowers you to evolve the characters you control beyond their peak potential."

"Miles Morales, as a character, possesses untapped power and often holds back, making it challenging to accurately assess his true strength. It's worth mentioning that he has proven capable of inflicting harm on formidable opponents such as Blackheart, Mephisto's son. And that wasn't even Miles at his full potential."

"While this may seem overpowered, it's crucial to avoid overconfidence. The system ensures that your adversaries will also grow stronger as you progress. Success in combat relies on a combination of skill, strategy, and a touch of luck, rather than simply relying on higher levels. Engaging an opponent like Thanos, for example, would be ill-advised at your current level of power. He far surpasses your capabilities."

"To maximize your potential, I recommend focusing on training and leveling up. This will enhance your combat skills, improve your overall experience, and enable you to become a more effective fighter. The system is here to support your growth and development, serving as your invaluable ally. Ultimately, success in this virtual world will depend on your dedication, perseverance, and skill."

I took a moment to process Kara's explanation. So, it seemed that levels weren't the ultimate deciding factor in my success. Skill played a more significant role. But if that were the case, then what purpose did levels serve?

"Skill unlocks. The higher level you are, the more skills you unlock."

Why didn't you tell me that before I started?

"Because you didn't ask."

Sigh... Fine, one last question.

"Yes, Player?"

If I'm using Miles Morales' peak powers from the comics, why couldn't I defeat Captain America?

"Because you were still learning to harness your abilities. Even though you gain them automatically, we thought it would be best for you to have a test drive before unlocking everything. That's why I updated your skills last night, right before starting the original timeline. Updates like these will happen regularly, just to keep you prepared."

I'm starting to understand now. The more I level up, the more my enemies grow with me. Battles are won through a combination of skill, luck, and abilities. And levels serve as an unlock system, granting me access to better skills. Okay, I've got it now. Thanks, Kara.

"You're welcome, Player."

With a sense of resolution, I refocused my attention on my surroundings. Steve and Stark were about to have a conversation, and it was time for me to listen in and understand the next steps.

(Captain America) "I don't like it."

(Iron Man) "What? Rock of Age giving up so easily?"

(Captain America) "I don't remember it being easy."

(Spider-Man) "Yeah I kinda agree with Captain here, I thought he was gonna go crazy when waking up, but he's just sitting there...menacingly."

(Captain America) "Yeah I thought so too, this guy packs a wallop."

(Iron Man) "Still, you were pretty spry for an old fellow...What's your thing, Pilates?"

(Spider-Man) "Nah I doubt it."

(Iron Man) "What makes you so sure?"

(Spider-Man) "I don't know. I'm the chaotic one in the group before you came in and now it's 2 chaotic people."

(Iron Man) "Well, I'm just a little bit too much for some people."

(Spider-Man) "You should tell that to Coulson, he's fun to tease."

(Iron Man) "Oh, you too? He just makes it so easy you know?"

(Spider-Man) "Especially when he fangirls about Captain, it's a hilarious sight, I promise."

(Iron Man) "I'll take your word for it Spider. Wanna grab a drink later after this?"

(Spider-Man) "Sure man, I could go for a round. Can we go to clubs?"

(Iron Man) "You speaking my language."

(Spider-Man) "Alright, bet."

I felt a familiar tingling sensation in my spider-sense, alerting me to the presence of danger. As I looked out of the quinjet, I could see the darkening sky and hear the crackling of thunder. Thor had arrived, and I knew things were about to take an interesting turn.

(Agent Romanoff) "Where is this coming from?"

(Spider-Man) "Romanoff, I feel like someone is doing this be careful."

(Agent Romanoff) "How do you know?"

(Spider-Man) "I got a 6th sense that tells me of danger. And this is it."

As the lightning intensified outside, Loki's demeanor shifted, and a flicker of fear crossed his face. The crackling bolts of electricity cast an ominous glow, illuminating the unease in his eyes. It was clear that even the self-proclaimed God of Mischief was momentarily taken aback by the raw power and ferocity of the storm.

(Captain America) "What's the matter? Are you scared of lightning?"

(Spider-Man) "I don't think it's the lightning Captain."

(Loki) "That statement is true, I'm not overly fond of what follows."

(Spider-Man) "It's Thor, isn't it?"

(Loki) "You are correct."

(Spider-Man) "Shit, everyone get ready just in case the God of thunder isn't so friendly."

As soon as I finished speaking, a resounding thud echoed from above the quinjet, causing a momentary loss of balance for all of us onboard. Sensing the imminent danger, I swiftly donned my Spider-Man mask, while Tony secured his helmet and Captain gripped his shield with determination. The atmosphere brimmed with anticipation as we readied ourselves for an impending confrontation. With a swift motion, Iron Man initiated the opening of the quinjet's hangar, signaling the beginning of our next battle.

(Captain America) "What are you doing?!"

As Captain posed his question, a thunderous arrival shook the quinjet's interior, signifying the arrival of Thor. With a keen gaze, he surveyed the surroundings, his eyes narrowing as they fell upon his mischievous brother, Loki. In a swift motion, Thor closed the distance between them, but his path was intercepted by Iron Man, who unleashed a blast in his direction. Reacting with lightning-fast reflexes, Thor delivered a mighty blow to Iron Man's chest, propelling him across the quinjet to the opposite side. Seizing the opportunity, Thor clasped Loki's throat firmly, his grip exuding both strength and authority. With a mighty swing of his hammer, he spun himself into the air, soaring out of the quinjet, taking Loki with him. As Iron Man regained his footing, he wasted no time in pursuing Thor, determined to restore order to the chaotic situation.

(Iron Man) "Now there's that guy."

(Spider-Man) "This now got more troublesome. Let's catch up."

(Agent Romanoff) "Another Asgardian?!"

(Spider-Man) "Yup, Thor the god of thunder."

(Agent Romanoff) "You have got to be kidding me."

(Captain America) "Is that guy a friendly?"

(Spider-Man) "He is but I have a feeling there's some misunderstanding."

(Iron Man) "It doesn't matter. If he frees Loki or kills him, the Tesseract is lost."

(Spider-Man) "He's not gonna do either."

(Iron Man) "How'd you know huh?"

(Spider-Man) "Because that's his brother. He most likely gonna take him back to Asgard."

Iron Man, propelled by determination and powered by his suit, surged forward with great speed, his sights fixed on Thor. The metallic clanking of his armor reverberated through the quinjet as he charged towards the God of Thunder, ready to confront him head-on. But before he could leave Captain America interjected.

(Captain America) "Wait! Stark, we need a plan of attack!"

(Iron Man) "I have a plan, attack."

I quickly shot a web to his back and he looks at me menacingly.

(Iron Man) "Are you stopping me?"

(Spider-Man) "No dumbass, you're gonna be my Uber."

(Iron Man) Sigh "Fine but don't fall off."

(Spider-Man) "Don't worry, I'll be fin-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence as Iron Man took flight.

(Spider-Man) "OH, SHIT HAAAAAA!"

Captain America was left behind and he rushes to get a parachute to follow us.

(Agent Romanoff) "I'll sit this one our Cap."

(Captain America) "I don't see how I can."

(Agent Romanoff) "These guys come from legends. They're basically gods."

(Captain America) "There's only one God, ma'am. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress up like that."

Captain America then runs and jumps, now free-falling.

Scene change

Forest, on a mountain.

No Pov

With a mighty descent, Thor's boots met the rugged surface of the mountain, sending reverberations through the terrain. In a display of raw strength, he seized Loki, his grip unyielding, and forcefully drove him into the unforgiving ground. The collision elicited a guttural grunt of agony from Loki, his body succumbing to the immense impact. The clash of godly power and the earth beneath them resonated with a profound intensity, marking a pivotal moment in their tumultuous encounter.

(Loki) "ACK...UGH...Hahaha...Ughhhh."

(Thor) "Where is the Tesseract?"

(Loki) "Haha, I missed you, too."

(Thor) "Do I look to be in a gaming mood?!"

(Loki) Slowly stands up "Ugh...You should thank me. With the Bifrost gone, how much dark energy did the all father have to muster to conjure you here? To your precious Earth."

Thor throws his hammer down and grabs Loki's shoulder.

(Thor) "I thought you were dead."

(Loki) "...Did you mourn?"

(Thor) "We all did. Our father..."

(Loki) Puts finger up "Your...father."

Thor lets go of Loki as Loki continues to talk.

(Loki) "He did tell you my true parentage, did he not?" Starts walking away while holding his right rib in pain

(Thor) "We were raised together. We played together, we fought together. Do you remember none of that?"

(Loki) Turns around to face Thor "I remember a shadow. Living in the shade of your greatness. I remember you tossing me into an abyss. I, who was, and should be, King!"

(Thor) "So you take the world that I love as a recompense for your imagined slights? No, the Earth is under my protection, Loki."

(Loki) Laughs "And you're doing a marvelous job with that. The humans slaughter each other in droves while you idly fret. I mean to rule them, as to why should I not?

(Thor) "You think yourself above them?"

(Loki) "Well, yes."

(Thor) "Then you miss the truth of ruling, brother. A throne would suit you ill."

Loki looks at Thor in shock and pushes him to the side as he returns back to the spot where Thor threw him.

(Loki) "I've seen worlds you never known about! I have grown, Odinson, in my exile. I have seen the true power of the Tesseract, and when I wield it..."

(Thor) "Who showed you this power? Who controls the would-be king?"

(Loki) "I AM A KING!"

(Thor) "NOT HERE! You gave up the tesseract! You give up this poisonous dream!" Places his hand on Lokis cheek gently "You come home."

(Loki) Chuckles "Ah...I don't have it."

Thor calls his hammer and grabs it preparing to force Loki to answer.

(Loki) "You need the cube to bring me home. But I've sent it off, I know not where."

(Thor) "Listen well, brother...I-" Get's tackled by IronMan

Under the moonlit sky, Iron Man hurtles towards Thor, their armors glinting in the pale, silvery light. Their collision sends shockwaves through the air, their powerful blows reverberating with a resounding intensity. The night bears witness to this clash of mighty warriors, as their energies intertwine amidst the darkness.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man descends gracefully from the shadows, landing beside the subdued figure of Loki.

(Spider-Man) "Well, hello there."

(Loki) "Ugh, not you again."

(Spider-Man) "Hell yeah, it's me."

New Quest

Gain Thor as an Ally

10K Gold


(Spider-Man) Mumbles "No skill this time? Seriously?" Sigh

With his web-shooters whirring into action, Spider-Man deftly ensnares Loki, entwining him in an intricate cocoon of sticky strands. The captured Asgardian struggles against his restraints, but the webbing holds him fast, restricting his movements and leaving him at Spider-Man's mercy.

Harnessing the incredible agility bestowed upon him by his arachnid-based powers, Spider-Man catapults himself through the air with astonishing athleticism, propelled by a powerful leap. Against the nocturnal backdrop, his dark-clad figure traverses the skies, a testament to his newfound role as a defender of justice.

Meanwhile, Iron Man's resolute resolve manifests in a powerful strike, causing Thor to plummet to the ground. The thunderous impact reverberates through the earth, leaving Thor momentarily disoriented, yet his indomitable spirit quickly rekindles his determination. Rising from the ground, he fixes his gaze upon his newfound adversary, a glint of defiance in his eyes, ready to face the challenge before him.

(Thor) "Do not touch me again."

(Iron Man) "Then don't take my stuff."

(Thor) "You have no idea what you're dealing with."

(Iron Man) Looks back "Uh...Shakespeare in the Park? Doth, mother know you wear-eth her drapes~?"

(Thor) "This is beyond you metal man. Loki will face Asgardian justice. He gives up the cube, he's all yours. Until then, stay out of my way."

(Iron Man) Walks away "Tourist."

As Iron Man strode forward with purpose, a sense of invincibility emanating from his formidable suit, Thor seized the opportune moment to retaliate. With a mighty swing of his enchanted hammer, Mjolnir, the thunderous weapon hurtled through the air towards Iron Man's unsuspecting back. Yet, fate had other plans as a delicate yet unyielding spider-web, skillfully deployed, snared Iron Man and swiftly pulled him out of harm's way.

The resounding impact of Mjolnir echoed through the night, the majestic hammer finding an unintended target in the form of a sturdy tree, which quivered under the force of the collision. The arboreal sentinel groaned in protest, its branches trembling as if protesting against the unleashed power.


(Thor) "Shut up, bug man you're next."

(Spider-Man) "Wait, Thor, listen. We started on the wrong foot okay? Let's just talk things out!"

(Thor) "There's nothing to talk about!"

With lightning reflexes matching his namesake, Iron Man swiftly responded to Thor's distracted state. Harnessing the might of his repulsor technology, a brilliant burst of energy erupted from Iron Man's gauntlets, propelled with pinpoint precision towards the thunder god. The luminous blast surged forth, tracing a path through the nocturnal haze, en route to its intended target.

Simultaneously, Iron Man executed a seamless motion, his armored leg extending with remarkable agility, delivering a forceful front kick that found its mark squarely upon Thor's formidable frame. The impact reverberated through the ancient woodland, as the Asgardian warrior was forcefully propelled through a tumultuous path, the dense foliage bearing witness to his unwelcome journey.

As Thor, god of thunder, careened through the arboreal realm, sturdy trees stood sentinel to his passage, their steadfast trunks tested against the fury of the collision. Limbs and leaves quivered in the aftermath, as if whispering their astonishment at the immense power displayed within their midst.

(Spider-Man) "Wait no!"

As Thor's advance came to an abrupt halt, a resolute determination ignited within his eyes. With an imperious gesture, he elevated Mjolnir, the fabled hammer, towards the celestial expanse above, invoking the primal forces of thunder and lightning. The very fabric of the heavens responded to his command, crackling with electric intensity, as tempestuous clouds coalesced in rapid succession.

In a cataclysmic display of power, bolts of lightning descended from the heavens, unleashed with the fury of a vengeful deity. Arcs of pure energy streaked across the night sky, converging upon the armored form of Iron Man and the nimble figure of Spider-Man. The air itself seemed to tremble with anticipation, charged with the volatile energy harnessed by the god of thunder.

Caught within the tempest's crosshairs, Iron Man and Spider-Man faced a formidable challenge. They braced themselves, their unwavering resolve etched upon their faces as the thunderous assault closed in. The sheer magnitude of Thor's lightning unleashed a blinding radiance, momentarily transforming the surrounding landscape into a tableau of incandescent brilliance.

As the unleashed electrical torrent hurtled towards them, the heroes mustered their inner fortitude, drawing upon their respective abilities to weather the impending storm. A surge of adrenaline coursed through their veins, heightening their senses and sharpening their reflexes, as they prepared to defy the very forces of nature arrayed against them.

(Spider-Man)"NGHHHHHHHHHHH HAAAAAAAAAA....What the hell?"

As the electrifying tempest surged forth, engulfing Spider-Man and Iron Man in its formidable grasp, a momentary pang of agony rippled through the web-slinger's consciousness. However, what could have been a debilitating strike transformed into a catalyst for his newfound empowerment. A surge of energy coursed through his veins, infusing his being with an electrifying force that seemed to transcend mortal limitations.

In a mesmerizing display of power, Spider-Man's very essence became imbued with a vibrant azure glow, akin to the ethereal radiance of lightning dancing across a darkened sky. The crackling arcs of blue electricity cascaded around him, an awe-inspiring testament to his inherent connection to the primal forces of electricity.

In this pivotal moment, Spider-Man's symbiotic bond with his arachnid powers evolved, allowing him to harness and absorb the overwhelming onslaught of Thor's thunderous fury. The absorbed energy acted as a wellspring of strength, empowering him beyond his usual limits and filling him with a heightened sense of purpose.

Simultaneously, Iron Man found himself subject to the electrifying torrent, but his suit, a marvel of technological ingenuity, proved more than a match for the formidable assault. The metallic exoskeleton, pulsating with its own internal energy, acted as a conduit for the surging power, transforming the suit into a veritable repository of raw electrical potential.

The iridescent glow enveloping Iron Man's armor intensified, shimmering with an otherworldly radiance that bespoke the immense energy now harnessed within. The suit, fortified by the colossal surge, reached unprecedented levels of power, its capabilities exponentially amplified, marking a truly electrifying transformation.

United by their shared connection to the electric forces unleashed upon them, Spider-Man and Iron Man stood as beacons of empowered might, their forms crackling with boundless energy. In this electrifying convergence of mortal and technological prowess, the battle assumed a renewed intensity, an explosive testament to the limitless potential residing within their newfound charge.

(Iron Man) "Huh, would you look at that?"

In a display of swift retaliation, Iron Man responded with unyielding resolve, his armored form ablaze with resolute determination. With seamless precision, he unleashed a barrage of potent energy blasts from his core and hand blasters, illuminating the battleground with scintillating streams of concussive force. The blistering beams, propelled with unerring accuracy, streaked through the air with the intent to subdue.

Yet, Thor, possessing an uncanny agility befitting his godlike nature, exhibited an acrobatic prowess that defied mortal limitations. In a feat of remarkable grace, he deftly evaded the onslaught, a symphony of motion embodying the fluidity of a masterful performer. With an elegant backflip, he soared through the air, executing a mid-air pirouette that culminated in a poised landing upon bended knee.

(Spider-Man) "Stop if you would just listen!"

With a resolute determination, Thor soared skyward, defying gravity's embrace as he ascended towards the celestial canvas above. His mighty hammer Mjolnir, an ethereal extension of his indomitable will, spun in perfect synchrony with his divine form. Iron Man, fueled by unwavering resolve, pursued the thunderous deity, his mechanized armor surging with unrelenting power.

As the clash of titans unfolded amidst the heavens, Spider-Man, ever vigilant, seized a moment of opportunity. With an audacious display of agility, he skillfully released a web that sought to ensnare Thor's aerial supremacy. However, the swift intervention of Iron Man disrupted this cunning maneuver, as he propelled himself with unyielding force, colliding with the web mid-flight.

The three combatants, intertwined by fate's design, became a celestial ballet, traversing the verdant tapestry of the forest. The mighty trees, guardians of nature's majesty, bore witness to the breathtaking spectacle that unfolded amidst their ancient limbs. The trio's path resembled a tempestuous journey, a symphony of destructive might interwoven with the essence of unforgiving nature.

Spider-Man, his agile form navigating the chaotic ballet with unparalleled finesse, bridged the divide between his companions and Thor. His venomous punches, imbued with an otherworldly strength, found their mark upon the thunderous deity, each strike resonating with the weight of a thousand storms.

Undeterred by the relentless assault, the God of Thunder summoned his immeasurable might, retaliating with a forceful push that disrupted the trio's harmonious ascent. Iron Man, momentarily disoriented by the unexpected turbulence, veered off course and descended upon the forest floor, his metallic form colliding with the earth in a display of raw power.

The trio, entangled in a maelstrom of motion and unleashed power, forged a path through the dense foliage, their trajectory marked by shattered bark and splintered timber. Their descent, like a meteor plummeting from the heavens, culminated in an earth-shaking impact that reverberated through the forest, an echo of their titanic struggle.

(Iron Man) "Ugh!"

(Spider-Man) "FUCK NGH!"

(Thor) "AHH ACKK!" The hammer falls to the ground

As the ethereal clash of metal and thunder reignited, Iron Man and Thor, steadfast in their resolve, reengaged in their cosmic ballet of combat. The air crackled with anticipation, poised to bear witness to the clash of these titanic forces.

With lightning reflexes, Thor unleashed a devastating haymaker upon Iron Man's countenance, the weight of his godly strength resonating with each resounding impact. Yet, unyielding in his determination, Iron Man retaliated in kind, his armored fist arcing through the tempestuous air. Alas, his strike was intercepted by the vice-like grip of Thor, who refused to relinquish his hold.

In a display of unwavering tenacity, Iron Man, undeterred by the predicament that held him captive, summoned the full might of his technological prowess. With his unencumbered hand, he sought to unleash a torrent of energy upon the Norse god. However, Thor, a paragon of indomitable power, effortlessly thwarted the assault, his grasp unyielding and resolute.

A confluence of brute strength and unyielding will emerged as these mighty adversaries locked in a titanic struggle. Iron Man's formidable armor groaned under the immense pressure exerted by Thor, the very essence of godly might threatening to rend its formidable defenses. With each passing moment, the strain became increasingly apparent, the telltale signs of a battle against insurmountable odds etched upon the armored visage of Iron Man.

Yet, in the face of impending defeat, Iron Man, a master of technological innovation, tapped into the wellspring of his ingenuity. A blinding surge of energy erupted forth, directed at the godly countenance of Thor. The ensuing clash of cosmic forces reverberated through the battleground, but Thor, imbued with divine resilience, weathered the onslaught with stoic determination.

Seizing the opportunity to retaliate, Thor unleashed a devastating head-butt, a testament to the unyielding power that coursed through his very being. Iron Man, propelled by the godly impact, hurtled through the air, his metallic form carried by the force of the blow. The resounding thud echoed through the hallowed grounds, marking the triumph of the thunderous deity over his valiant adversary.

In the tumultuous aftermath of their fierce clash, Iron Man, unwavering in his resilience, swiftly regained his composure. Harnessing the might of his formidable repulsor technology, he propelled himself towards Thor, seizing the opportunity to subdue his godly adversary. With deftness born of mastery, Iron Man ensnared Thor in an unyielding grip, their tumultuous dance of combat hurtling towards its next crescendo.

In a display of sheer force, Iron Man flung Thor with calculated precision, the thunderous impact reverberating through the surrounding landscape as the mighty Asgardian collided with an ancient sentinel of the forest. Undeterred by the jarring blow, Thor, a paragon of unyielding resilience, rose to his feet with unbridled determination. He surged forward, a veritable force of nature propelled by indomitable purpose, his path converging with Iron Man's.

In a symphony of power and skill, Thor unleashed a devastating haymaker, a manifestation of his divine strength. Iron Man, ever resourceful, met the divine onslaught head-on, his retaliatory cross punch propelled by years of honed combat expertise. Yet, in a feat of preternatural agility, Thor deftly evaded the incoming strike, delivering a punishing body blow to Iron Man's vulnerable core.

Seizing the moment, Thor seized Iron Man, hoisting him skyward with inhuman might. With resounding force, he slammed the valiant Avenger into the unforgiving earth below, the earth itself quivering under the weight of the godly assault. The thunderous deity, resolute in his pursuit of victory, summoned forth his celestial hammer, poised to deliver a cataclysmic blow to Iron Man's visage.

Yet, fate intervened in the form of Iron Man's swift and calculated maneuver. Utilizing his thrusters with uncanny precision, he evaded the imminent strike, causing Thor to plummet face-first into the ground. As the dust settled, Spider-Man, finally recovered from the chaotic turbulence that had beset him, emerged as a potent force once more.

In a display of electrifying prowess, Spider-Man surged forth, his lithe frame channeling the full might of his bio-electricity. With a resounding soccer kick, crackling with his arachnid energy, he sent Thor hurtling through the air, his godly form propelled by the sheer force of the blow. The seamless collaboration continued as Iron Man, akin to a celestial colossus, unleashed a Superman punch mid-flight, a veritable testament to the indomitable synergy of their combined might.

Yet, before the triumvirate could resume their relentless dance of combat, a figure emerged from the shadows. Captain America, a beacon of unwavering determination, descended upon the scene with unerring precision. His iconic shield, a testament to his unyielding resolve, found its mark, striking both Iron Man and Thor with resounding impact.

Spider-Man, guided by his uncanny spider-sense, leapt into action, snatching the shield from its perilous trajectory with unwavering agility. All three combatants turned their gaze upon Captain America, their attention now irrevocably drawn to this newfound presence amidst the tumultuous theater of battle.

(Captain America) "HEY!" That's enough!"

Captain America then jumps from a large rock and lands on his feet.

(Captain America) "Now, I don't know what you plan on doing here."

(Thor) "I've come here to put an end to Loki's schemes."

(Captain America) "Then prove it. Put the hammer down."

(Iron Man) "Uh...Yeah, No. Bad call. He loves his hammer-"

Thor backswings Iron Man away sending him flying.


As Thor, the embodiment of godly might, ascended into the heavens with a resolute leap, Captain America's countenance betrayed a flicker of trepidation. However, before uncertainty could fully ensnare the stalwart leader, Spider-Man, driven by an unwavering sense of duty, charged forth with unyielding resolve. In a display of unwavering heroism, the agile arachnid shielded Captain America with his own body, wielding the iconic shield as a bastion of defense.

Unleashing the full force of his celestial hammer, Mjolnir, Thor brought the formidable weapon crashing down upon the interlocking embrace of Spider-Man's shield and Captain America's unwavering defense. The convergence of these mighty artifacts birthed a cataclysmic shockwave, its unforgiving energy reverberating through the once serene woodland. The very fabric of the forest succumbed to the tumultuous upheaval, a testament to the titanic clash that unfolded.

Thrown asunder by the overwhelming force of the resultant shockwave, Thor, mighty though he may be, found himself propelled backward, his body colliding unceremoniously with the earth beneath. Lying supine upon the scarred ground, the god of thunder struggled to regain his bearings, momentarily relinquishing his dominance in the face of this unexpected turn of events.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man, having shielded Captain America from the devastating impact, emerged triumphant, his unwavering defense serving as an impenetrable bulwark against Thor's wrath. Recognizing the necessity of Captain America's steadfast guardianship, Spider-Man extended his hand, returning the fabled shield to its rightful wielder with an air of solemnity and respect.

(Captain America) "Thank you Spider-Man, you saved me."

(Spider-Man) "No problem, if I didn't catch your shield you could've done the same."

(Captain America) "I think so too but still, thank you."

Everyone stood up and then looked at each other.

(Spider-Man) "So...are we done here?"

Scene change


Spider-Man Pov

Man, things escalated real quick back there. I mean, I was just trying to reason with Thor, but instead, we ended up wrecking a whole chunk of the forest. Guess that's what happens when you mix superheroes and god-like powers. But hey, on the bright side, I managed to complete the mission objective. Gotta give myself some credit for that.

Now it's all about getting Loki locked up tight. They've got him surrounded by a small army of guards, armed to the teeth. Talk about overkill. They waste no time hauling him off to this high-security glass cage, like something out of a sci-fi flick. And who's there, front and center, but good ol' Nick Fury himself. The man means business.

Nick strides up to the console controlling Loki's cage, looking all serious and in control. It's like he's about to have a one-on-one chat with the devil himself. Knowing Fury, he's got some tough questions up his sleeve. Can't wait to see how this plays out.

(Nick Fury) "In case it's unclear if you try to escape if you so much as scratch that glass..."

Nick Fury, that crafty son of a gun, goes ahead and opens a trapdoor right beneath Loki's feet. And let me tell you, the sound of those strong winds whooshing up from below is enough to send a chill down your spine. Loki, being the mischievous bastard he is, saunters right up to the edge of the cage and peeks down. I can't help but wonder what he's thinking. Is he contemplating an escape plan or just enjoying the view? Either way, it's a sight to behold, watching the God of Mischief teetering on the edge like that.

(Nick Fury) "It's 30,000 feet straight down in a steel trap. You get how that works?"

Nick Fury, ever the master of control, swiftly shuts the trapdoor, putting an end to those raging winds that threatened to blow us all away.

(Nick Fury) "Ant, Boot."

(Loki) Chuckles "It's an impressive cage. Not built, I think, for me."

(Nick Fury) "It's built for something a lot stronger than you."

(Loki) "Oh, I know. A mindless beast. Makes play he's still a man. How desperate are you, that you call on such lost creatures to defend you?

(Nick Fury) "How desperate am I? You threaten my world with war. You steal a force you can't hope to control. You talk about peace, and you kill because it's fun. You have made me very desperate."

(Loki) "Ooh. It burns you to have come so close. To have the Tesseract, to have power, unlimited power. And for what? A warm light for all of mankind to share. And then to be reminded what real power is."

(Nick Fury) Starts walking away "Well, let me know if "real power" wants a magazine or something."

After the conversation concluded, Steve, Thor, Bruce, Natasha, Tony, and yours truly gathered around the table, our attention firmly fixed on every word exchanged. The weight of the moment hangs in the air, palpable and unyielding.

(Dr. Banner) "He really grows on you, doesn't he?"

(Steve) "Loki is gonna drag this out. So, Thor what's his play?"

(Thor) "He has an army called the chitauri. They're not off Asgard, nor any known world. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the Earth, in return, I suspect, for the Tesseract."

(Steve) "An army...from outer space..."

(Spider-Man) "This keeps getting crazier and crazier."

(Dr. Banner) "So, he's building another portal. That's what he needs Erik Selvig for."

(Thor) "Selvig?"

(Dr. Banner) "He's an astrophysicist."

(Thor) "He's a friend."

(Agent Romanoff) "Loki has him under some kind of spell, along with one of ours."

(Spider-Man) "The real question is, why did Loki even let us take him and not fight back? Dude won't do shit while he's in here."

(Dr. Banner) "I don't think we should be focusing on Loki. That guy's brain is a bag full of cats. You could smell crazy on him."

(Thor) "Have a care how you speak. Loki is beyond reason, but he is of Asgard."

(Spider-Man) "I feel like there's an and, am I wrong?"

(Thor) "And he's my brother..."

(Spider-Man) "And the people he's killed?"

(Thor) "...He's adopted..."

(Dr. Banner) "I think it's about the mechanics. Iridium...What do they need Iridium for?"

(Spider-Man) "Most likely because it's a stabilizing agent."

Tony suddenly materializes out of thin air, seemingly appearing from nowhere, engaging in a conversation with Agent Coulson that appears to be shrouded in mystery and secrecy. Their words float in the air, drifting towards my ears with an elusive quality, leaving me to wonder what clandestine matters they are discussing.

(Tony Stark) "You are correct Karito. Anyways, I'm just saying, pick a weekend. I'll fly you to Portland. Keep love alive...OKAY, it means the portal won't collapse on itself as it did at S.H.I.E.L.D. No hard feelings, point break. You got a mean swing. Also, it means the portal can open widened and stay open for as long, as Loki wants. Uhh, Raise the mizzenmast. Jib the topsails. That man is playing Galaga!"

(Spider-Man) "Gary! I told you to call me when you're playing!"

As I scan the faces of my fellow teammates, I can't help but notice the collective expression of disbelief etched across their features. Their eyes meet mine, conveying a mix of surprise, exasperation, and perhaps even a hint of amusement. It's the kind of look that speaks volumes without uttering a single word – a silent chorus of "Seriously?" reverberating through the air. In that moment, I find myself caught in the spotlight, the recipient of their unspoken question. It's as if the universe has conspired to make me the center of attention, the target of their incredulous gazes. My cheeks flush with a tinge of embarrassment, and I can't help but offer a sheepish grin in response. Sometimes, it seems, my knack for finding myself in the most peculiar situations leaves even the most seasoned heroes bewildered. But hey, it's all part of being Spider-Man, right?

(Spider-Man) "What? Man's gotta entertain himself."

(Tony Stark) "How does Fury even see these?"

(Maria Hill) "He turns."

(Tony Stark) "Sounds exhausting...The rest of the raw materials, Agent Barton can get his hands on pretty easily. The only major component he still needs is a power source of high-energy density."

As the conversation unfolds, I can't help but notice Tony's subtle actions. With a knowing grin, he discreetly places a small device in a corner, a move that goes unnoticed by everyone except for me. You see, being from reality, I've had the privilege of watching "The Avengers" movie and I know exactly what's about to happen. While the others remain engrossed in their discussions, I can't help but feel a mix of amusement and anticipation. It's like having insider information, knowing the twists and turns of the story before they even unfold.

(Tony Stark) "Something to kick-start the cube."

(Maria Hill) "When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?"

(Tony Stark) "Last night."

As the conversation carries on, I suddenly realize that I still have my mask on. It's a habit, I suppose, a way to feel more in tune with my superhero persona. But right now, surrounded by the team, there's no need for the mask. I reach up and remove it, revealing my face to the familiar faces around me.

(Karito) "Man, that's some impressive learning speed."

(Tony Stark) "I know. How did I learn it? The packet, Selvig's notes, the extraction theory papers. Am I the only one who did the reading?"

(Karito) "I did but I didn't have to say anything because you kept talking so I didn't have to think. Thanks for making it a lot easier for me."

(Tony Stark) "Haha, well now you do the talking then."

(Karito) "Alright bet."

I stand up and start walking around.

(Steve) "Does Loki need any particular kind of power source?"

(Karito) "Well, for that he would have to heat the Cube to 120 million Kelvin just to break through the Coulomb barrier."

(Tony Stark) "Unless Sevg has figured out how to stabilize the quantum tunneling effect."

(Dr. Banner) "Well, if he could do that, he could achieve heavy ion fusion at any reactor on the planet."

(Tony Stark) Finally, people who speak English."

(Steve) "Is that what just happened?"

(Tony Stark) Shakes Dr. Banner's hand "It's good to meet you, Dr. Banner."

(Karito) "Well, both of you make impressive work. Like, how Dr. Banner's work on anti-electron collisions is pretty unparalleled."

(Tony Stark) "I know right?! And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster.

(Dr. Banner) Awkward "...Thanks."

Just as the conversation reaches its peak, the door swings open and in strides Nick Fury. It's like the room suddenly shifts its focus, everyone turning their attention to the man with the eyepatch and the commanding presence. Fury wastes no time in getting to the point, his voice filled with authority and determination.

(Nick Fury) "Dr. Banner is only here to track the Cube. I was hoping you might join him, Stark."

(Steve) "I would start with that stick of his. It may be magical but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon."

(Nick Fury) "I don't know about that but it is powered by the Cube. And I would like to know how Loki used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys."

(Thor) "Monkeys? I do not understand."

(Steve) "I DO!"

(Karito) "PFFFF..." Holding his laugh

(Everyone else) "...."

(Steve) "I understood that reference."

(Tony Stark) "Shall we play Doctor?"

(Karito) "That's what she said..."

(Agent Romanoff) "Pfff...."

(Everyone else) "...."

(Karito) "Y'all are no fun."

(Dr. Banner) "This way, Sir." Leaves with Tony

As the conversation carries on, I glance over my shoulder to see the man who got called out for playing Galaga. He quickly checks his surroundings, making sure no one's watching, and then sneaks a glance back at his game. The audacity! I can't help but shake my head in disbelief. Seriously, dude? We're in the middle of something important here.

But my attention is soon drawn away as the scene shifts to a lab, where Dr. Banner and Tony Stark are deep in analysis. They're tinkering with Loki's scepter, trying to unravel its secrets. It's a fascinating sight, seeing two brilliant minds at work. I can't help but be drawn to it. Maybe there's something I can learn here, or perhaps I can provide some lighthearted banter to lighten the mood.

With a mischievous grin, I make my way into the lab. It's not like I have any pressing matters to attend to at the moment. Besides, being the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man means I'm always up for a bit of interaction. Who knows, maybe I'll stumble upon some valuable information or get a chance to show off my quick wit.

As I approach the lab, I catch snippets of their conversation, snippets that pique my curiosity. It's clear they're onto something big. But hey, I'm not one to shy away from a little teasing or playful banter. After all, that's what makes being a hero fun, right?

(Dr. Banner) The gamma readings are definitely consistent with Selvig's reports of the Tesseract. But it's going to take weeks to process."

(Karito) "Well if you bypass their mainframe and direct route to Homer cluster, you can clock that around....600 teraflops?"

(Tony Stark) "I was thinking just that."

(Dr. Banner) Chuckles "All I packed was a toothbrush."

(Karito) "You can ask if they have extra clothes here. I would be surprised if they didn't."

(Dr. Banner) "I guess you are right."

(Tony Stark) "You know, you both should come by Stark Tower sometime. Top ten floors, all R&D. You'd love it. It's Candy Land."

(Karito) "Well, I should go then. Sound's like fun to me."

(Dr. Banner) "Thanks, but the last time I was in New York, I kind of broke Harlem."

(Karito) "You won't know until you try again. Maybe it'll be different next time around."

(Tony Stark) "Well, I promise a stress-free environment. No tension, no surprises."

Tony tasers Dr. Banner with a stick making the Doctor flinch in slight pain.

(Dr. Banner) "OW!"

(Tony Stark) "Nothing?"

(Karito) "Bro, do you have a death wish?"

(Tony Stark) "Maybe."

(Steve) "HEY! Are you nuts?"

(Tony Stark) "Jury's out. You really have got a lid on it, haven't you? What's your secret? Mellow jazz, bongo drums, a huge bag of weed?"

(Steve) "Is everything a joke to you? Even Karito has more self-control than you."

(Karito) Stuffing his face with a honey bun "Hmm?"

(Tony Stark) Point's stick "Funny things are."

(Steve) "Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship isn't funny. No offense, Doc."

(Dr. Banner) "It's all right, I wouldn't have come aboard if I couldn't handle pointy things."

(Tony Stark) Chuckles "You're tip-toeing, big man. You need to strut."

(Steve) "And you need to focus on the problem, Mr. Stark."

(Tony Stark) "Do you think I'm not? Why did Fury call us in? Why now? Why not before? What isn't he telling us? I can't do the equation unless I have all the variables."

(Karito) "I can kind of agree with him. Fury is a very secretive man. But I'm pretty sure he has his reasons. But I would be lying if I said that I didn't want to know what he was keeping from us. Hell, I was dragged here the moment he found out I had abilities saying that I would be helpful for this mission."

(Steve) "You think Fury's hiding something?"

(Tony Stark) "He's a spy. Captain, he's "the" spy. His secrets have secrets. It's bugging Karito and Banner over here, too. Right?" Starts eating his snack

(Karito) "It is..."

(Dr. Banner) "I just want to finish my work here, and..."

(Karito) "Bro, come on. Don't worry, speak up."

(Dr. Banner) Sigh "A warm light for all mankind. Loki's jab at Fury about the Cube."

(Steve) Nods "I heard it."

(Karito) "Maybe I'm wrong, but that sounded like it was meant for Tony." Tony Stark gives me a bit of his snack

(Dr. Banner) "Even if Barton didn't tell Loki about the tower, it was still all over the news."

(Steve) "The Stark Tower? That big, ugly..."

Tony's head snaps around, his eyes narrowing as he shoots a quizzical look at Steve. It's that classic "excuse me?" face, the kind that says, "Did you really just say that?" Steve, catching the hint, immediately halts his comments about Tony's tower.

(Steve) "...building in New York?"

(Karito) "Yeah, wasn't that tower powered by one of Tony's reactors? A self-sustaining energy source? If I'm not wrong, that can last for about a year right?"

(Tony Stark) "You are correct. And for the last question, it's just a prototype for now. I'm kind of the only name in clean energy right now. That's what he's getting at."

(Dr. Banner) "Exactly, so, why didn't S.H.I.E.L.D. Bring him in on the Tesseract project? What are they doing in the energy business in the first place?

(Tony Stark) "I should probably look into that once my decryption program finishes breaking into all of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s secure files."

(Steve) "I'm sorry. Did you say..."

(Tony Stark) "Jarvis has been running it since I hit the bridge. In a few hours, I'll know every dirty secret S.H.I.E.L.D. Has ever tried to hide? Blueberry?"

(Steve) "Yet you're confused about why they didn't want you around."

(Tony Stark) "An intelligence organization that fears intelligence? Historically, not awesome."

(Karito) "Yeah, we don't talk about the Crusades when it's about that."

(Tony Stark) "God forbid."

(Steve) "I think Loki's trying to wind us up. This is a man who means to start a war and if we don't stay focused, he'll succeed. We have orders. We should follow them."

(Tony Stark) "Following's not really my style."

(Steve) "And you're all about style, aren't you?"

(Tony Stark) "Of the people in this room, which one is. A, wearing a spangly outfit, and, B, not of use?"

(Karito) "Guy's seriously, stop it. Steve, tell me at least something here seems a little suspicious for you."

(Steve) "...Just find the Cube."

As Steve exits the lab, his mind is still preoccupied with the recent conversation. Thoughts swirl in his head, and curiosity gets the best of him. He can't shake off the itch to explore the place further, to see what secrets and surprises it holds. With a determined expression on his face, he sets off on his own little adventure.

(Tony Stark) "That's the guy my dad never shut up about? I'm wondering if they shouldn't have kept him on ice."

(Karito) "Tony, you gotta remember he's a soldier. Most of them just follow orders and die for their country. At least in his time."

(Dr. Banner) "Well, the guy's not wrong about Loki. He does have the jump on us."

(Karito) "What does he got?"

(Tony Stark) "I'll tell you what he's got, he's got an Acme dynamite kit. It's going to blow up in his face. And I'm going to be there when it does."

(Karito) "Pretty sure it'll make a good story."

(Dr. Banner) "Yeah. I'll read all about it."

(Tony Stark) "Mhm. Or you'll be suiting up with the rest of us."

(Dr. Banner) Chuckles "You see, I don't get a suit of armor. I'm exposed. Like a nerve. It's a nightmare."

(Tony Stark) "I've got a cluster of shrapnel trying every second to crawl its way into my heart. This stops it." He taps his arc reactor "This little circle of light, it's part of me now, not just armor. It's a terrible privilege."

(Karito) "Difference is you can control it, Tony."

(Tony) "Because I learned how."

(Dr. Banner) "It's different like Karito said."

(Tony Stark) Flicks the screen that Bruce was tinkering with and moves all the data away looking into his eyes "Hey, I read about your accident. That much gamma exposure should have killed you."

(Dr. Banner) "So you're saying that the Hulk...The other guy saved my life?... That's nice. It's a nice sentiment. Saved it for what?"

(Tony Stark) "That's something for you to find out. Karito you got any backstories?"

(Karito) Shrugs "Nah, nothing that interesting about me. Got bitten by a radioactive spider and the rest is currently happening right now. It wasn't so long ago that I got my powers."

(Tony Stark) "So you are literally a greenhorn?"

(Karito) "You can say that."

(Dr. Banner) "And you were able to knock down Loki...with one strike?"

(Karito) "Just call it beginners luck okay? I didn't think my electricity was that strong."

(Tony Stark) "How does that even work?"

(Karito) "I don't know I just do."

Well, this conversation is going nowhere now. Status

Player: Karito Josue Valdez

Level: 21

EXP: 0/21,000

HP: 31,000/31,000

Prestige: 0

Hero: Spider-Man (Miles Morales)

STR: 35

END: 20

INT: 20

DEX: 50

VIT: 31

(Stat Points) SP: 0

I quickly check my stats to see what's new. Leveled up and gained some skills, nice! Now I need to see the reward for completing that Loki quest. Hoping for something cool. Maybe I'll chill or explore until things get crazy. Time will tell.

To be continued...