
The Groonian Alchemist

Grimmknorr, the shrouded one, came from a land invaded by a natural and unending darkness, destined to work as a slave for those that his kind had once massacred and tortured for food and pleasure. The shrouded one and his kind would have been destined to work and die in service of their owners if it were not for a wizard of grand knowledge; a wizard of great greed and longing Grimmknorr would have died like a dog. But the wizard gave the Shrouded One something that would forever change everything. The wizard gave the Shrouded one a hint—a hint that would send the Shrouded one onto a path to create those that should not have existed. The First Son, Leader of the Informus Insectum, once known as a lethal syndicate turned cult. Emperor of the Beast Legion, the barbaric leader of the Shrouded One's feral army Husk of the Shrouded One, the horrific husk of hundreds of men And the most dreadful of them all The Devourer of Hope, It loved only two things: eating the innocent and writing its horrific poetry I will be posting my story on RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/328286

Thorny_Gecko · Fantasy
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6 Chs

A New Mind

In the bustling capital city of Arcturus, one of the major noble families was training their next heir. A young boy sat on the ground; his eyes were closed tight, and his hands were in his lap.

Beside the boy, a more mature man sat down similarly to the boy, but he kept his hands on his knees.

Looking at the two from a different perspective, one could see that the young boy was stressed, his forehead was wrinkled, and his hands were in untidy fists that shook from time to time. The mature man was much more relaxed; his eyes were shut as if he were sleeping, and his hands were loose and comfortable as they lay on his knees. 

The mature man spoke with an informative tone, "Empty your mind of all thoughts."

"I'm trying, Dad, but I just can't!" The boy spoke out with frustration. 

His eyes opened up, and he hastily stood up.

"Why do I even need to learn how to manipulate mana this way?"

"Fearghas, you are very talented, but you lack something all novices must have."

The boy got angrier as he turned to face his father, his hands clutched and his face as red as a tomato.

"And what is that, Dad? Do they have to have patience when doing useless things?"

The father gave out a slight chuckle at the thought of this training being useless.

"Come on, Dad, you already know that I can manipulate mana; shouldn't you be teaching me how to change affinities?"

The father slowly opened his eyes and raised one of his hands. After Fearghas saw his father bring his hand in his direction, he felt a soft gust of wind flutter his clothes.

"Did you feel that, Fearghas?" The father asked with a questioning tone.

"Feel what It was just a gust of wind." 

The father breathed out and stood up. 

"What was the first thing I told you about mana?"

The son's anger slowly started to dissipate as he said something reluctantly: "Um, I don't know."

"You forgot the basics of mana that I told you?" The father asked, disappointed.

"I only remember interesting things, and what you told me wasn't interesting, so I do not need it."

The father looked disappointedly at his son and said, "The first thing I told you is vital, and if you want to fight monsters, you will do well to remember it."

"Yes Dad" 

"Remember what I say well. Mana is a naturally occurring source, and it is everywhere, in every fire, in the water, and even in the air we breathe."

"So, are you still listening?" The dad asked,Yes, I am Dad."

"Good, so let me ask you a question."

"People can manipulate mana, but naturally they aren't able to see it. If you can't see mana, how would you control it?"

"Oh, that's pretty easy. I would just reach out to whatever is in the area."

"Hmm, interesting, so Fearghas, when the mana you manipulate comes together and becomes unstable, what will you do?"

"Umm, try again?"

"But what if you are in a fight where every second counts? It takes time for you to correctly reach out and bring mana together; one destabilized spell could mean the difference between winning and a fiery death."

"So do you get the picture now? I am trying to teach you how to recognize the differences between the different affinities of mana."

"Yes, I do," Fearghas said, disappointed, and sat back down and began to practice again.

The father looked toward his son and thought to himself.

Overconfident, hardheaded, and adventurous, the future of my family is bright.