
The Groonian Alchemist

Grimmknorr, the shrouded one, came from a land invaded by a natural and unending darkness, destined to work as a slave for those that his kind had once massacred and tortured for food and pleasure. The shrouded one and his kind would have been destined to work and die in service of their owners if it were not for a wizard of grand knowledge; a wizard of great greed and longing Grimmknorr would have died like a dog. But the wizard gave the Shrouded One something that would forever change everything. The wizard gave the Shrouded one a hint—a hint that would send the Shrouded one onto a path to create those that should not have existed. The First Son, Leader of the Informus Insectum, once known as a lethal syndicate turned cult. Emperor of the Beast Legion, the barbaric leader of the Shrouded One's feral army Husk of the Shrouded One, the horrific husk of hundreds of men And the most dreadful of them all The Devourer of Hope, It loved only two things: eating the innocent and writing its horrific poetry I will be posting my story on RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/328286

Thorny_Gecko · Fantasy
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6 Chs

A New Life

A form of pink flesh writhed on the pinkish flesh floor of its lair, and tentacles poked out from the cocoon-like form of flesh. The tip of the tentacles grew in size, slowly creating big sacs.

The tentacles pulsed and undulated as slowly the base of the tentacles became engorged, creating big bubbles within the tentacles that slowly moved towards the sacs on every tentacle.

Slowly, every bubble within the tentacles disappeared as they reached the sacs.

The form sprouted legs and arms and stood up from the ground. 

Tentacles of flesh slowly descended and dug into the sacs; the form detached itself from the sacs that were attached to its body and let the tentacles take the sacs to the ceiling.

The form withdrew its tentacles within itself and formed a head.

The form looked up towards the ceiling of its lair.

Thousands of sacs clung from the ceiling; sacs of different sizes and colors hung from the ceiling.

Few of the sacs were different from the others; some could be seen through.

Fetuses of different races were within the fetuses, but only the most mature out of all of them would become see-through.

The formless being, with its newly formed head, looked toward a dark pink sac that held a ready-to-be-born human baby. 

The sac was ready to burst, and on the command of the form, the sac began to descend.

The sac quickly reached the ground and burst. Ooze and blood flew out.

The baby within released an inhuman scream as it plopped to the fleshy ground.

The form quickly moved and covered the mouth of the newborn with its fleshy hand. 

In the fleshy ground, a shapeless form quickly moved, rushing through the ground towards the baby. Beside the baby, the fleshy ground began to inflate, creating the naked body of a tall elf woman. 

Her eye sockets were empty, and the interior skull could be seen from the sockets.

Her skin was loose and hanging, like it had nothing to hold onto. 

The body had the defining features created from bone and cartilage but lacked the muscle and fat needed for the body to look normal.

The ground was still attached to the body, creating a skirt of flesh that completely covered everything below the waist.

The form within the ground rushed underneath the body and sprung up.

The skirt of flesh receded, and the body was propelled up into the air.

Muscle, fat, and other matter squirmed inside the body and attached themselves to what was already there. First were the muscles; the skin grew as it attached to the new muscles that appeared in the body, making the female have a skinny figure.

Everything else in the body quickly formed; the body no longer lacked life.

The eyesockets were no longer empty and had eyes in them. Both eyes were different colors, the right blue and the left green.

The two eyes looked toward the form and the baby with great life and respect.

The form raised the baby up and motioned for the elf to take it.

The elf softly grabbed the baby and rested it on her chest.

The form's head shifted, creating a slit in the middle of its face. 

An unnatural and raspy voice came out of the form: "Teach it as I once taught you; it must have control over the body and processes."

The eldest nodded along with what the form said, taking it all in and passively creating a curriculum that would best serve the newborn. But partway through concocting a great curriculum, she had an epiphany.

'Shall this one represent us?' She asked a dire question that had been on her mind since knowing about it. Who would represent the colony for now and in the years to come?

"Yes, and as the firstborn, I grant you the responsibility of forming our representative. Do well."

The elf quickly responded, leaking out strong pride: "Yes, Mother! I will mold it into a child worthy of your flesh."