
The Grimoire Chronicles- A Harry Potter Fic.

The story is my take on Harry Potter, so I am adding my own plot and wouldn't be following OC and would only be adding the original plot as a back ground. ------------------- Adrian Rosier, the sole heir of the Rosier family and the only son of Bellatrix. In the world of magic, where nothing is limited, Adrian grew up knowing he was different than everyone because of his Grimoire that was contracted to him since birth. But with every power comes a lot of trouble to counter it, making even Voldemort seem not so threatening against such greater powers. How will Adrian face them?

My_tea_is_cold · Others
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33 Chs

Bellatrix's Son

Adrian went to the ministry with Ted, where he dropped him off at the minister's office.

"How are you, my boy?" Cornelius Fudge asked with a cheery attitude.

People wanted Dumbledore to be the next minister but the other party refused and therefore, Bartemius Crouch Snr was favored to be the next Minister for his effective methods of fighting the Death Eaters, but it was Fudge who finally replaced Bagnold when Crouch lost popularity due to his son being a death-eater. Which let to him, finally becoming the new Minister of Magic.

Fudge was a portly little man, with rumpled grey hair. He was recognizable by his signature lime-green bowler hat, which he was wearing right now along with a pinstriped cloak along with purple boots.

Fudge's petty nature was clear to many as everyone knew the first thing Fudge did as the minister was to reassign Crouch to the department of International Magical Cooperation, other than his pettiness Adrian was also clear of his corrupted attitude. A lot of Nobles including Lucius had him in their pocket.

Being the minister, the duty of handling Adrian's yearly visit with Bellatrix was transferred to Cornelius but he being the lazy arse he was, involved another Ministry worker. Delores Umbridge, an annoying little short squat witch who resembled a pale toad. Her arrogant nature was enough to hate her but her bloody voice which was a simpering high-pitched voice that was girlish and breathless, contrary to her appearance added a bonus point to her annoyances.

"I do have to apologize again, Mr. Rosier." Fudge said with a little cough, "I have been quite busy lately so I hope you understand why I had to bring Ms. Umbridge here to help me. But I do assure you that she can be trusted."

"It's okay, minister," Adrian said with a smile that was the definition of fakeness, "I do understand that time could be a bit hard to manage in this peaceful time we have."

"It's nice to see you again, Mr. Rosier." Umbridge said with a sweet smile on her face acting like she didn't understand the sarcasm in Adrian's words just now, "Let's head out to see your mother, the aurors had just bought her back from Azkaban."

"I see." Adrian stood up from his seat as he nodded at Fudge who just sat there with his usual greasy smile, "Let's not waste any time here then."

"I do have to congratulate you on succeeding the Rosier family so young." Umbridge said as they were walking out of Fudge's office, "I hope things aren't difficult to manage for a child, like yourself."

"Unlike half-bloods, I believe, I a Noble pureblood knows how to manage his house from birth," Adrian said with the most pleasant tone he could muster, obviously hitting at Umbridge's low points, "But I thank you for your concerns, Ms. Umbridge."

Umbridge didn't look back at Adrian but he could imagine the faces she as making at him.

"An hour!" Umbridge said as she opened the door with a slightly bitter voice, she tried to hide with a smile.

Adrian snickered as he walked in the room, the door behind him closed. He slowly walked into the room, where he saw a woman waiting for him. She had chains in her hands, tied to the wall as sat there peacefully.

"Mother!" Adrian called out, his haughty expression exchanged into a child-like, an expression kids his age should have as he rushed into the arms of the woman and hugged her.

The woman was none other than Bellatrix. Though her days in Azkaban had worn her out, she still looked as beautiful as ever. People who knew the Bellatrix of the past would surely be shocked to see her now. The cruel women who tortured and killed many had kindness and love in her eyes. She traced her son's face, who had grown up a lot in a year.

His eyes had gotten brighter and his handsome face was developing into a mature one. He surely did have his father's charms but his face carried the looks of the Black family much more as he looked close enough to be a young Sirius's twin brother.

"Mother, I have something to show you," Adrian said taking out a ring from his pocket, the ring had the sigil of the Rosier family. Bellatrix recognized the ring and its meaning.

"Was there any trouble with you taking the Rosier family?"

"Some did question my age and wanted me to grow up a little first but with uncle Lucius and the influence of Greengrass family the minister approved of me getting my rights." Adrian informed, "Though I hate that old arse, I guess a corrupted minister could be of more use than an honest one."

"I see." Bellatrix nodded, "Well at least the Malfoy's are of some use. You got the letter from Hogwarts, didn't you?"

"Yes, mother." Adrian nodded.

"Remember what I've taught you, Adrian." Bellatrix said, "In Hogwarts, you can't trust that old bat. He has a lot more skeleton hidden in his closet than both the dark lords combined."

"Rest assured, mother." Adrian said, "I will try my best to avoid him all I can."

"Have you been practicing Occlumency?"

"I have been trying to get hang of it but I think I've certainly improved from last year." Adrian nodded, as he suddenly felt Bellatrix trying to peek into his mind.

He had his defenses up from the very beginning so he wasn't caught off guard like last time as he tried hard to suppress her back. But Bellatrix who had been practicing Legilimency for far longer than he had even known about Occlumency, he wasn't successful as after one of his defense broke down other soon fell as well.

"Don't be discouraged," Bellatrix said caressing her son's long dark hair, "You're already much better than when I was at your age. Give it a bit of time and some experience and you'll be more than ready."

"Yes, mother." Adrian nodded a bit disappointed but he didn't let it show on his face. He met his mother once a year, just for an hour so he didn't want her to see him sad in any way.

Bellatrix smiled understanding her son's thought as she grabbed his hands in hers, "So I see, the Valentine thing has gone out of hand."

Adrian nodded, "I say, being good looking seems to be a curse."

Bellatrix laughed at her son's joke while she nodded understanding the heart of young witches. After all, there were not a lot of people who could resist a good-looking troublemaker.

"Remember that you shouldn't put yourself in danger for anyone, especially not muggles." Bellatrix said. When she peeked into Adrian's memories she clearly saw her son saving a bunch of muggle children right after their last visit. Though a heroic act, Bellatrix didn't find his action necessary. After all, in her eyes, Adrian's life was worth more than all muggle children in the world.

"I know." Adrian nodded with an apologetic expression, "But it was just something that I did without knowing much, and besides I defeated those muggles with Dungbombs so there weren't much of a threat, to begin with."

Bellatrix nodded not wanting to continue further on this topic, "So you've some thoughts about befriending those half-bloods, I see."

"Yes." Adrian said, "Though it seems hard, I want to at least have a decent relationship with them so they could at least listen when I want them too."

"I would invite the Bones family, well at least of what's left of them." Bellatrix said, "Tough-minded people but if you could form a relationship with them it will be helpful in strengthening the Rosier family. They are an old family and are very influential in the ministry."

Adrian nodded keeping her suggestion in his heart.

"Also when are you going to bring that girl to see me."

"You mean, Daphne?" Adrian said bitterly, "Mother you know that I don't want to marry her right?"

"I do, but what's wrong with me checking how she is like." Bellatrix said teasing Adrian, "From what I've seen from your memories, the girl seems quite pleasant. It reminds me of how I used to treat your father."

"You ignored him completely and every time he'd try to have a conversation you'd make the disgusted expression acting as if you're looking at a bug?" Adrian asked.

"Yes, but I'll also jinx and hex him time and time again." Bellatrix said laughing, "You have it way better than him."