
The unwanted greeting

Mandy asked "what?!" Star stood still and listened for it again but still said "never mind.." She mewed with discomfort, Squirrelpounce didn't care and kept walking and she went to the streets and past a ally, star stopped the others were ahead but were sleeping, star saw other cat and a hairless cat the cats began talking star was terrified about what she heard but still couldn't lay her finger on why they want Squirrelpounce dead, she saw the black and white cat jump off the dumpster and she ran Squirrelpounce woke up and said "it's about time we go." Before star could say anything. She was walking in the back and kept hearing another cat walking but ignored it cause she knew Mandy and Squirrelpounce didn't care. They found the forest again and kept hearing noises from trees and bushes, Mandy began to complain "when will we go back, star?" Star had no answer cause she couldn't see the way back but instead kept following Squirrelpounce, Star began to feel watched and said "do you hear that?..." And a white cat with black spots jump out of the bushes Mandy jumped, Squirrelpounce and star stood still, Squirrelpounce greeted the cat, star didn't welcome him, star doesn't like his all of a sudden death glares. The cat said "my names spotted you?" Star replied "you'll find out yourself soon!." Spotted backed away, Mandy grew tired and said " is there a place to sleep, it's getting dark" Squirrelpounce stopped and looked both ways and said "starlitter isn't far." Star ran to a nearby opening and it was starlitter camp, the leader was arguing with a litter member. Squirrelpounce wanted to speak to the leader but the leader didn't wanna hear what she had to say so she told Mandy what she did. Star wanted to know what Squirrelpounce had to say but didn't talk to anyone about it. Squirrelpounce told spotted "come over tomorrow." All though star wanted to know why everyone like spotted. But everyone didn't know why he was actually there but even if she said why he's here they wouldn't believe her, his yellow eye stood out and his cut off ear was all black and his shiny fur . Then she knew.... He is tricking everyone. Star told the leader of the litter and the leader believed her . Star knew that they needed bobneedle knew everything about the litter. Star jumped on a tree and looked upon the camp as the kittens play and the cats clean each other's pelt. Bobneedle jumped on their branch and said " I know I'm leader but we still need the others to be convinced.." Star let out a small mummer " what if Mandy leaves me ..." Bobneedle turned his body and laid down and said " if she does i know someone to replace her!" Star got upset when he said that and she jumped of the branch bobneedle followed her and said "did I say something wrong?" Star didn't answer and walked away, spotted approached star and said "I like your eyes." Star sighed and said "your fur looks like old trash!" As she walked away spotted yelled "your rude!" Star rolled her eyes at the sound of his voice, star walked past the nursery and saw Squirrelpounce and she had kittens?! Star looked closer and realized star began to think" its spotteds kittens and spotted tried to hit on me earlier!" Star walked up to Squirrelpounce and sat next to her and said "what's the deal with spotted?" Squirrelpounce licked her kitten and said "what do you mean?" Star replied "he tried to hit on me." Squirrelpounce looked at star and said "he what!?" Star said "yeah and who's the father of the kittens?" Squirrelpounce said "that doesn't matter!!"