
Star knows..

Star was sleeping on the couch and woke up to the TV, her owner mason said "has anyone let you be outside?", star looked at him And he picked her up from her sleeping spot and laid her on the window and said "that's the outdoors." She looked at him like she understood him although she didn't. Mason opened the window a tiny bit and walked away as star looked outside she wondered if birds were toys. She watched through the windows day and night. and when she woke up the next day she squeezed herself through the bottom of the window where the opening crack that her owner left there, she saw the town indoor/outdoor cat stuck in her yard star looked at Mandy and said " how did you get in my yard?.." With a mummer. Mandy didn't have a answer but replied with "I fell from your fence..." Star glanced at the small skinny fence and nodded at Mandy with a understanding look in her eyes and Mandy said "speaking of fences my owner said I shouldn't go over fences that lead to woods." Star thought "what's so bad about the woods, I mean my owner says it beautiful out there." Mandy Began to talk " my owner said bears and stuff were out there're and that you could die." Star nodded in disagreement as Mandy glanced at her with her yellow glowing eyes that stood out with her peach and white spotted fur. Star noticed the glance and felt bad, Mandy being skinny mason walked out side and fed her, star meowed about Mandy being curious of the woods , Mandy didn't listen and said "I wanna go in the woods!" Star glanced at Mandy with her grass green eyes and said " ok? Where's a gate to get to the woods?" Mandy turned around and stared at the gate looking up and down and said " how do we open it with out hands?" Star look at Mandy knowing we could jump but still didn't say anything Mandy felt offended of stars glance and said " are you going to look down or help?!" Star felt offended and her fur spiked up Mandy began to talk and said "sorry..." Star gave a quick glance and said " I will help but we have to be careful.", Mandy seemed excited as star began to jump on the fence star meowed " come on." Mandy jumped on the fence and meowed as she hit her head on the fence the first try and saw mason opened the gate and Mandy yelled "LOOK!!!" Star turned her head and jumped to the fence opening. And told Mandy " are you sure we shouldn't stay home? , i mean like we get food for free and don't need to hunt." Mandy just shook her head and stepped out the yard and said " let's go." Star walked beside Mandy star meow " I smell something..." Mandy began to walk towards the bushes and star followed her and they watched a dog sniff around and Mandy jumped out and began to scare it away with threats of her claws. Star didn't like the violence but still didn't say anything about it star began to walk, star spat out "I hear something!" Mandy said "probably another dog I'll handle it." Mandy said with a sigh and said " come one out." And something pounced her something more fluffy and had wavy fur Mandy couldn't tell what it was until it hissed as it back off Mandy couldn't tell what it was but noticed the swaying tail and said " are you a cat? " the thing replied with " yes and your on starlitter territory do you mind leaving ." The cat said with her forest green eye looking directly at Mandy and asked "who are you and please leave." Mandy replied " I'm Mandy and this is star!" Mandy noticed the cats reddish brown fur and the dark brown stripe going down her back. Mandy asked "who are you?" And the cat replied "squirrelpounce. And are you guys training?" Star walked forward and said "no, we are just exploring." Squirrelpounce didn't hesitate not to laugh at the two cats and said " why are you weirdos out here?" Star said "we aren't weird!!" Squirrelpounce admired the three white dots under each of stars eyes and knew she could get caught in the wild cause of that and she also saw Mandy's white spots and peach fur and thought the same thing so she said "come with me i know a place that will give you shelter ." Mandy asked "star can we explore?" Star nodded in agreement and asked " Squirrelpounce do you want to come?" Squirrelpounce nodded and started leading the way Mandy walked with a happy look on her face. star followed the cats from behind and said " where are we going?" Without thinking she stopped and stopped the others cause she heard something.