
Chapter 24

Thorvald leaned against the hut's wall. His legs were shaking, his body rapidly weakening due to the lethal wound. He knew that the bar would not stop the Skraelings for long - they can easily set the hut on fire if they so choose. But this doesn't matter, as from any possible view he is already a dead man. He is dead because the arrow's poison is coursing through his veins and his body is becoming heavy and weak, he is dead because the ships of his men have already left the shores in fearful haste, fleeing from the Skraelings who, surprisingly, in a sly, unworthy attack, trapped the camp from every side.

Ah, their unforgivable leniency! Several months of peace, and people began to fall asleep on guard, began to neglect the necessary security measures. They thought the Skraelings have been resigned to their presence. Only he, their leader, was always suspicious, always mindful of the last warning of his brother Leif.