
Chapter 23

The sickness was terrible that year. Actually, the local diseases were always harder on the Greenland settlers than those they had in the Old Country, and they were always hurt first, and much worse than the Skraelings. But that year the sickness was especially bad, and lethal to such an extent that no one in Greenland felt safe from it. It reached even the most secure places, which made Leif determined about his decision of ordering his wife to remain within the four walls of their home, together with little Thorkell Leifson, and to avoid receiving any visitor whose health was not thoroughly checked.

"I know you are going to get very bored during such a long, lonely winter," he told her apologetically, "but I will simply go out of my mind if you or the babe should get sick. I must insist. Forgive me."

Thorgunna's eyes filled with tears, yet not of sorrow or frustration, but of great emotion, and she pressed his hand warmly.