
The Greatest Monarch

After an unexpected accident, the king of Zion went into a state of coma. The ruler should be the heart of his people but the truth was entirely different from this. The coma seemed more like a blessing for the people of Zion. They wished for this blessing to never vanish. Why? That was because if it did not vanish and if he died, the holy church would take over the kingdom and they would no longer have to serve under a trash king anymore. But after he woke up, something even better happened. The King has lost his memory, even his personality was completely rewritten. When the trash king came to know the wrong deeds he had committed earlier, it pierced into his chest like sharp arrows making him feel guilty beyond what words could explain. He decided to change the shape of his kingdom and become the strongest king ever with the help of the "system" he got! Will he be able to dominate the world? Will he be able to enjoy the luxurious life of a king? Those questions can only be answered when you read his story and dive into the world of fantasy! Note: This is a remastered novel of my previous novel. After I had to undergo surgery I could no longer write, which made people lose interest in my novel and I actually wanted to rewrite my novel too. There were many mistakes and loopholes that I wanted to fix so here I am... writing my novel once again.

TheHeavenlySleeper · Fantasy
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39 Chs

War: The Pain

'I am lost again, aren't I...?' Andrew thought as he found himself being in part of hallways he had no idea. He turned around calmly and tried to remember which path he took from his bedroom, however he could not remember anything since he took random paths while looking through the information he had in his mind from the system.

"I definitely need a map..." Andrew mumbled before signing deeply and rubbing his forehead "Being lost is my trauma at this point... I just hope I don't get stuck in the room," As he said "stuck" his voice started to get softer and softer "again..."

Andrew put his hand down and looked around in pure confusion and seriousness "Room... stuck...? Wait a minute... what?" Andrew was saying random words as he suddenly grabbed his head.

Andrew groaned in pain and slowly got into his knee as he felt his brain being squeezed by a hand. it was a desirable pain "Ahhh!" He screamed and banged his head into the floor with such force that there was a big hole and cracks in the floor and blood started to come out of his forehead.

'Why can't I remember this room?! What is the room?!' Andrew thought and continued to writhe in pain 'God damn it! Wait... where did I get this system-?' Andrew squeezed his head even tighter and screamed even louder than before, feeling like his brain might burst anytime.


[Host is warned to not try to remember the room again. It is a mystery that should not be revealed... The pain was but a warning. If tried to remember or find room again the system will be permanently removed along with the death of the host.]

The moment the panel appeared Andrew's pain started to fade away slowly. Andrew slowly crawled to the wall and leaned his back against it while panting.

Andrew's vision was dizzy to the point he saw everything as a complete blur however somehow he was able to see the panel completely normal.

Andrew rested his head on his knee of the right raised leg and continued to pant trying to calm himself down.

"This is... unfair." Andrew mumbled and then closed the panel before looking up tiredly with a frown on his face. He felt completely energyless at that point and could not bring himself to get up or even move his mouth to speak.

'God damn it... get up!' Andrew tried his best to force his hand to move however he could not so all he could have done was sigh in despair 'A maid might come here soon...'

Andrew's hope of getting help was thin... very thin. The place he was at the moment was near the cleaning area for the servants and since it was nearly noon no maid would likely pass through that area to wash themselves in any way.

Andrew was tired but he could not fall asleep. It was a weird feeling. He could not open his eyes however even with his eyes tightly closed he could not feel sleepy.

Solid five minutes passed however no one passed by the hallway pathway. Andrew was slowly recovering however it was not enough to make him stand yet.

'Fucking... just at which place am I for no one to come?' Andrew clenched his fist in anger and forcefully opened his eyes before raising his head and leaning it against the wall.

Andrew lost his hope of getting help and wished that he recovered quickly. He must go and meet Victor to prepare a plan for the war.

In the moment of despair, a sudden smile of hope appeared on Andrew's face when he started to hear footsteps coming toward him 'Finally...'

Andrew opened his mouth and said some things to gain the person's attention so the person could walk toward him faster, however it was not loud enough since he barely had any energy "Come here! I am here-!" It was a quiet scream.

Although the person did not hear anything they kept walking in that direction, to be exact, toward the cleaning room so they could get the item they forgot in the cleaning area.

After a few seconds, Andrew finally saw the person or to be exact the person's legs since he did have enough energy to look up at the face yet 'A maid... finally.' He thought the person was a maid because the dress she was wearing was of a maid.

"Sire!" The maid got on her knees and the moment he saw the face of the maid Andrew sighed inside 'Of all people... it must be her.'

The maid was none other than Amy. The green-haired maid he met two days ago. Amy panicked looking at Andrew in that state and quickly tore a little part of her dress and cleaned the blood that was clotted on his head.

"Sire, are you okay? Why are you like this? Did someone attack us?" Amy asked worriedly and without a second thought tried to lift Andrew by making him wrap his arms around her neck.

'You fool! Do you think you can carry me!? Go and ask for help, you idiot!' Andrew thought angrily however he could not even make an angry face at that moment and nevertheless talk that much.

Andrew's eyes widened when Amy really did stand up and started to walk while supporting him "You fool..." He said softly, somehow trying to communicate "Call someone..."

Hearing Andrew talk Amy let out a breath of relief "Thank god you can speak... but sire I cannot leave you... everyone is close by do not worry. I will get us there soon."

"With this speed, it will take days... just go and ask for help-" The more Andrew spoke the clearer he started to sound and the better he felt for some reason.

"But sire-" Before Amy could say what she wanted to Andrew suddenly bit her cheek angrily while thinking 'Follow my orders you, idiot!'

Andrew did once see Amy as a friend or maybe he still does however he could not forget how rude she was to him. Andrew's pride and arrogance have also increased with his power which was to be expected since he was a human too.

"Ah!" Amy let out a moan of pain and tried to get her face from Andrew's teeth but even in that state, he was somehow strong enough to tightly hold into her cheeks "I am sorry! I am sorry! sire stop it hurts!"

Andrew kept on biting and slowly got his grip on her cheek even tighter however just the next moment he let go of her cheek and started to pant feeling the energy leaving once again 'God damn it... system is this your doing or what!?'

Amy sighed softly and instead of rubbing her cheeks, she kept walking. There was a clear mark of Andrew's teeth printed on her face however she did not make any fuss about it. She understood her place thanks to the last interaction.

Andrew sighed and decided not to waste any energy anymore. At least not a girl who would not listen to him no matter what he does.

Soon enough, as Amy said before, they reached the other maids who were waiting for her in the hallways, and the moment they saw Amy carrying Andrew they quickly ran over to them.

"What happened!?" One of the maids (Maid 1) asked as she gave support to Andrew by having his other arm wrap around her neck.

"I don't know..." Amy replied and gave her position to one of the other and stronger maids (maid 2) so they could carry Andrew more easily.

"We need to get his highness to a physician- No, we need to go to Lord Victor. He can do it better." Maid 1 said and started to walk with Maid 2.

Everyone nodded at the proposed idea and followed them from behind making sure if somehow Andrew slipped they caught him before they fell.

'Fools... one of you could have called Victor here- Why am I encountering so many idiots today!? First those twins now these maids!' Andrew sighed internally, 'Forget it... this is a moment of panic for them too.'

Soon enough they managed to take Andrew to Victor's office. One of the maids (maid 3) knocked on the door and said "Lord Victor! his highness is injured!" loudly.

Victor and Oliver both were inside the room discussing the letter and a plan for war themselves but hearing that Andrew was injured they both quickly got up from the couch and ran towards the room.

Oliver was younger thus he got near the door first and opened it quickly "What do you mean!?" Oliver asked worriedly.

Victor came just the next second the door was opened and when he saw Andrew like that he quickly pushed Oliver and the maid away to reach him.

Victor did not waste a second and used the healing spell on Andrew. A green light appeared around Andrew and slowly he felt his energy returning to him.

Victor continued the spell for a solid 11 seconds before Andrew let go of the maids and stood straight "I am fine now..." He was still tired however he was feeling a lot better than before and thus said that. However, Victor did not stop and continued the spell until Andrew chuckled lightly and grabbed Victor's forearm, and said "It's fine..."

Victor looked up at Andrew's face with a teary and almost crying face. Looking at him like that Andrew got a vision of a crying goat that made him laugh.

"Sire, how could you laugh!? What even happened!?" Instead of being sad, Victor started to get angry. If it was not for the fact Andrew was the king he would have also lightly hit him.

Andrew hugged Victor lightly and for a quick moment before saying "I am fine Victor... I just got lost and my headache started again. I couldn't bear the pain so I hit my head on the floor and likely that's how I ended up in that situation."

Victor was about to say something but the moment he opened his mouth, Oliver, from behind asked "You got lost, sire?"

Andrew looked back at Oliver who was standing inside the office with his arms folded around his chest with a small grin on his face.

"Yes?" Andrew replied in a confused tone.

"Sire... you have the power of teleportation. You could have teleported yourself back to the room you know..." Oliver's grin got wider after saying that.




Suddenly there was a weird and awkward silence. They looked at each other and the maids tried their best not to show their emotions however Oliver and Victor could no longer hold their laugh.

"And he called me a fool-" Amy mumbled which no one heard except for Andrew... he had enchanted senses after all. He turned his face at Amy but she quickly looked away smiling and giggling lightly.

'You little-' Andrew then turned his face at Oliver and smiled brightly "My dear advisor..." He spoke in a friendly tone however Oliver felt a cold shiver "Enjoying yourself huh? Well... how about you enjoy going up and down the stairs to the palace a hundred times, huh?"

"S-sire?" Oliver asked hesitantly as he backed away from Andrew whose bright smile was slowly turning into a devilish smile.

"I, Andrew-Z-Caesar, Order Oliver to go up and down the stairs that connect the palace to the down part of Zion a hundred times."

Both Victor and Amy went completely silent hearing that along with everyone else. Oliver's body started to move on its own and he started to walk out. No matter how much he tried to resist he could not go against the command given by Andrew.

"Sire! I am sorry! please forgive me!" Oliver begged forgiveness but Andrew kept smiling devilishly. Oliver tried to seek help from Victor however Victor moved his face away.

Once Oliver left Andrew moved his face to them which also gave them a cold shiver. The maids quickly bowed their heads "S-sire we should go and work now- ha... ha.." After saying that they started to back away.

"I-I have to go and h-help soldier-" Victor also started to back away after saying that however, Andrew stopped them by making a golden barrier in front of them.

"Stop~ do you think you can escape~?" Andrew said and walked closer to them which made them nearly screech.

To be continued...

Thank you for reading! ^^

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