
The Greatest Monarch

After an unexpected accident, the king of Zion went into a state of coma. The ruler should be the heart of his people but the truth was entirely different from this. The coma seemed more like a blessing for the people of Zion. They wished for this blessing to never vanish. Why? That was because if it did not vanish and if he died, the holy church would take over the kingdom and they would no longer have to serve under a trash king anymore. But after he woke up, something even better happened. The King has lost his memory, even his personality was completely rewritten. When the trash king came to know the wrong deeds he had committed earlier, it pierced into his chest like sharp arrows making him feel guilty beyond what words could explain. He decided to change the shape of his kingdom and become the strongest king ever with the help of the "system" he got! Will he be able to dominate the world? Will he be able to enjoy the luxurious life of a king? Those questions can only be answered when you read his story and dive into the world of fantasy! Note: This is a remastered novel of my previous novel. After I had to undergo surgery I could no longer write, which made people lose interest in my novel and I actually wanted to rewrite my novel too. There were many mistakes and loopholes that I wanted to fix so here I am... writing my novel once again.

TheHeavenlySleeper · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Serious Conversation

Andrew listened to everything calmly, but he did not in the slightest bit feel anything about the information he had gotten or when he thought about Lucia. In his eyes, she was but an unfamiliar stranger.

Once again loud stomps came from the hallways and at that, both Victor and Andrew sighed knowing it belonged to Lucia.

"Not again..." They both said together tiredly.

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed throughout the hallways as Lucia walked toward the entrance of the courtroom but before reaching it turned back.

Lucia was puzzled and had a defeated look on her face. She was stomping around with her head down and playing with her fingers. She was wondering if she should talk to Andrew right away or later once he was calm.

When Andrew and Victor only heard the footsteps and did not see Lucia entering the courtroom or even near the gate they looked at each other and talked through looks and head gestures. They tried at least. Andrew was trying to say go and stop the stomping to Victor but Victor did not understand the gestures at all.

Victor flinched at one of the head gestures and coughed lightly before saying "Sire... you are like my grandson and I am too old... if you are interested in those things... with men... I could get you some charming men but... please do not ask me such things."

Andrew looked at Victor confused but when he realized the gesture he did was somewhat similar to "come to my room~" his eyes widened. He almost gagged at the words that came from Victor's mouth and angrily said "I am not! Victor are you perhaps a pervert or what!? I just wanted you to stop the stomps before I tear her limbs away!"

"Oh..." That left Victor's mouth at first but then a blush of shame appeared on his cheeks "I apologize... I just-" Before he could finish his words Andrew yelled "Now go! Stop the stomping!"

"Yes... Yes, sire." Victor quickly walked backward and turned around once he was at distance from the last thrones in the courtroom. He walked out of the courtroom and then walked to Lucia.

"Oh my god..." Andrew sighed as he mumbled that. He did not question the fact he somehow remembered sign language or head gesture language since he had seen enough things to understand it was common in his position.

"My lady," Victor said tiredly as he looked at Lucia walking around as fast as she could "What is the meaning of this?"

"Um?" Lucia stopped once she was asked the question "What do you mean Victor?" She smiled gently and tried to play innocent even though she was very well aware of what Victor was asking.

"My lady do not play dumb." Victor sighed tiredly, "I told you to go back to your kingdom right? Lord Andrew is not himself at the moment. I fear if you offend him in the slightest he would likely burn you alive."

"He would never..." Lucia's eyes frowned at the words of Victor "He is the kindest person I kno-"

"You used to know." Victor cut her off "He is also the man who has forced the soldiers to have a very painful and humiliating death. Now, this is not a request but an order. I, Victor, order you to leave Zion and only return when I or his highness himself send you a letter. I do this as the prime minister of Zion and the guardian of King Andrew."

Lucia frowned even more hearing that "Victor you cannot do this... I must see Andrew right away. I must tell him something, please..."

"My lady... I am doing this for your own sake and now I apologize in advance." Victor raised his hand and started to chant.

"Victor you cannot! Listen! at least you listen! I am-" Before Lucia had a chance to finish her sentence Victor already teleported away. In the lower levels of Zion near the entrance gate.

Victor sighed, "Please do not hate me for this." He mumbled before turning around and going back to the courtroom to inform Andrew and talk about the matter Andrew wanted to talk about.

"I have sent her away," Victor said calmly looking up at the throne "Now we may continue the topic you wanted to discuss."

Andrew sighed softly "I am extremely tired... if it was not for that chicken I would have been done with this already and go back to sleep. Anyways, I wanted to talk about what we should do about the dead soldiers' families and ministers' families."

Victor just smiled at the first sentence however by hearing the later sentence the smile instantly faded away "What do you mean, sire?"

"I mean to say that there is a high risk of treason. The families of the dead man will blame me for their death and that would be the truth. It is obvious they will try to overthrow me." Andrew slowly sat normally.

"..." Victor stayed quiet and slowly moved his head down on the ground. He was aware Andrew was telling the truth but he also knew what Andrew would suggest to deal with them "Sire this is not the first time this has happened. There is no way they will or can harm us."

"So you are saying a king or anyone in Zion has killed all the court members and ministers? I am sure commoners had no power, money, or resources to fight against the unfair treatment but I fear ministers, court members, and soldiers' families do possess enough resources and money to fight back."

Andrew talked in a serious voice as he joined his hands together. Although Andrew knows Victor for only a few hours since he awakened he had already somewhat understood his feelings.

"..." Victor stayed quiet and kept looking down. The room got completely silent as Andrew waited for a reply from Victor. Eventually, after half a minute, Victor decided to say "I fear... what you think is true but..."

Andrew got up from his throne and slowly walked down the stairs to reach Victor. Once he was close enough to Victor he put his hand on his shoulder and shook him lightly before speaking.

"Victor, you have a soft heart. I have noticed that. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have killed that minister either right?"

"..." Victor sighed "I am sorry my lord... it is just I can not bring myself to kill people until it is not necessary."

"That's dumb," Andrew said with a straight face but then chuckled and added "But I guess it suits you well? Lord teddy bear." As Andrew said, he grabbed his big belly and shook it gently.

"Sire-" Victor chuckled as he let Andrew do that. That was not the first time Andrew played with his belly. When Andrew used to have memories he had used Victor's belly as a drum and Victor let him do that because he had a habit of it since the age of 2

"I am sorry." Andrew let go of his belly "Anyways as I was saying... What shall we do with the families? should we-"

"No," Victor said before Andrew got the chance to finish his statement "We should not kill them. We cannot kill them. That would be too heartless."

"Victor..." Andrew sighed "A kingdom cannot be ruled with mercy alone. The max I could do this is not kill but exile them. However, if you feel like among them there are some good people I will allow them to stay. It would be your decision, not mine. Happy now?"

Victor thought about it for some seconds before nodding. At least they could be alive and somehow manage to live on by doing some hard work. It would benefit them as well.

"Thank you for being merciful to them, Sire." Victor smiled softly "And it is the night I think you should rest. You woke up from the coma. I do not want to see you in that state or familiar state again. Ever."

Andrew chuckled softly "Victor I don't think you can see me in that state even if you wish. I am too strong now and very well I shall go and rest."

Andrew winked and teleported away from the courtroom to his bedroom. Victor smiled brightly at Andrew's confidence and in his mind he prayed for Andrew 'May Andrew always be filled with vitality."

Andrew jumped on his bed and hugged a pillow taking a deep breath "Finally the bad smell is gone!" He said happily and loudly before closing his eyes.

Although Andrew seemed so energetic he was exhausted. He forced himself to act energetic earlier to worry Victor or anyone else. He also did not want to show a weak side to anyone. Not even Victor.

"I hope tomorrow my life won't be as bad as today." Andrew mumbled and yawned softly before peacefully falling asleep. It did not take him more than twenty seconds to drool a little from the corner of his mouth and be in deep sleep.

The King slept peacefully once again unaware of his fate. A true King destined to achieve the greatest could not enjoy a peaceful day thus what tomorrow holds for him will make his life even more tiresome than it was already.

To be continued...

Thank you for reading! :>

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