
The Greatest Monarch

After an unexpected accident, the king of Zion went into a state of coma. The ruler should be the heart of his people but the truth was entirely different from this. The coma seemed more like a blessing for the people of Zion. They wished for this blessing to never vanish. Why? That was because if it did not vanish and if he died, the holy church would take over the kingdom and they would no longer have to serve under a trash king anymore. But after he woke up, something even better happened. The King has lost his memory, even his personality was completely rewritten. When the trash king came to know the wrong deeds he had committed earlier, it pierced into his chest like sharp arrows making him feel guilty beyond what words could explain. He decided to change the shape of his kingdom and become the strongest king ever with the help of the "system" he got! Will he be able to dominate the world? Will he be able to enjoy the luxurious life of a king? Those questions can only be answered when you read his story and dive into the world of fantasy! Note: This is a remastered novel of my previous novel. After I had to undergo surgery I could no longer write, which made people lose interest in my novel and I actually wanted to rewrite my novel too. There were many mistakes and loopholes that I wanted to fix so here I am... writing my novel once again.

TheHeavenlySleeper · Fantasy
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39 Chs

A Life Of King And An Attack!

"I hope tomorrow my life won't be as bad as today." Andrew mumbled and yawned softly before peacefully falling asleep. It did not take him more than twenty seconds to drool a little from the corner of his mouth and be in deep sleep.

While Andrew slept peacefully on his soft bed his trusted underlings did the task he had assigned to them.

Victor put out the fire from the buildings and gathered dead soldiers, ministers, and court members' families to inform them about the king's order along with checking who was trustworthy and should be allowed to stay.

Soldiers helped those who were injured and took them to a physician along with putting stolen items in the treasury of Zion.

Oliver looked at the damaged properties and checked what should be fixed again and what should be left alone. Other than that he also helped physicians treat the injured ones and while doing so check the suicide notes of the dead ministers. He was the busiest one.

After several hours, finally, when sunlight fell on the face of Andrew he groaned and forced himself to sit up on the bed. He opened his eyes partially and looked around tiredly.

"I hoped it was all a dream and I was but a cat who was taking a nap..." Andrew sighed and slowly got off the bed as he mumbled those words.

One of many maids in the palace knocked on the door as Andrew was stretching out his body while groaning softly. He looked towards the door and said "Come in" after he stopped stretching.

The maid walked inside the room with her eyes down and bowed before she spoke "I greet the sun of Zion. I hope you slept well, sire, and if you are completely up shall I take you to the bathhouse?"

The maid was an elderly lady that looked like she was in her mid-fifties due to her gray hair of old age. She was an average and average looking person with black eyes and many wrinkles on her old face.

Andrew looked down at the old maid with a calm face and nodded "Yes I am fully awakened. Let's go there." Andrew was not aware of what was the "bathhouse" however he was sure he would likely get a bath there.

The elderly maid nodded and started to walk towards the bathhouse slowly. She was walking slowly not because of old age but because of fear. She had witnessed the horrible death Andrew had given to the soldiers thus it was obvious she would be scared however although she was scared she did not show any expression of fear. She wore a straight face and acted professionally.

The elderly maid walked through the complex hallways and led Andrew out of the castle. Once out of the castle, they walked in the opposite direction from the entrance gate of the palace.

Behind the castle, there was a large free space and only two types of structures that were facing the opposite side of the castle. Both types of structures were around 45 meters away from the castle and 20 meters apart from each other.

The structure on the right was a large building made up of beautiful gray-colored ashlar masonry and a free roof that was hidden under countless banana leaves because of the summer which can warm up the cold water of the great bathhouse.

(A/N: Ashlar masonry is finely dressed stone, either an individual stone that has been worked until squared, or a structure built from such stones. Ashlar is the finest stone masonry unit, generally rectangular cuboid, mentioned by Vitruvius as opus isodomum, or less frequently trapezoidal. Commonly used as bricks in the medieval age)

While the other structure was a group of buildings that were situated on the left side. They were circular-shaped buildings filled with not only grains but also pulses, vegetables, fruits, and barrels of liquor that were being protected by the magic circle from spoiling. Magic circles were created in ancient times and no one knows how or who made them. Those buildings were granaries of the kingdom of Zion.

The elderly maid led Andrew to the building on the right, meaning the bathhouse, and stood at the side of the gate while facing him "Please enter, your highness. Other maids will help you in bathing."

Andrew simply nodded and walked inside the bathhouse. The moment he got inside the bathhouse the maids started to take off his clothes which startled him, he was about to hit one of them however he somehow managed to stop his hand from moving a bit.

Andrew let the maids do their job by not stopping them from undressing him. They took off every piece of cloth that was on his body before they went to try and open the underwear however Andrew instinctively stopped the maid who was ready to pull it down.

"No," Andrew said looking down at her with a serious face "Don't take this off. I don't want to be naked." Andrew might have lost his memory but not the basic knowledge and common sense. At least he had not lost all of them.

"S-sorry, your highness..." The maid looked down, shaking fearing what Andrew might do with her. None of them before were scared of him, to be exact they all were somewhat friends however after witnessing the terror of Andrew the fear was growing in their hearts.

"It's alright." Andrew let go of her hand and gave her a head pat "Now can I take a bath?" He asked with a small smile.

"Yes..." The maid returned the smile and as Andrew walked past her the maids somehow felt better than before. The fear they had decreased? perhaps it turned into respect? even though they did not know the answer to that.

The bathhouse was large from the inside. It looked bigger from the inside compared to the outside. The bathhouse was made up of millions of simple-looking terracotta bricks unlike the castle because the use of marbles there would cause a lot of accidents.

There was a water body in the middle that looked like a large swimming pool of the modern era. The water changed every day and the water was coming from the mouth of two lion heads at the end of the water body.

Andrew walked inside the water body and sat at the edge of the water body. He laid his back against the wall and put his arms above the water on the edge of the body. The water hardly reached his chest and that made the bath even more comfortable for him.

The maids prepared water with roses and started to pour it on Andrew. They gave him a nice bath and rubbed their hands against his body giving him a massage.

Andrew closed his eyes and completely relaxed into the bath. The maids' hands were a little rough and hard however they did not change the fact it was very enjoyable.

After nearly 20 minutes Andrew opened his eyes as a thought suddenly struck his mind 'I should read some books-' He had the thought because he realized he had no knowledge about the world or even his own kingdom not to mention he was not even sure if the information about magic and aura he had gotten from the system was even correct.

"Is something wrong, your highness?" One of the maids asked a bit worried "Did we do anything wrong?"

"No you're good and this is enough bath for me. I want to eat first and then go to meet Victor." Andrew said as he got up and walked out of the water.

The maids dried his body and dressed him up into new clothes. The maids tried to open his underwear again and like before they were stopped. He changed his underwear on his own but everything else was put on his body by the maids.

Andrew walked out of the bathhouse and the elderly maid from before was waiting outside standing still. Once he was out she bowed once again and said "I will take you to the dining room."

Andrew nodded and then the elderly maid started to walk. The elderly maid led him through the complex hallways once again and took him to the dining room.

The elderly maid opened the gate for him and waited for him to get inside the room first before getting inside the room herself.

The dining room was luxurious, not too different from his bedroom. The room was made up of the same materials as any other room with the only difference of design and the items in the room.

In the middle of the room, there was a dining table made up of black marble and chairs around it made up of wood. It was filled with various foods and drinks that looked so good that they literally shined.

Andrew gulped the water which formed in his mouth by looking at the delicious and slowly walked to the family's head chair and sat on it.

Andrew took a piece of food and was about to put it in his mouth but then a thought came to his mind 'Does everyone eat like this here? I am not sure but this is kinda luxurious, right? Amy did say I eat luxurious food and because of that many people have to starve...'

Andrew put the food down and looked at the elderly maid "Is this food limited to me or does everyone eat food like this?"

The elderly maid looked at Andrew confused but then she remembered there were rumors he had lost his memories. She dared not to ask if that was true or not from him so she just answered the question without any further information.

"No, it is not limited to only you, sire. Ministers or the ministers from the past enjoy this food as well and if we, maids, are lucky enough we might get some leftovers."

Andrew stared at her with a straight face for some seconds before he got up from the chair "This won't do." He said as he looked forward.

The elderly maid flinched and got startled when Andrew suddenly stood up and said that. She quickly got to her knees while shaking in fear "M-my lord... please forgive us. I will make sure any maid never gets the taste of royal food just does not kill me or any other maid!" She begged for her and her underling's life.

Andrew looked down upon her and sighed deeply remembering the image of King or any nobility was very wrong in the eyes of Zion.

"Stand up... I am not angry or something and especially not because you maids got to eat something good. I, the king of Zion, have decided to make this kingdom the greatest, but it's not possible if my people don't get enough food. I will share my food with you all."

Andrew smiled as he said that while looking at her. He held her arm and pulled her up making her stand normally "So call everyone outside the castle. I will announce it."

The elderly were stunned, surprised, and confused at the same time by the actions and words of Andrew. She was not sure what happened or what was going on or how she should react to it but all she could have done at the moment was smile and nod.

After that speech, Andrew's stomach started to growl, so the elderly maid could not help but chuckle before saying "For that our king must also eat a lot. You must eat first, sire."

Andrew nodded a little bit embarrassed because of the growling and sat down before he started to eat and since he had not eaten food for days he was eating as fast as he could.

After Andrew was finished he leaned against the chair and the maids cleaned his hand with warm lemon water and then with normal water before drying them.

Andrew was super satisfied thus he could not stop himself from smiling brightly as he relaxed, forgetting about the fact he wanted to read some books.

Andrew sat there smiling for a couple of seconds before he heard loud stomping noises. He already guessed who it belonged to which made him sigh tiredly "Not again..." He mumbled.

The door of the dining room opened with a push and revealed that those footsteps belonged not to Lucia but Oliver.

Oliver was panting heavily and looked at Andrew before yelling "We are attacked, your highness!"

To be continued...

Thank you for reading! :>

And now the real fun begins...

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