
The Greatest Monarch

After an unexpected accident, the king of Zion went into a state of coma. The ruler should be the heart of his people but the truth was entirely different from this. The coma seemed more like a blessing for the people of Zion. They wished for this blessing to never vanish. Why? That was because if it did not vanish and if he died, the holy church would take over the kingdom and they would no longer have to serve under a trash king anymore. But after he woke up, something even better happened. The King has lost his memory, even his personality was completely rewritten. When the trash king came to know the wrong deeds he had committed earlier, it pierced into his chest like sharp arrows making him feel guilty beyond what words could explain. He decided to change the shape of his kingdom and become the strongest king ever with the help of the "system" he got! Will he be able to dominate the world? Will he be able to enjoy the luxurious life of a king? Those questions can only be answered when you read his story and dive into the world of fantasy! Note: This is a remastered novel of my previous novel. After I had to undergo surgery I could no longer write, which made people lose interest in my novel and I actually wanted to rewrite my novel too. There were many mistakes and loopholes that I wanted to fix so here I am... writing my novel once again.

TheHeavenlySleeper · Fantasy
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39 Chs

After The War... Days Of Depression (I)

After gathering enough courage Daniel, finally in a normal voice, said "?"

Andrew let go of Lucia's body before quickly getting up and grabbing Daniel by his chin and lifting him in the air angrily.

Andrew's eyes were red from not crying but from pure anger. He looked like he would kill everyone in the sight.

Daniel could have used his left aura to fight back, but he did not and tried to slip away from Andrew's grip through normal means.

"Y-your highness, get back to the senses!" Daniel said loudly because he was really scared. He might piss in his pants any moment seeing Andrew like that.

"Sire we know you're upset, however, you cannot get anything by killing us!" One of the soldiers yelled and tried to calm Andrew down which was then followed by other soldiers saying "Please calm down."

Andrew flinched as he realized what he was doing and let go of Daniel before lifting Lucia's dead body in his arms and walking out of the kaylra kingdom slowly.

Daniel rubbed his chest and tried to calm himself down after he fell to the ground. Other soldiers quickly came and helped him get up "Bro you are okay?"

Daniel nodded and gently rubbed his chin "Even without using Aura sire was easily about to crush my head..." He mumbled.

The soldiers looked at each other before looking at Andrew leaving through the entrance. They wanted to comfort him however at the same time, they were too scared to even look at his face.

Andrew buried Lucia's dead body outside the kingdom under a tree and near the original broken walls of Kaylra, so he could remember where he buried her when he ever returned to this place.

After Andrew was done burying the dead body he returned to his soldiers and commanded them to return to Zion before he teleported himself back to Zion.

Andrew got a quest clear notification from the system, however, he just closed the panel and did not even collect the reward he was so excited about.

Andrew's mind was a complete mess at that moment.

Andrew teleported himself into the room and closed the door before he jumped into the bed trying to force himself to sleep.

None in the Zion kingdom was aware of the fact Andrew had returned and thus they continued to do their daily life while praying for the king and his subordinate's safety.

Nearly after 8 hours, the soldiers returned to the kingdom. Everyone opened the gate for them quickly however when they did not find Andrew among them a depressed environment took over the civilians of Zion.

Victor nearly fell to the ground however before Victor fell Daniel explained the situation to everyone.

"His highness teleported away!"

Daniel shouted when he saw everyone present there were about to cry. He was kind of hurt inside that none welcomed them however he could not help but smile when he noticed how lovable of a king Andrew had become already.

Victor let out a sigh of relief and slowly walked closer to the soldiers with a smile on his face before he placed his hand on Daniel's shoulder.

"Thank you... if it wasn't for you I wonder if any other soldier would have pledged their loyalty to his royal highness."

Daniel got flustered by those words coming from Victor and looked around trying to think of something, however, he just could not think of anything especially when everyone started to cheer for him suddenly.

After a few minutes when the situation calmed down Daniel suddenly had a saddened expression on his face at which Victor raised his eyebrow.

"What's the matter?" Asked Victor in curiosity.

"..." Daniel stayed quiet and slowly looked down before he opened his mouth to answer the question and satisfied Victor's curiosity.

"Lady Lucia... is dead... by the hands of his highness..."


There was a sudden silence in the place that was so cheerful just a moment ago. Everyone knew Lucia... She was the true ruler of Zion who everyone loved from their heart.

Lucia was the only person who went against ministers and even the court priest openly in order to defend the poor commoner.

Lucia did everything in her power to help everyone and thus every commoner thought of her as a true ruler, no, they thought of her as the goddess herself!

"His highness... cried. He tried to not let us see that however, I saw it... I saw the tears in his eyes. Lord Victor, you should visit him..."

Victor sighed softly. He knew that if Andrew killed her he might suffer from an unexplainable pain... love was something that was beyond humans and even creatures of magic knowledge.

Victor was about to go and talk to Andrew however before he got the chance to do that Oliver interfered and told Victor that he wanted to comfort Andrew because perhaps after that their relationship may get better.

Olivier slowly and quietly opened the door to peek inside the room of Andrew. He found Andrew sleeping on the bed while hugging the pillow quietly, so he walked inside before going to him.

Olivier gently moved his head to Andrew's head and patted him gently "My lord I know you're upse- holy fuck!"

Before Olivier could have finished his sentence Andrew opened his eyes and glared at him with his shining red eyes with an angry face. He was still using the Eyes Of Judgment since it did not cost any energy.

Olivier quickly got up and bowed multiple times before just running out of the room however before he left he closed the door. He was a good person after all.

Olivier was traumatized by what happened that day and even said things with extra words like "He was about to cut off my head!", "He was about to burn me for sure!", etc. Which well Andrew actually would have done, however, he never showed that intention to Oliver for him to say those things.

It was best advised to leave Andrew alone for some time. He needed some time alone, however, the "some" time alone became too much.

Many days passed however Andrew refused to leave his room. He did not even come out to eat... he starved himself for days.

Victor tried to talk to Andrew however he was stopped by others saying Andrew needed time and if Victor somehow offended Andrew... it would be a disaster.

However... no matter what Victor could no longer see Andrew in that state. One night Victor decided to go to Andrew's room secretly.

Victor quietly walked through hallways with soft steps like a thief to avoid anybody looking at him.

(A/N: For a while, Victor will be mentioned as a thief.)

At the same time, Someone else was also walking through the hallways like a thief with soft steps looking around trying to not get caught by someone else.

In the absolute darkness, both thieves walked looking all around despite being so careful... They end up bumping into each other just in front of Andrew's room.

(A/N: as you guessed the castle had a complex hallway system so there are many ways to get into a room. For Andrew's room, there are three ways if the window is excluded.)


They both quickly turned around only to find that they both knew each other.


To be continued...

Thank you for reading! ^^

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