

Things proceeded the same as they did before, for the most part. Aside from what people said it was exactly the same.

Even at lunch everyone sat in the same spot as I remember.

"Hey did you hear about the drug bust two blocks from here?"

"Yea, that hero After Image was the one who did it."

"He is so cool."

The conversation between Terence and his friends was the same, talking about After-Image.

This is the most wacked thing I have ever experienced.

"God, I can't stand this." I got up out of my seat and took my lunch outside to eat.

"I can't stand looking at them, one moment they praise someone for being a hero by using their strength to help others and the next they go and push someone around simply because they are stronger.


School has ended and I'm just about head out, I turn the corner and see Terence and his crew beating up that fat kid again.

"Those assholes. What I would give to beat the living daylight out of them."

Of course Terence just happens to look over my way.

"Hey you, Come over here!"

Dam it, where is Dan when you need him.

I reluctantly walked over to Terence and his crew.

"You see this pig he-" Tetence didn't get to finish his sentence.

"Just shut up." I punched Terence square in the nose. Terence took several steps back covering his hands with his nose. "Ahhh my nose is bleeding."

I didn't give him a second to retaliate. This idiot has never been in a fight before and left an huge opening. I punched him in the stomach repeatedly until he was a sobbing mess on the floor.



I was waiting for my very introverted cousin Jake, but since he was taking too long I decided to go and look for him.

As I was looking for him I saw Ms.Turner the Head art Teacher. We said hello to each other and continued on our way.

As I was walking down to the tech hall I could hear a commotion, I thought someone might be fighting so I went to investigate, but when I rounded the corner what I saw was a complete shock.


Jake POV

If anyone was to watch the fight take place they would think I was watching the third member of Terences "gang" run off but I was looking at something completely different.

[Hidden Quest Completed - Stick it to em

Quest rewards: Improved Speed (upgradeable)]

[Improved Speed -

Multiples your Agilty by 1.25]

It is two holographic boxes of text that are right in front of me.

But this is real life. Wait that crystal that I picked up, yesterday? today? whatever I picked it up and now I'm reliving the same day and now I see this.

I can think about this later, for now I need to get home so my aunt and uncle don't start to worry about me.


25 minutes later

I finally got home and went straight to my room. I sat on my bed and started to think about what just happened just 25 minutes prior.

After I beat the living daylight out of Terence I saw that holographic text box saying I completed a "Hidden Quest".

What does that mean?

[Hello there]

I heard the voice of what sounded like an Ai. The voice echoed like it was in my head. I looked around the room to find what was responsible for the said voice.

[You will not find me, I am inside your head]

"And that makes me feel a holelot better." I muttered as I continued to look around the room for the source of this voice.

[Wait for one second]

Seconds later I saw a small orb of light appear in front of my eyes.

[Much better]

This time when the voice spoke it wasn't echoing in my head.

"What the hell are you?" I couldn't help but ask this orb of light that appeared before my eyes.

[I am here to help you.]

"Help me? With what?"

[At this point in time I do not know or have the authority to disclose that information.]

"Gee, thanks for all the help." This raises so many questions and I'm not getting an answer to any of them.

Sorry for the inconsistent releases

Raider325creators' thoughts