

One thing I always enjoyed was going for a walk with my mother, before the accident happened.

It was a good way to clear my head even if only for a moment.

I still enjoy going for a walk from time to time but I don't always get the time to do it, so I decided to take the time today.


As I was making my way back to my Aunt's and Uncle apartment I noticed that it was unusual quiet.

I took a second to make sure that there really wasn't anyone else around.

"What the heck. Shouldn't there be other people out here or something?" I said outloud to myself to try to calm myself down.

I had this feeling that someone was watching me. Waiting for me to do something like an animal in a zoo.

I felt my heart beating faster as I quickened my pace.

Then I saw it just out of the corner of my eye reflecting the sunlight into my eye.


Curious as to what was reflecting the light Jake walked over to the alleyway where the reflection came from.

"Is that a diamond?" Jake muttered to himself as he found the origin of the reflection.

A small crystal like object about the size of a tennis ball was sitting just inside the alley.

Jake reached down to pick up the strange crystal.

"This is surprisingly light for its size. I wonder how it got here." Jake muttered to himself.

Only 5 seconds after Jake held the strange crystal in his hand, it began to glow and melt into a light blue liquid and flow into Jake's skin.

"Ahhhhhg!" Jake screamed in pain as he felt this foreign object melt into his body causing excruciating pain.

Jake soon felt his consciousness slipping away and he collapsed onto the sidewalk.


(Jake POV)

I felt completely weightless as I "fell" down into the abyss. I saw parts of my life as this was happening. My tenth birthday, my first day at school, me and my friends on our bikes, but soon it stopped at something I been trying to forget for a long time.

The night my family died.


Jake looked at the seen in front of him.

Everything was frozen mere seconds before Jake's mother and father would be crushed by the collapsing bridge.

Jake looked at his hands, they had became transparent like a ghost.


Jake looked up at the top of the bridge and could make out two figures at the top.

After what felt like hours of walking Jake was on the top of the bridge where the two figures were standing.

One was dressed in black and red and the other white and yellow. Jake couldn't find any distinguishing features from either of them due to them both appearing blurred.

"They must have some sort of speed super power. They must be going so fast that they only appear as a blur."

"Why am I here again? Is there a reason as to why I'm seeing this?" Jake said as he looked to the sky.

The sky began to change and everything began to disappear into light blue particles and Jake began to fall into the abyss onec again. This wouldn't be the last time Jake would be gifted such and opportunity.

After what felt like years of falling Jake saw a light.


Jake opened his eyes and sat up from his bed.

"What? How did I get here?" Jake said as he looked around his surroundings.

Jake reached over and picked up his phone.

[7:27AM] [March 21 2017]

"What? But It was after 3:30 PM before I found that strange crystal."


"Wait, that crystal did this."

"What ever it doesn't matter now. If I'm correct I need to get to school."

After I had gotten finished getting dressed I exited my room and went to the kitchen to get breakfast.

"Hey kiddo. Did you sleep well last night?" My uncle asked (again?) as I entered the kitchen.


"Hey, you finally got up."

A slight change as yo what he said, noted.


Sorry for not being very consistent (again)

Raider325creators' thoughts