
The Great One Explores the Multiverse

Some guy dies during the COVID-19 epidemic unknowingly and got to meet a god who took pity on the young human who died and gave each one three choices of either to go to heaven, go through reconciliation, or spin the wheel of fortune that will give a new fate for whoever spins it.

WizPThief · Video Games
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12 Chs

Ch 7

Inside Cainhurst Castle in a grand throne room, Queen Carmilla Cainhurst is sitting on her throne as seven women in a V formation are kneeling down to her showing her great respect and loyalty.

Carmilla seeing the seven women kneel down for her nodded her head in approval before she started to speak to them in a calm and steady voice.

"You may raise." Carmilla

"Yes, and thank you our Queen!" Women x7

Seeing how they are acting respectable and proper Carmilla gave an unnoticeable smile to them before she started to speak once but this time she focused on one of them then the whole group in general.

"Miss Lilian Fullerton may you step up closer to me and answer some of my questions if you may." Carmilla

Hearing her name being called the woman in the center of the V formation walked closer to Carmilla but still keep a pretty good distance from her when she stopped and waited for her Queen to speak.

"Now, Miss Fullerton I'm sure you know why I called you here for right." Carmilla

"Yes, my Queen, from the summons letter I and my squad of Hunters are here to be questioned about our actions during the war." Lilian

"Yes, Miss Fullerton, that's right but not completely right as this meeting is for something way more important than just that. Now, Miss Fullerton, have you ever head of Hero Throne." Carmilla

Hearing her Queens words Lilian didn't understand what she was saying but she still replied to her question truthfully in embarrassment for not knowing what her Queen was asking about.

"I'm sorry, my Queen, but I don't know what the Hero Throne is can you please enlighten me on what it is?" Lilian

Hearing her reply and actions Carmilla nodded her head satisfied as she was using her question to test Lilian to see if someone might have spread the information about the Hero Throne secretly behind her back but it seems that her worries were unnecessary seeing how Lilian didn't know what the Hero Throne is so in a good mood she then decided to tell her about the Hero Thorne and see her reactions to the information as a test for her.

"Okay, I'll tell you and your team but be warned, Miss Fullerton, if I find out you spread any information I tell you about it to the public before it's announced officially you and your team will be dealt with accordingly but before I tell you do you and your team really want to know about the Hero Throne, this is the last chance I'm giving you to back out so chose wisely." Carmilla

Hearing her Queens words Lilian didn't reply right away but turn her head to her teammate's reactions before answering her.

When Lilian turned to her teammates they all gave her a nod their head to let her know that they'll follow her decision whatever it may be.

Lilian seeing their actions nodded her head to them as well before turning back her head to face Carmilla before answering her.

"My Queen we would like to know what is the Hero Throne and we swear not to leak any information we learn about the Hero Thorne unless under your order." Lilian

"Good, now like I said before, I summoned you and your team about your involvement in the war but in all actuality, it's not the only reason. The real reason I summoned you is to see if you are fit to be a Heroic Spirit and have a chance to let you ascend to a Hero Throne. Now, to clarify a Heroic Spirit is someone who was deemed worthy by Arya'reve, the Sleeping Abyss, and once they ascend that said person will be given a Hero Throne, new powers, and given a new form becoming immortal. Now, knowing that let me explain what a Hero Thorne is, a Hero Throne is a dream realm create by Arya'reve, the Bloody Dream using the ascending Heroic Spirit views, dreams, and memorize to create something like personalized heaven for the Heroic Spirit that gives them a lot of benefits including but not excluding a reality marble, avatar creation, superimposing, and many more but in return, the Heroic Spirit must open their Hero Throne publicly at least once in a decade to let people enter it and Heroic Spirit may also be asked to comply a task that Arya'reve, the Dream Moon has assigned. Now, do you any questions pertaining to Heroic Spirit or Hero Throne?" Carmilla

Hearing her Queen telling her all about Heroic Spirit and Hero Thorne Lilian and her team became amazed by the notion of them and they also realize that this chance they are getting by the Queen might not come twice in a lifetime but before Lilian thinks any further on the subject she wanted to know one thing before she moved one in the conversation with her Queen.

"My Queen, I would like to know if I become a Heroic Spirit and ascend to a Hero Throne what will happen to my teammates?" Lilian

Hearing Lilian question Carmilla smiled a bit to her before answering her, in all honesty, to clear any doubt she may be having about becoming a Heroic Spirit.

"As I said before, I summoned you is to see if you are fit to be a Heroic Spirit and have a chance to let you ascend to a Hero Throne, I never said to become a Heroic Spirit you need to ascend to a Hero Throne but I did say I'm giving you the chance to just do that and once you ascend to a Hero Throne you will have the power to let other ascend to your Hero Throne letting them become Heroic Spirit but they will be called and seen as Heroic Servents instead of Heroic Spirit as they will be under your domain, control, and protection." Carmilla

Once Carmilla finished talking Lilian nodded her head in understanding as her doubts were answered as it now seemed like she didn't need to leave behind her teammates who she built a strong sense of sisterhood during her time together with them especially during the war and to show gratitude for Carmilla she bowed respectively to her as a sign of thanks for answering her doubts.

Now after getting her questions answered Lilian didn't ask another and just waited for her Queen to continue the conversation after bowing to her.

Carmilla seeing that Lilian didn't ask any more questions and that the only question she had asked so far pertained to her comrades she started to see Lilian in a better light but that didn't mean she will readily recommend her to Gabriel to be a Heroic Spirit as she still had finished interviewing her then three more people before she made a sound judgment before recommends anyone to be a Heroic Spirit to Gabriel.

After giving Lilian another once over Carmilla decided it was time to move on to the interview before sending her off.

(~•.•)~ <Scene Change> ~(•.•~)

As Carmilla was interviewing Lilian in Hogwarts at a meeting room the founders are having a meeting as they just received a return letter from Cainhurst which they found surprising as it was addressed from Cainhurst Head of Education and not from any of the schools they wrote to but once they thought about it some more it wasn't all that odd to receive a letter from the Head of Education of Cainhurst seeing how they tried to enroll children from Cainhurst to Hogwarts and there's also the fact they send letters to all magical schools in Cainhurst so it's only natural that the Head of Education of Cainhurst would have to be the one to respond to them after they sent their letters to the magical schools and after all their actions were accounted for.

The letter on surface-level read like a proper letter giving them a proper reply to the letters they sent the night before and some of the bear basic information about the education system in Cainhurst letting them known that they are seen as an optional abroad school so no charges will be made on them for the letter they sent illegally to the children of Cainhurst but as kept on reading they noticed a lot hidden means and they needed time to digest the information they were given.

Once all four founders have read the letter and gave themselves a moment to digest what's written on the letter the first one to speak up was Godric Gryffindor as he spoke bluntly about his thoughts about the letter.

"Well, I didn't expect the Head of Education in Cainhurst would scold us like this, I mean he's pretty much complaining to us in his letter about how much paperwork we caused him to fill out and he's making it seem like he's doing us a favor out of the goodness of his hart, poppycock I say." Godric

Hearing Godric words the other three founders couldn't help but laugh a little as if he put it that way the letter did sound like a complaint letter that's trying to reprimand them and their actions but at the same time they could only feel helpless as the letter he was berating about actually had a lot of hidden means and wasn't as simple as Godric described it and with Godric personality, he probably didn't put too much thought on his first read of the letter so now one of them had to speak up and give a more detail review about the letter to let him know that he should read the letter once more to understand the hidden meanings in it.