
The Great One Explores the Multiverse

Some guy dies during the COVID-19 epidemic unknowingly and got to meet a god who took pity on the young human who died and gave each one three choices of either to go to heaven, go through reconciliation, or spin the wheel of fortune that will give a new fate for whoever spins it.

WizPThief · Video Games
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In a castle, in the Highlands of Scotland after most of the residents in the castle are fed and tucked in for the night four adults are in lard room sitting around a table and are talking to one another about important matters that needed their attention after the sorting ceremony and banquet were over.

The first one to speak out of the four was the woman in blue.

"It seemed out of the letters we sent around five-eighth of the expected students didn't arrive or choose not to come." Rowena Ravenclaw

Hearing the news the woman in blue addressed the other three at the table weren't shocked as they expected for some not to appear because their idea of opening from their knowledge the first magical school in the world for all young wizard and witches sounded too good to be true so people not showing up was to be expected for the first couple of years at least until they build up a reputation for the school but the woman in blue wasn't done talking about the topic and the next words that came out of her mouth shocked them.

"It also seemed that one-fourth of the five-eighth that didn't appear have written on their letter that they send back simply stating that they are already going to a magical in Cainhurst, a country at the southern side of England that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere or was unnoticed until recent times and it also seemed that they just recently ended a war gaining two-fifths of the land in England." Rowena Ravenclaw

After saying her statement the woman in blue also passed out the letters and reports she got about Cainhurst to verify that she wasn't making up anything that she reported to the other three that sat around her.

Once everyone got the letters and reports to look at they were once more shocked as the letters didn't just mention one magical school but multiple ones at least four and in the reports, it also seems that from what they can gather is that Cainhurst has a large magical community governing the country as in the reports the battles that Cainhurst were involved in weird and dangerous monsters have appeared on their side along with their trooper.

After they finished reading through the reports one of the two men at the table spoke up to ask a question after thinking for a bit.

"Rowena, from the reports it says that you expect a magical community is governing Cainhurst but why haven't any of the other magical community we meant reported about them when we were promoting Hogwarts and what happened to them after Cainhurst occupied their land?" Godric Gryffindor

Hearing the man questions the woman in blue, Rowena, answered him to the best of her ability as all the information she has is incomplete so she tries her best to fill in the blanks to the best of her abilities.

"From what I can gather from the House Elves I sent the magical community of Cainhurst is unreachable as any time they try to apparate anywhere in Cainhurst they find themselves outside the border of Cainhurst making me believe the whole country should be protected from any unauthorized apparition and as for the other magical community in the now occupied Cainhurst land it seems some were run out or escaped from what they called Witch Hunters after they didn't accept to swear allegiance to the Cainhurst and so far we have only have found three-tenths of the original magical community we visited." Rowena Ravenclaw

After giving her answer the room was silent as they try to get a handle of the situation in their heads before the man spoke up once more.

"Should one of go and visit this Cainhurst to get a better understanding of it and so I nominate myself to be the one to visits Cainhurst as we don't know of any untold dangerous that might be presented in it." Godric Gryffindor

Hearing his words none of the other was surprised by him taking the initiative to charge into the unknown and can only sigh at him before the other man at the table spoke up to show his disapproval of his good friend plans.

"Godric, don't be a thunderhead and think for once, this Cainhurst might be unknown but that doesn't mean we have to investigate it as soon as possible and later there will definitely be news out of there eventually so it's best if we wait until then so we don't get into any unneeded conflicts and we also just opened this school that needs all our attention for now so you running off on an epic quest doesn't sound like a wise choice right now." Salazar Slytherin

Hearing his friend's words the man calmed himself down and started to think once as his friend continued to talk.

"Rowena, you said that apparition doesn't work but our letters were not only sent but were also replied to that means we can probably send more in the future." Salazar Slytherin

"Yes, but Salazar I don't recommend sending any more letters to the children of Cainhurst or to a random individual from out of the blue because the people of Cainhurst might take offense by our actions thinking we are trying to trick their children to run away from home and the like." Rowena Ravenclaw

"Oh, that's okay, I think we should actually send letters to the magical schools of Cainhurst and set up a meeting if we can. We should also try and not get involved in their politics publicly in any way, shape, or form. It'll be best to hold a friendly relationship that we can use to have a form of a connection to them if it is ever needed." Salazar Slytherin

After telling the people around the table his plan Salazar took out a quill and paper before he started to write a rough draft and with the help of the other at the table to best represent their intentions and to not leave out anything he missed just in case.

As the four founders of Hogwarts were writing Gabriel was watching them but wasn't really interested as the one he was really paying too was asleep in her bed dream about how to would be like to be like her beloved mother.

Seeing her dream Gabriel didn't find it strange and could guess how this dream of hers will drive her future actions but to make sure future events don't change that much he started to influence her dream a bit to plant seeds of discontent in her.

(~''•'')~ <Scene Change> ~(''•''~)

At Cainhurst Castle Queen Carmilla Cainhurst is looking at reports about children receiving letters from some unknown school and report on the development plans for the newly conquered land along with a list of people who are recommended to ascend to a Hero Throne by the nobles under her.

Seeing all the information in front of her Carmilla was overwhelmed but like any true monarch, she prioritized the most important things first starting with the reports about the development plans before moving on to the reports of the children receiving letters then finally the recommended to ascend list.

Looking at the report on the development plans she found that the progress was being slowed down by the people who didn't like the changes she brings to the land but as the saying goes change is inevitable and despite the slow progress nothing is awry has occurred so everything is progressing quite nicely and in the next fifty years the development plans of the newly conquered lands will be completed.

After giving the development plans another look over Carmilla moved on to the reports of the about children receiving letters from some unknown school and looked at the said letter before putting it aside not bothering with it as she can't do anything if the child of her kingdom wanted to study abroad so the most she can do at this moment is to pass the reports to Byrgenwerth seeing how its scholars are in charge of the education of Carmilla so it's their duty to solve any problems when it comes to abroad schooling.

After moving aside the report and letter to be sent to Byrgenwerth Carmilla looked at the recommended to ascend list and saw many names ranging from generals to brave soldiers and some other people that caught the eye of her men.

Seeing the list of men on the list four names caught her eyes as all four played an important role in Cainhurst's first war and they were Lilian Fullerton, Harry Fonda, Jake White, and Hannah Hudson.

Lilian Fullerton is a female Hunter who led an all-female Hunter group to helped win many battles with her group by sneaking into the enemy's camps to assassinate the leaders of the opposing side and cursing havoc in the camps as they left giving her the nickname of Lilian of the Bloody Sisterhood.

Harry Fonda is a soldier who after seeing one of his friends die in a major battle became crazy and ran deep into the enemy camp while using a combination of Beast Rune, Lumenwood Rune, Poison Rune, and the Malicious Rune to turn himself into a strong half-beast half-plant Beast that can poison anything he hits massacring and destroying anything that came in his way.

Jake White is a major general in the Cainhurst Army and from what she can gather he is a gifted strategist who made the strategy that helped take down three armies and he also seems well-liked by the commoners of Cainhurst as he shows himself to be an upright man of authority.

Hannah Hudson compared to the other three is especially special in Carmilla eye as Hannah isn't from Cainhurst and instead, she was a Duchess who schemes behind her original country and helped Cainhurst to take over it and from what Carmilla can gather Hannah did all that so she can be the one to kill her father, her brother, and her husband for revenge.

After narrowing down the recommended people Carmilla then plans to call them in the coming days to interview them before choosing one to recommend to Gabriel to be a Heroic Spirit.