
The great man behind the scene.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity doesn't come twice. What if you had the opportunity to alter destiny, it even better if you could change things in the worlds you knew; all those who you believed were only fiction. You will join the main elect, helping to stop the villains. Showing how powerful you are to the world, and getting the beauties. A good option. ... Of course not. Ocelotl will take a completely different path. He will become the big man behind the scenes. Madara Uchiha: Who the hell is Mictlantecuhtli!? Aren't I supposed to be the big man behind the scenes!? Hydra: The spies, who spied on the spies, were they spying on us!? Wolf: What? attack who? You're crazy! this great bounty hunter is many things, but idiot is not one of them, if you want to die he goes die alone. ... The birth of a legend. After the fall of others. Note: I hope you're ready, because here comes a brotherhood of assassins like you've never seen before. By the way, a warning this may have some spelling mistakes. If you don't like it, you can go to hell, don't comment, it's obvious, you're just revealing how little information you retain. Why you have already been warned here?

Ometecuhtli · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Starting the plans.

Disclaimer, I do not own any of the works used in this story. This novel is entirely and completely non-profit, created by a fan for other fans.

Chapter 3: Vol. 1: The Fundamentals of Brotherhood


Location unknown. Empty dimension. February 4, 2011, 4:00 PM.

It's curious.

Like in a space where there is nothing. A person created from thousands of biological parts and systems can survive without the elements necessary to generate life.

Mysteries of energies.

I would say Ocelotl.

After finishing the first plans, he immediately set to work, with the help of the newly named energy:

ONEL Energy (Omniversal).

I create a separate dimension of reality. Something similar to the sorcerers' mirror dimension in Marvel, except the one created by Ocelotl is not connected to any known world or universe.

This is good, so as not to have the displeasure of receiving unpleasant visitors at the door of your house.

It was fascinating.

How, with the help of his finger, he cut the air in front of him. Similar to a knife cutting through a cake, upon finishing a special crack, he would greet Ocelotl. The visual effect of this event was disconcerting for a guy whose progress within his world was far from being able to pass his natural satellite.

Once inside, Ocelotl watched in undisguised amazement.

Inside was...

Inside, there was...





There was nothing.

As expected from an empty dimension. He lived up to his name.

Walking a few minutes around the place.

He made sure the place was perfect.

In the end, with a smile, Ocelotl nodded in satisfaction.

—It seems good enough here.

It was time for the much-loved system to shine.

With a quick thought.

A holographic screen unfolded before his gaze.



You have activated the system!

+100 reputation

You have learned a new skill: activation.

Activation:You can now call the system with just a quick thought.


—Virtual interface.

Ocelotl couldn't help but laugh at everyone who knew about reincarnation. The system was the holy grail for everyone, and many dreamed of having their own.

And now here he was.

Enjoying the sensation.


Name: Ocelotl' Rivera Vázquez Hernández.

Race: human, carbon-based.

Cultivation range: Reborn. (Returned lifetime 1.0: 1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes)

Current Kingdom: Apex Reborn Lv. 4 (078/100)

Level: Late Kingdom.

Experience: 60%

Main class: Multifunction.

Attributes: strength, dexterity, endurance, intelligence, mystery, charm, luck, leadership.

Unassigned statistics: 0

Energy: ONEL (Lv. 20)

Power range: 3

Grade: A+ (Semi-Inmortal)

[On your way to becoming the big man behind the scenes.]

Health points: 100000000/100000000 ()

Stamina: 10000000/10000000


- Acute senses: + 100% reaction speeds to danger and immediate response.

- Body Possession: +100% chance to possess a person's body and change everything about them to the user's will

- Invisibility: + 100% No one will be able to see you, you become one with nothingness.

- Intangibility: + 100% You are untouchable, nothing can touch your physical body.

- Ghostly Scream: + 100% the lament of the loudest your voice, it will terrify and sometimes murder all the souls in your range, ability to command spirits.

- Dimensional Walker: +100% The dimensions between worlds do not represent an obstacle for you.

- Clones: +100% lack of manpower, what is that? You can create exact replicas of yourself without time limitations or loss of energy.

(See more.)

Talent points: 0

Rank Talents: 30

Influence 0

Reputation: 100

World Points: 50,000

Equipment: Training System.


After spending just over a week in this new world.

Ocelotl could say with confidence that he was pleased with his progress.

The system features were good and fairly easy to understand.

His advancement in cultivation was fast enough.

Although he knew that the reason he was so well advanced was to thank God, being the bearer of this new energetic entity naturally gave him an advantage.

The feeling was something similar to when a person had to wait for hours in line at the bank. Or in a cinema, but suddenly someone arrives with a VIP card and passes immediately without any problem, while the others can only watch angrily.

It is unfair.

Certainly, it is.

But that's how the world works.

What can he say?

It's good to be a VIP.

—Activate Creation! —After returning from his thoughts, Ocelotl spoke.





A second holographic tab appeared. Much smaller than the first, it was empty.

Undeterred by this, Ocelotl continued. —Search for seats of power.








Lv Silver (5000): Three-story mansion: basic laboratory, training room, dining room

Lv Gold (10,000): Four-story mansion: intermediate laboratory, basic training room, expandable dining room, meeting room

Platinum Level (40,000): Large Mansion with 6 floors, Advanced Laboratory, Intermediate Training Room, Giant Dining Room, Expandable Meeting Room, Individual Rooms, Avabel Tower, ONEL Library

Diamond Lv (300,0000): Basic Castle, State-of-the-art Laboratory, Basic Cosmic Hall, Large Dining Room, Operations Room, Individual Condominiums, Avabel Tower, ONEL Library, Basic Garden of Eden, Mines

Legend Lv(9,000,0000): Great Castle, ONEL Laboratory, Advanced Cosmic Hall, Great Dining Hall, Operations Room, Condominium District, Avabel Tower, ONEL Library, Advanced Garden of Eden, Mount Hall, Sacred Mines.

Mythic Lv(100,000,0000): Kingdom, ONEL Laboratories, Cosmic Halls, Great Halls, Condominium Districts, Avabel Tower, ONEL Library, Gardens of Eden, Mount Halls, Sacred Mines, Hall of Power, Throne Hall, Hall of Fame.



Ocelotl suddenly felt like he was being mocked. The first two were at affordable prices, or at least as far as the norm goes.

They have to know that adding world points is not as easy as those stories in their past world made you believe.

Changing the canon of a world would certainly work.

The problem is that, even if you achieve it, it does not mean that points will fall from the sky. Despite the difficulty of said movement, points come in small quantities, and getting them is hard and constant work.

Gone were Ocelotl's dreams of doing manipulations to change something and stretching out his hands to rain down points.


If he wanted manipulation.

But the point is, it won't rain.

That makes him sad.




Returning to the headquarters.

Currently, it is enough for him to complete the platinum.

Honestly, he seems like a good option to her. According to the system specifications, the six floors of the mansion are far from small, each exceeding the size of a football stadiums.

What the system considers a mansion, to a human, is similar to a city.

The advanced laboratory.

It could make Tony Stark, the self-proclaimed super-genius and master of technology, bleed with envy just by looking at the equipment inside it.

Ocelotl laughed like crazy.

Who says Wakanda is the most advanced country?


The training room.

It is a large extension dedicated to the training and formation of members.

Something interesting.

The interior will be equipped with an environment full of ONEL energy.

This would help the members in cultivation. Although there was no excess energy, it was enough to accelerate the pace of an untalented person's cultivation.

Then you can imagine how much fun those who have talent will have.

There is not much to say about the dining room. Except for the luxury with which it will be built, surely the cooks would feel like they were in heaven.

The meeting room.

It's what it sounds like.

There is no longer a space where the members will meet. Whether to pass the time or just study

The headquarters also has individual rooms.

Something similar to dormitories within universities.


Something that interested Ocelotl.

Tower of Heaven (Avabel)

A gigantic structure that pierces the sky. The tower has 500 floors, and each of them is a dungeon where members of the brotherhood can train by killing enemies generated with ONEL Energy. Once the floor is finished, if you manage to pass, the energy dispatched from the dead enemies will be transmitted to the member who managed to clear it.

Giving the practitioner an extra boost.

Energy portions also vary in concentration.

It all depends on whether you go alone or in a group.

Each floor increases the difficulty.

And the enemies can vary, from humans to aliens, monsters, etc.

Even inside the tower.

There is a PVP arena.

This elicited another laugh from Ocelotl.

And finally.

The ONEL Library.

This will probably be one of the most visited places, along with the training room and Avabel Tower.

The library will have it inside.

Martial techniques.

Books, which will teach members techniques to double ONEL energy.

Attack, defense, support, sealing, charms, and movement

From what Ocelotl can see, the pass to the library will have a simple restriction. To be able to enter and take a technique, regardless of talent, which is something obvious, members will have a ranking system, measuring in figures the merit earned within the Brotherhood.

This will work as money works in society.

How much they have will depend on each one.

-I'm excited.- Replying to Ocelotl, he hoped his excitement calmed down.

After finishing reading the headquarters specifications.

Without any more preambles.

Selected the option.

Platinum Level.


What happened next?

It can only be described as magical.

Just like a scanner.

A structure was drawn little by little. The walls, the biomes, and the very air he was used to blew strongly from nowhere. Before Ocelotl's open eyes, like a beautiful painting, the landscape was slowly drawn.

A strange feeling invaded him.

He realized.

That is, it was no longer his tragic life before.

This time.

He was starting over.


Oh my God.

Surely, he's going to enjoy this.

Creating is difficult, especially when you have to do it in a language other than your own.

So if you like what you're seeing, let me know what you think or if you have any thoughts on the plot.

Leave your stones if you think the story deserves them, or if you think it doesn't, just leave them, don't be stingy.


Without further ado, her friendly neighbor, her sisters' boyfriend and future stepfather, the God of creation: Ometcutli, says goodbye.

Ometecuhtlicreators' thoughts