
The great man behind the scene.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity doesn't come twice. What if you had the opportunity to alter destiny, it even better if you could change things in the worlds you knew; all those who you believed were only fiction. You will join the main elect, helping to stop the villains. Showing how powerful you are to the world, and getting the beauties. A good option. ... Of course not. Ocelotl will take a completely different path. He will become the big man behind the scenes. Madara Uchiha: Who the hell is Mictlantecuhtli!? Aren't I supposed to be the big man behind the scenes!? Hydra: The spies, who spied on the spies, were they spying on us!? Wolf: What? attack who? You're crazy! this great bounty hunter is many things, but idiot is not one of them, if you want to die he goes die alone. ... The birth of a legend. After the fall of others. Note: I hope you're ready, because here comes a brotherhood of assassins like you've never seen before. By the way, a warning this may have some spelling mistakes. If you don't like it, you can go to hell, don't comment, it's obvious, you're just revealing how little information you retain. Why you have already been warned here?

Ometecuhtli · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

A dignified death.

Many myths about death have spread over the centuries.

Some claim to have received a visit from a family member. Since he had already been dead for a few years, in his words, the experience feels authentic; as if the person himself came down from heaven to care for the seriously ill.

Many call this; the final visit.

A way in which it is known that the person in question has received the call of death. Some experts on the subject consider that it is the nerves of the brain causing hallucinations; others, on the other hand, firmly believe that it is the soul of the family member, giving him the last visit.

Many theories and much speculation.

The only thing you can be sure of is that the only way to know.

It is living it in person, and for Ocelotl this was an inevitable truth

He wouldn't say that he had an incredible life, full of excitement and adventure. Being the son of two indigenous parents, life for him was quite simple, his family was one of the ancestral survivors who still maintained the language.

A very old language.


The Aztec mother tongue.

That doesn't mean he lives hidden somewhere in the inhospitable world. His family resides in Veracruz; Mexico, his mother was a nurse and his father was a lawyer, so they did not suffer from lack of money.

This facilitated his entry to a good education.

He recognized that he was intelligent.

Outstanding average.



At university, he became interested in science. He wanted to somehow leave his small mark on history for this reason; He specialized in biology, especially in the branch of Etymology, mostly known as oncology.

The reason for his interest was Cancer.

One of the biggest diseases of humanity.

Tales of thousands of people die from this and other incurable diseases. He was determined to become the person who would put an end to many years of suffering.

Eventually, as the years passed, his goal grew closer and closer. With each announcement of progress he made, the world became more and more excited; He went from being just another biologist to one of the most famous in the world, especially because he came from a place that was undervalued in terms of scientific development.

His eyes were on him.

The expectations.


The prayers.

And of course too.

The bad intentions.

Ocelotl's only mistake.

It was not considering the whole picture. What was the reason why no one else had made a breakthrough, why in terms of diseases and viruses, humans were perishing in large numbers; The remedy only came out after time and even that remedy was not complete, just a way to appease the condition, not treat it at its roots.

Ocelotl described it himself.

When he received threats.

Even assassination attempts.

One day, like anyone else, he received the news that his family had died. According to the report, it was a car accident; But he knew that this was the case, he cried and screamed like never before in his life, and he did not understand what he was doing wrong.

He was trying to help humanity.


Why the humans themselves were attacking him?

The answer is simple.


The people behind the scenes controlled the world. If they wanted someone to disappear, it was just a matter of one call; For this reason, they let criminals loose in the world, letting the masses think that the government was fighting against them. When it was this same one who controlled them, how is corruption going to end, if those who are supposed to fight it are the owners of it, these guys who believe they are the invincible owners of everything?

You can fight them.

The answer is no.


Why one as an individual has no power? Even if the power of the people is brought together, the most they will achieve is to change the face of the culprit for a few moments, and after a while, they will eventually return to the same thing.

So what is needed?

—Cough, Cough!

The sound of a loud cough returned to

Ocelotl's thoughts of him. His gaze fell on the computer keyboard in front of him; on that loading screen recently stained with thick blood pouring from his mouth.

The investigator's white clothes were stained with dirt and blood.

His life was over.

He knew it.

He was sorry?

With a crisp beep, the loading bar on the screen finished loading.

In a quick movement of the hand; he turned on the video camera.


Blood gushed out.

But with a calm look, he stared into the camera.

Was he sorry?


He wasn't.

—My name is Ocelotl de Riviera Vázquez Hernández. I am an Oncologist in charge of studying serious conditions in the human body; He specializes in the prevention and treatment of cancer, many will recognize me a few years ago, I announced that he had found the key to curing this weak disease.

The echoing sound of gunshots could be heard in the background.

Currently, it is found in a small room; The background is dark, leaving just enough lighting to see her person.

—What I announced is true I found the cure for cancer and not only that. This would lead to the creation of treatments for other incurable diseases; I just finished uploading the data, and all my life's work will be delivered to the world.

The screen in front of him began to blur. As if suddenly he walks away and the letters on it will suddenly come to life.

He was running out of time.

—Unfortunately, it seems that my work was not liked by some people. The eradication of these diseases; would lead to the bankruptcy of large amounts of money earned, through the continuous suffering of people.

His tired gaze rose to the ceiling.

—I remember when I started all this. He was an enthusiastic young man, he wanted to change the world; and I wanted to make a difference. — I sighed as he looked down. — I guess the world is darker than I thought, the only thing I regret is not being able to do anything to those bastards.

The sounds of knocking on the door began to be heard louder.

The only thing preventing him from entering was the pile of furniture stacked against it.

But unperturbed, Ocelotl kept his calm gaze. —I don't know... What will happen next, if my research be used to help or will be lost forever; the only thing I hope for.


The door gave way.

-There is!

—Don't let him escape!

-You are dead!

The creak of the door, which was about to give way, caused Ocelotl to end the video before finishing his last thought; Fortunately, when the armed guys entered the small room, he had already finished his final task.

The information was on the network.

Along with the video.

Without any fear, he slowly turned around.

Still sitting in the chair, he looked at the guys who were pointing at him from all directions.

—Doctor, I handed over the data.

The cold voice of who he assumed was the boss approached him.


—I'm not kidding, hand over the data or you'll regret it!


—Do you think you're rude by not speaking?


—Well... Don't worry, you'll talk eventually, you have no idea how cooperative people become after a few hours of torture.

The guy smiled.

—Take the doctor to the car and be sure to give him some good hospitality while you're at it.

Following the leader's orders, three men mobilized. Ocelotl looked at the guys who were approaching him with bad intentions; It wasn't until they were so close, a few meters away, that he finally let out a laugh.

Frowning, one of the men asked in obvious annoyance. —What are you laughing at, have you already lost your mind?

-Well. — Stopping his laughter, he looks at everyone. — That's why, for some reason, you seem to believe that someone in this room will be able to get out.

Shaking chills.

Everyone without exception felt them.

A very bad feeling embedded itself in the hearts of the mercenaries.



-What the hell are you talking about?

The leader in particular advanced towards Ocelotl. "You have three seconds to talk before I blow your fucking head off!"

The said weapon was pressed on his forehead with force.

It was only a moment.

But for everyone, it felt like hours. As Ocelotl opened his lips to speak, the chills rose to their highest level.

-Three seconds.

For the first time in his life.

Ocelotl smiled.

Not like a normal or even soft smile.

Hell, that wasn't even a smile.

His fangs protruded greatly.

His face became more savage.

He was smiling.


Like a madman.

—I'm afraid... We don't have that much time.

Before the leader could ask more.

The sound of a countdown was heard in that room.

With his body tense and cold sweat out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the number 0 appearing on the screen.

And then he knew it.

He was screwed.

—Son of...



Over there.

Immersed in darkness.

While his body is destroyed.

He thought what he couldn't say in front of the camera.

The only thing I hope...

What I want...

It's being able to help someone...

Creating is difficult, especially when you have to do it in a language other than your own.

So if you like what you're seeing, let me know what you think or if you have any thoughts on the plot.

Leave your stones if you think the story deserves them, or if you think it doesn't, just leave them, don't be stingy.


Without further ado, her friendly neighbor, her sisters' boyfriend and future stepfather, the God of creation: Ometcutli, says goodbye.

Ometecuhtlicreators' thoughts