
The Great Game of Creators

When a humble soul ascends to godhood and is tasked with shaping a new world, they unwittingly become embroiled in a celestial conflict. In this great game, only one can emerge victorious. Richard could never have imagined that his afterlife would lead him to become a god. A lesser god, perhaps, but a god nonetheless. Shortly after his ascension, he was dispatched to a new world, where he could mold it to his liking. Of course he would later learn that he was now a player in the great game, and his immortality would be short-lived if he failed to emerge victorious.

LORD_TOADY · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The rise before the fall.

"Listen here, you damn bastard. I don't care that you are the boss's favorite guy. You understand me! She is mine! I don't know what she sees in you, but she's mine!"

Currently, Richard lies on the floor of his small house. His face was bruised and bloodied, and he could swear that some of his ribs were broken.

The man responsible for this was none other than Jyu Ruyiang.

How did it come to this?

If Richard remembered correctly, it was all because of ...

Maria Schmidt, a young woman blessed with abundant inheritance and unparalleled education, had always stood at the pinnacle of success. Her unwavering confidence and occasional arrogance often irked her peers at the university, including the Main Character (hereinafter referred to as MC). Nonetheless, both Maria and the MC were hailed as brilliant and gifted programmers, each harboring aspirations of conquering the virtual realm.

Despite her imperfections, Maria possessed an unparalleled drive. She consistently portrayed herself in the most favorable light and insisted upon her supremacy. Richard meanwhile, though lacking Maria's vast resources, boasted an undeniable resilience and talent.

Their rivalry within the academic sphere frequently thrust them into various competitions and contests, where they vied to showcase their prowess. Engaged in endeavors ranging from animating creations to crafting virtual landscapes, they sought to assert their dominance.

When an opportunity arose for them to join forces at a company reigning over a virtual monopoly, Richard found himself relegated to a subordinate position under Maria's auspices, owing to her influential connections. From that moment forth, he not only toiled for the company but also undertook sundry assignments and tended to Maria's needs.

In simpler terms, he was now her errand boy.

Their employer, known as "VirtualTech," reigned supreme in the realm of virtual entertainment and gaming. Holding sway over the production and development of virtual worlds and gaming products, VirtualTech boasted cutting-edge technologies that captivated millions worldwide. From immersive gaming experiences with intricate plots to virtual simulations offering unprecedented adventures, their offerings spanned a vast spectrum.

In the hallowed halls of VirtualTech, Maria's eminence remained unchallenged, a testament to her status and superiority. For the MC, however, it represented an opportunity to harness his latent talent and carve out a niche for himself in the industry.

After the Third World War, the world was on the brink of catastrophe. Vast swathes of land turned into barren wastelands, and many cities were destroyed or contaminated by radiation. Environmental disasters, diseases, and hunger became a daily reality for the remaining population. Thus, virtual reality became not just a form of entertainment but also a refuge from the horrors of the real world.

The company "VirtualTech" realized people's need for psychological and emotional refuge. They developed games that not only allowed players to enjoy virtual worlds and adventures but also offered the opportunity to earn. This created an entire virtual economy, where gaming currency became as important as real money.

"VirtualTech" games provide players with the opportunity to earn gaming currency by performing various actions, from completing quests to creating content in gaming worlds. This virtual economy became a way for people to not only escape reality but also to provide themselves with the necessary resources for survival in difficult times.

Jyu Ruyiang was one of those players. His abilities and talent in detecting and fixing bugs in games were admired by many. He also actively created content for games, sharing his ideas and developments with the community.

One morning, Richard cautiously poked his head into Maria's office, a stack of documents in his hands, only to stumble upon an unexpected sight: Jyu Ruyiang, one knee planted firmly on the ground, presented a ring to Maria. The timing seemed utterly misplaced, and Richard couldn't help but notice the awkwardness of the situation.

Before he could process the scene, Maria beckoned him over, seizing his arm in an abrupt embrace and planting a quick kiss.

"I'm sorry, dear friend, but you're a tad too late," she murmured, her words ringing in Richard's ears.

It wasn't until later that Richard discovered the intricate backstory between Maria and Jyu Ruyiang. They had been classmates, and Richard himself had harbored affection for Maria since childhood, though his feelings were never reciprocated.

As Jyu Ruyiang stormed off, shooting daggers at Richard, Maria released her hold on Richard's arm and retreated to the solace of her office window.

Soon the pieces began to fall into place. It was an open secret that Jyu Ruyiang relentlessly pursued Maria, knowing full well she couldn't protest due to his privileged position. Her grandfather, the head of the company, and his shareholders valued players such as Jyu Ruyiang many times over programmers, making any complaint futile. People didn't buy games for the code; they craved the content.

Her rejection of Jyu Ruyiang's advances led her to fabricate a relationship with Richard, hoping to deter his persistence.

Richard felt a mix of disappointment and confusion but resolved to confront the situation.

"Why paint me as your boyfriend?" he inquired, feeling like a character in a twisted drama.

"You were convenient," Maria replied, a smile creeping onto her lips as Jyu Ruyiang departed with a palpable bitterness. Like a scorned child, one of the most famous players approached his car.

"And what now?" Richard pressed.

"Well," Maria began, her tone shifting to a more formal register, "we must maintain this facade; the die has been cast."

"I'm not beholden to that," Richard asserted, sensing a power shift.

"What do you mean, not beholden?" Maria challenged, turning her gaze back to Richard, her blue eyes scanning for answers.

Richard gazed steadfastly back, refusing to yield.

"You work for me, and you must obey. Otherwise..."

"Otherwise what? You'll fire me? Excuse me, but the only reason I haven't left myself is that 'VirtualTech' pays me the triple amount of their rivals. This company may currently have a monopoly in virtual reality and video games, but that doesn't mean that their rivals are so much behind. If something controversial were to happen, your father and the shareholders would most likely lose that monopoly, and the others wouldn't take too long to replace them. By the way, I still have that offer from 'KreativeWorkshop.' Maybe I should accept it?"

Maria looked at him with puzzlement. Her usually confident manner was disrupted, and her blue eyes searched for answers in the void.

Her blue eyes darted from one side to another. She glanced at the floor where a couple of minutes ago she had been proposed to, then at Richard, and back to the floor.

"You kissed me. I could report you for harassment," she whispered, trying to regain control of the situation.

"And I'll tell the world how players can get the most powerful artifacts and earn an uncountable amount of wealth in a matter of hours. Let's see how quickly the economy collapses. I suppose within three, a maximum of four months, everyone will have end-game artifacts, ruining the carefully created balance out of the window. Oh, how I anticipate the discontented reviews of critics, players, and the remaining world."

"They can simply lock you up for that. No, they'll just kick you out of the city, and there..."

"Yes, I'll die from radiation, diseases, and the wrath of nature. But you know what? I don't care, because you and this company will bear the brunt of the fallout. Don't worry, I'm sure Jyu Ruyiang will take you in. I don't know how wives of players live, but I will enjoy watching your fate from hell."

Their argument lasted a long time, but in the end, Maria was forced to surrender to Richard.

"Fine, we can't drag out this situation for long," she said, her words taking on a more formal tone.

"What are your terms?" she asked, addressing him a little bit more respectfully. He was now her equal, not her errand boy.

"I demand a promotion. I also want full access to the 'Pangea' project," he declared, feeling that now he had the opportunity to influence his destiny.

"And I would also like to be transferred to another department. As soon as you find a replacement for me, I am ready to see you as rarely as possible," he added, firmly stating his conditions.

With a sigh, Maria agreed to his terms.

Thus, on that day, Richard felt himself becoming the master of his destiny. And though the long and arduous journey lay ahead, he knew he now had the opportunity to shape the course of events in his life.

And Maria, although resisting at first, realized she would have to acknowledge Richard as an equal partner.

In the ensuing months, Richard navigated the intricacies of his newfound position with determination and tact. As the virtual reality project 'Pangea' neared completion, his responsibilities grew, and he immersed himself in the project with fervor.

Maria's departure to another city, a result of the tumultuous events that transpired, left Richard to steer the ship alone. Despite the initial difficulties of her absence, Richard quickly managed to adapt.

Days turned into weeks, and Richard poured himself into the final stages of 'Pangea's development. The release date approached, promising to revolutionize the gaming industry and cement 'VirtualTech's dominance in the virtual realm.

About a week before the scheduled launch, a knock echoed through Richard's home. Opening the door, he was met with the unexpected sight of Jyu Ruyiang standing on his doorstep, a determined glint in his eyes.

"Jyu," Richard greeted, masking his surprise with a courteous nod. "What brings you here?"

"I've come to discuss 'Pangea'," Jyu began, his tone grave. "There are matters that require our immediate attention."

"Now? It's 10 p.m, can't this wait till tomorrow?"

"No, we need to discuss this now."

Richard didn't think too much about it. He was tired, and the only thing he wanted to do now was to get to bed as quickly as possible. If he listened to Jyu now, he might leave. 

Just when he was about to open the door, Jyu instantly punched his face and slammed the door behind him.