
The Great Game of Creators

When a humble soul ascends to godhood and is tasked with shaping a new world, they unwittingly become embroiled in a celestial conflict. In this great game, only one can emerge victorious. Richard could never have imagined that his afterlife would lead him to become a god. A lesser god, perhaps, but a god nonetheless. Shortly after his ascension, he was dispatched to a new world, where he could mold it to his liking. Of course he would later learn that he was now a player in the great game, and his immortality would be short-lived if he failed to emerge victorious.

LORD_TOADY · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The end and the death

The instant Richard swung open the door to welcome Jyu into his home, he found himself met not with words, but with a swift, unexpected punch to the face. Staggering backward in shock, Richard barely had time to react before Jyu forcefully slammed the door shut, sealing them both inside.

Stunned and disoriented, Richard instinctively raised a hand to his throbbing cheek, his mind racing to comprehend the sudden turn of events. Anger surged within him, mingled with confusion and a growing sense of betrayal.

"What the hell, Jyu?" Richard exclaimed, his voice tinged with a mixture of disbelief and indignation. "What do you think you're doing?"

Before Richard could demand answers or retaliate, Jyu stepped forward, and stroke again.

The relentless onslaught of Jyu's blows rained down upon Richard, each strike fueled by a potent mix of fury and resentment. Richard, caught off guard by the sudden violence, attempted to defend himself, but Jyu's relentless assault left him reeling.

Amidst the chaos, Jyu's voice reverberated throughout the room, punctuated by enraged accusations and bitter recriminations. He seethed with indignation, railing against Richard for what he perceived as a betrayal of trust and a theft of affection.

Hours stretched into eternity as the brutal beating continued unabated, the sound of each blow echoing through the dimly lit confines of Richard's home. With each passing moment, Richard's strength waned, his body battered and bruised by the unrelenting barrage.

The barrage of attacks continued for many hours. In the end, Richard's face was so deformed that no one would be able to recognize him.

The front part of his skull was shattered, his blood blinded his eyes, and in the end, he no longer felt his body.

Only when he lost consciousness from the blood loss and his now broken body, did Jyu's onslaught stop.

He quickly went to Richards's bathroom and washed up his hands.

The next few moments the neighbors saw that the house of their neighbor lit up in flames.

The fireteam arrived only a few hours later, but by then nothing could be saved.

All the files, the data, the books, the pictures.

Everything was gone.

The police never managed to find the culprit.

The untimely demise of the "Pangea" project's lead developer dealt a devastating blow, halting the endeavor in its tracks. For Richard, the project was more than just a creation; it was his brainchild, a labor of love woven with intricate details only he fully comprehended.

Yet, even as Richard's vision lay dormant, others dared to step into the void left behind.

Maria, once his classmate, rival, colleague, and confidante, made a solemn vow to see the project through to fruition. Determined to honor Richard's legacy, she embarked on the monumental task of bringing "Pangea" to life, remaining steadfast in her commitment to preserving his vision.

In the ensuing months, Maria delved into the depths of "Pangea's" code, meticulously unraveling its complexities. With a gentle touch, she made subtle enhancements—a sprinkling of NPCs, refinements to the user interface, and meticulous attention to graphical fidelity—all in service of Richard's original design.

As the reimagined "Pangea" neared completion, tragedy struck with chilling finality. Maria's lifeless body was discovered, casting a shadow of suspicion over the project and its tumultuous history. "Pangea" remained unfinished, a poignant reminder of the dreams and aspirations that had been cut short.

Despite VirtualTech's fervent desire to see the project come to fruition, the cloud of controversy loomed large. With public sentiment divided and the specter of tragedy looming large, the company faced a daunting decision.

In a bold gambit to salvage the project, VirtualTech rebranded it, enlisting a talented young programmer to carry the torch forward. Tasked with completing "The Great Game of Creators" in secrecy and with minimal deviation from its original vision, the new programmer embarked on a journey spanning five arduous years.

When "The Great Game of Creators" finally emerged from the shadows, it captivated the hearts and minds of gamers worldwide. With its vast, immersive world and boundless opportunities for exploration, it became an instant phenomenon, eclipsing all other contenders in the gaming industry.

"The Great Game of Creators" wasn't just a game; it was a universe unto itself, teeming with cities, artifacts, spells, and secrets waiting to be unearthed. As players delved deeper into its intricacies, they discovered a world of limitless possibilities, spanning decades of gameplay without ever scratching the surface of its true potential.

On the hundredth anniversary of its launch, VirtualTech unveiled the game's first and only expansion, introducing two enigmatic deities to its pantheon. Yet, the mystery surrounding their origins remained shrouded in secrecy, defying all attempts at discovery and adding an aura of mystique to the already legendary game.


"Well, well, well, who do we have here?" asked a melodic, beautiful voice.

A strange being, opening his eyes for the first time for what felt like an eternity, found himself in the middle of a gigantic lightly lit-up room. Confusion clouded his mind as he struggled to comprehend his surroundings. The air was thick with a palpable sense of mystery, and the soft glow of ethereal lights danced around him, casting intricate patterns on the smooth marble floor.

As he rose to his feet, the being's gaze swept across the expanse of the chamber, taking in its grandeur with awe. Towering pillars adorned with intricate carvings stretched towards the vaulted ceiling, while shimmering tapestries adorned the walls, depicting scenes of divine splendor and celestial beauty.

"Welcome, friend," continued the enchanting voice, its source remaining elusive amidst the vastness of the chamber. "You stand at the threshold of a world unlike any other, a realm shaped by the hands of gods."

Perplexed yet undeniably intrigued, the young man took a tentative step forward, his senses heightened by the enigmatic atmosphere that enveloped him.

"Who, who are you?" he asked.

"I am Seraphina, guardian of this sacred realm," the voice proclaimed, resonating with a celestial grace.

With a swift move of her hand, a beautiful table with a chair opposing, appeared before her.

"Come, my dear friend, sit, and let's have a chat."