
The Gray Guardian

I suck okay? not my art or really universe but my own spin on everything which if your not pervy sorry but some stuff not normally seen involved! So enjoy my own spin on the Destiny universe.

BiazarKaiser · Games
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23 Chs

War pt. 2

I picked several weapons when I first came to this universe: two swords, "A Traitor's Fate" and "It Stared Back" for my melee weapons. My two side arms were "Midnight Coup" and "Traveler's Judgment 5" as they pack a mean punch. My only submachine gun is "Death Adder" even though it does low damage. If I shove it into a gap, I could start a bonfire as the ammo burns its targets.

I picked two scout rifles next, they were both "Conspirator" and "Transfiguration" from those choices. Then I moved on and picked "Ghost Primus" as my auto-rifle. Followed by pulse rifle "Inaugural Address" just in case. Looking at the fusion type rifles, I could help but pick "Dead Ender" a linear fusion rifle. Along with a sniper "Silicon Neuroma" and the bow "Trinity Ghoul". To top it all off, I picked "Sins of The Past" as my rocket launcher.

Those are mine and Myriad's weapons, as we'll be living through this shit for centuries, AGAIN, but from the beginning. As the guards passed around weapons from guns to batons and knives. I silently gave the warminds a signal, and soon from the floor of the Cosmodrome a box of SIVA emerged. Grabbing the box from its pedestal, I twisted it and separated it into two halves. Giving one to my wolf companion, we both ate the SIVA halves. These two swarms of SIVA had been programmed to follow our needs like say if we need a weapon quickly, it creates a basic kinetic gun blade.

As the thing that killed all but one Iron Lord enters our systems, we both bear with it. As red crystals form on our bodies and armor, turning into small spikes that look natural. As the SIVA calmed down, I kept Travelers Judgment 5 and A Traitors Fate at the ready. Midnight Coupe was holstered as this will be an all out brawl, so a sword would do nicely. While the staff settled things, I had Myriad charge a blast from Sins of The Past, while getting ready to clear a path for the staff. As I held my sword in a reverse grip, I aimed my gun forward, screaming two commands.


The sealed doors that have been taking a beating slam open as Myriad lets the charged rocket blast go. The hall is consumed in an overheated torrent of rocket flames. The Fallen in the halls barely scream before turning to ash as I come running out of the room, through the fire and slag of melting metal. I swing my sword upwards through a Fallen chieftain, my gun firing through a grunts eye socket as I shove it in their face. The bullet goes through their skull and into another's throat before into the wall. I keep hacking my way forward as I fire a few shots until the clip is empty.

Ejecting the clip, I reload quickly and fire once more as I bring my sword down into a Fallens skull. Behind me are the footsteps of the staff running to my location. Looking around, I have made it to the lobby, so I decided to clear it out in style. Focusing the power of a storm warlock into my sword, lightning crackles to life with a tainted purple black color. Looking at all the remaining Fallen, I swing my sword around the lobby violently. Lightning arcing throughout the lobby as windows and electronics blew out or blew up. The Fallen were electrocuted and sent flying in all directions as I stood, exhausted.

The staff stopped behind me and I could tell they're startled, but I just pointed my sword forward. Silently telling them to make a break for it as I created defensive turrets around the lobby with SIVA. As the staff leave I fall back to the Warminds creating turrets as I go. Once I stepped foot back into Rasputin's core room, I gave an order.

"All warminds carry out SURVIVAL, me and Myriad will keep this room from falling. So focus on saving everyone that you can, SIVA is authorized for tactical deployments to ensure survival."

Hearing me, they give a collective acknowledgement and begin their task. Looking at my long-time friend, I created a gun encampment focused on the hallway and six turrets. Mounting the light machine gun known as Thunderbird, I aim at the hallway. The building was struck by something multiple times. That was when I saw the characteristic Cabal drop pods crash through the hallway walls. My turrets opened fire upon them as I let my LMG roar from behind.

"Warmind Rasputin reporting, Asia has fallen, sixty million survivors."

"Warmind Athena reporting, Greece has fallen, eight hundred survivors."

"Warmind Leo reporting, Japan has fallen, four thousand survivors."

"Warmind Trinity reporting, Greenland has fallen, a thousand survivors."

"Warmind Grave reporting, Australia is slowly falling, fifty million survivors and falling quickly."

The reports kept trickling in, but the warminds were doing their job perfectly. The core room was getting littered with holes as bullets flew everywhere at everything breaking in invasion forces. SIVA was barely keeping up with the situation, but we did not buckle, the two of us kept up our attacks. A spear catches me through the chest into my power core killing me but with a flash of light I revive. Myriad and I lost track of what was happening slowly, we just knew to defend the warminds.

Eventually after our endless fighting, dying, and reviving on repeat. The swarms of enemies seem to stop, but we know they're still there, we can hear them lurking warily. But we have our moment of reprieve, so we take our time to adjust to the surroundings. Surrounding us are corpses and broken machines, as the encampment looks weathered and collapsing.

"Warmind Grave, reporting status to General Chimera. You and Colonel Myriad held the line for a hundred four years, multiple military promotions were granted. All Warminds and Subminds have successfully fulfilled protocol SURVIVAL. Traveler has sustained damage as Rasputin, and Athena had to attack it to destroy kidnapping forces. Unknown method of Traveler reviving individuals it believes could help. Records are similar to General Chimera and Colonel Myriad's revival method. Individuals revived have started construction of a city, and call themselves Guardians."

"Warmind Leo, reporting to General Chimera and Colonel Myriad. All hostiles are being held at bay currently by fear of your assault for a hundred four years. Individuals from the "Last City" calling themselves Guardians and the Vanguard. Have been watching the Cosmodrome as this place held the highest continual attack. What are your orders?"

Hearing the two reports, we chuckle dryly as we loosen our joints with a pop before stretching out. Looking at the Warmind cluster, I scratch my chin as Myriad pants a little.

"Rasputin, clear a path for these watchers. Athena, keep our guests covered from our neighbors. Trinity, invite them in for a talk between Guardian Zero to them. Leo and Grave, work with Rasputin's Subminds to keep check on our surroundings."