
The Gorgon: Medusa

Medusa who had always wanted to serve Athena, her favourite goddess, the female warrior who is known to defend female. Athena had always been her role model so what she has always been longing to do was granted to her when Athena accepted her service. When she started her service to Athena, she served her wholeheartedly but the nature of jealousy imbibed in every female And the lust in every male for beautiful women brought about the betrayal of medusa which eventually led to the curse kept on her by Athena. After Medusa was turned to a beast, she lived aimlessly without having any reason to live.This aimless living stopped when she found Aries, someone who gave her a reason to smile, experience several emotions and live although there were obstacles along the way, it was fended off.

lethality · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: Redhair

After some days Medusa went about her routine and she was rest assured that no human or beast can reach her territory so she left the red hair guy at her territory .

After some months Medusa still continued to mop his body keeping him neat saying so far he still has his breath, she will not give up on him, she didn't know what triggered her protective side over him but she could careless. So she continued her routine , on the sixth month she was moping his body when red hair's finger twitched but Medusa but Medusa didn't notice, Medusa sighed then said softly

" Red hair wake up."

As Medusa was staring at redhair otherworldly face as she does every day never getting bored of it, when his eyes flew open and a soulless eyes, bright crimson pupils unable to control her expression as usual she gasped loudly than red hair opened his mouth and said

" you are beautiful, you are the most beautiful being have laid my eyes on."He said with a hoarse voice.

Medusa was stunned and having mixed feelings within her,Medusa didn't know what to do because red hair still has his dull expression on his face showing that redhair was serious, Medusa couldn't help blushing her face turned red and the snakes on her head calmed down . She quickly shut him up.

"What do you know,what are you saying who sees a snake and call it beautiful."

Then Medusa was feeling concerned and sighed

" I tried my best to heal you, I didn't know you will turn to a deranged person as soon as you as you woke up." She felt bad for him.

Then redhair eyes narrowed slightly is this snake girl indirectly calling him a mad person, he could not believe that he was degraded so much to level of a deranged person. His lips were twitching so much due to anger he was containing because he still couldn't move his body. Redhair talked through his teeth.

" Woman are you calling me an insane person." He said through his gritted teeth.

Then Medusa looked at him bewildered

" Red hair, do you understand what I am saying."She was so joyful in her heart.

Redhair annoyed with the way Medusa was calling him redhair couldn't contain her anger again and retorted .

" Woman,do not call me redhair again, my name is Aries."

Aries said trying to hold back his anger then Medusa burst out in a hostile laugh then she replied calmly, her expression dull as always.

" You kept calling me woman, do I look like a woman to you ."Medusa snarled.

" Are you blind not to have fear toward a beast when you see one or your courage is as large as mount Tai." She replied calmly with her expressionless face but deep within her she was anticipating his response.

Aries looked at her calmly from her head to toe and laughed internally at the way she was nervous and expectant of his answer and still kept her emotion in check. Medusa was fiddling with her her hand when Aries looked at her.

From her head to toe, she doesn't know why she is actually expecting his opinion and nervously waiting for his response, she looked at him anxiously.

Aries looked at her and his mouth lifted upward in a curve and he smiled,his smile almost blinded Medusa because her heart skipped as he smiled then Aries said.

" Am only seeing a woman here, a beautiful one at that, moreover I can't see the beast you are talking about here."

He gave another one of his heart shattering smiles, then Medusa blushed furiously, she couldn't hide happiness, this was the first time someone will compliment her in a beastly form. Aries told her,

" I am tired, I want to rest so I won't keep bothering you again."

Medusa quickly replied him and said

" At all, you can take all the time you want to heal."She was showing her kind, charming and loving self as before, then she exited the room for him to bring him a roasted meat with ingredients for him to eat.

Aries smiled at the way Medusa was behaving like a teenage girl then he thought to himself was this the ferocious beast people pointed out there with no human feelings and on the border of insanity. Few minutes later Medusa came back inside with meat and water for Aries, then she called him with a shy face

" Aries, this is what is down for you to eat, you know there is no way for a beast to go inside the city to buy spices for food or real food."

Then Aries nodded his head and replied

" This is fine."Aries was back to his solemn Expression but Medusa could not help her heart fluttering.

Medusa decided to ask the question she has been eager to ask.

" Don't you fear me, are you not scared that I will kill you, have killed lot of humans and beast."

Then Aries replied with a dull expression,

" if you want to kill me you would have killed me long ago,is there a use in feeding and taking care of someone you will kill, or do you want to fatten me up like a lamb before you eat me up, so I can add more flesh." Aries grinned.

Medusa could not hold her laughter and burst out laughing, a sound that has never escaped from her mouth or ever been heard. The voice was so melodious, Aries was mesmerized Medusa doubled over when she was laughing . Then she said in between her laughter

" I am imagining how you will look when I fatten you up finish then devour you."She continued laughing

Aries face was twisted , hope this woman is not planning to fattening him up to eat, by the time Medusa looked at his face, had a funny expression on his face, an expression that didn't look like he was smiling or crying.

Medusa was immersed in her laughter and didn't pay mind to the fact that she has not laughed for a very long time. And aries enjoyed the scene of seeing the snake woman rumoured to be murderous burst laughing which looked beautiful and sounded melodious .

Medusa didn't know why she was wary of him and felt the happiness and emotion she did not feel for thous of years with. She decided to flow with her emotion and relish the moment for the time being not knowing what awaits her.

Chapter 5

Do you wish to go to the city of humans with me." Medusa said with a twinkle in her eyes to the male opposite her who had an odd expression on his face.

His face scrunched up in a way that shows he is not in the least enjoying the way Medusa have been teasing him all day long.

" Medusa , why do you like teasing me so."

Medusa burst out laughing an act which seems very easy for her to perform since Aries woke up from his comatose state.

" Ohh, darling, sorry have forgotten you are human and won't feel good with people seeing you with the most wanted beast in human city."Medusa's cackled.

Medusa mused over the fact that Aries have been with her for a little while and during those few months, Aries has been recuperating they engaged in lot of things together making her feel more human than she has been for over thousands of years.

They took joy in teasing each other every day and night. She had someone she could tease and share her joy with. She gradually starts to leave her hatred behind almost forgetting the way she had been wronged.

Medusa could not stop musing over the fact that Aries was not petrified when he looked at her. This still bothers her making try to figure the type of being Aries is which makes him immune to her petrification.

Aries only gave her a smile whenever the issue about his origin is brought up.

Medusa was disturbed with Aries compliment on her beauty, she felt , she has a dry and broken skin that looks like that of an old woman, eyes of stone, fiery snakes for hair and snake tail for legs.

Medusa decided to question him regarding that

" Aries, I have something that is bothering me that I want to ask of."Medusa said in a tender voice.

Then Aries with an all knowing smile smirked already knowing where Medusa was heading.

Aries knows every lady likes hearing compliments of them being beautiful and he knows anytime she is nervous at his presence, it is all about her looks. Then he replied with a grin

" Oooi, Medusa after teasing me all day long, do you think am going to provide an answer for you."Aries almost laughed when he saw Medusa's expression changing to an awkward one but Aries decided to restrain his self so Medusa won't be let off easily like that.

Medusa determined to get an answer to her question decided to ask what he wanted because she knows threat won't work on Aries.

Aries will wave it off as if her threat means nothing and there is nothing she can do. Aries is an unfathomable puzzle.

Aries amused at her alternating expression waited for her to decide. Then Medusa asked with a tender voice which made Aries smile internally because he knows she is trying to curry favour with him.

" So what do you want me to do for you my dear friend."She said through clenched teeth and a fake smile plastered on her face making her look ridiculous. Aries held it so tight inside and tried his utmost best not to laugh. Then he calmed his self and responded to her after calming his self.

Then he replied with a mischievous smile on his face

" It is a very easy thing to do."He said and kept a hand on his chin in a gesture that shows he is thinking about what he wanted.

Then he continued

" you know am very benevolent in nature."He said with a smile and his teeth widespread in a joyful manner. That was when Medusa noticed something was not right with what was going on but she wanted Aries to finish his statement .

" The only thing I want you to do is dress up, take care of yourself in a few minutes and let go to the city of humans and enjoy or what do you think darling." He said and flashed her a smile.

Medusa had a blank expression on her face trying to process Aries statement before it dawned on Medusa that Aries was teasing her the way she teased him earlier then are face furrowed, when Aries saw her face he laughed.

Then Aries continued with what he was saying

"And Medusa, what makes you think I am human."he smiled devilishly and looked at her with a grim expression

" I think the one who should be afraid of something here is you Medusa."he smirked.

This made Medusa more curious about Aries which added to the question she wants to ask him.