
The Gorgon: Medusa

Medusa who had always wanted to serve Athena, her favourite goddess, the female warrior who is known to defend female. Athena had always been her role model so what she has always been longing to do was granted to her when Athena accepted her service. When she started her service to Athena, she served her wholeheartedly but the nature of jealousy imbibed in every female And the lust in every male for beautiful women brought about the betrayal of medusa which eventually led to the curse kept on her by Athena. After Medusa was turned to a beast, she lived aimlessly without having any reason to live.This aimless living stopped when she found Aries, someone who gave her a reason to smile, experience several emotions and live although there were obstacles along the way, it was fended off.

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Chapter 3: The betrayal

The banquet ended quickly after she made her wish and Athena made her the high priestess. Each and every gods and goddesses left for their place because there was nothing of interest to them but the god of water insisted on staying at Athena's place for a while.

Athena realizing Poseidon intention smiled inwardly then she informed Poseidon was welcome to stay for a short period of time as he wished.

Poseidon fell into a deep thought and was suspicious of Athena who protects her female from him at all cost and does not welcome is presence at her place.

" Oi, Athena , you are receiving me well today and you are so excited to host me in your abode which is very unlike you."Poseidon smirked at her , making Athena self conscious of herself.

She replied hastily, trying to cover her intentions.

" Poseidon, I felt we have not bonded together for quite some decades and thousand of years, and I wanted to have a get together with my lovely brother."

She smiled blandly daring him to question her again if she will not break his arms and legs. She gave him a death glare with a cold smile on his lips, she looks so devilish which gave Poseidon the chills. Making Poseidon considering whether he should stay or not , but his lust for Medusa overcame his reasoning. Then he beamed at Athena nervously.

" Athena relax, am just asking a question, I didn't Know you missed me so much." He laughed and tried to embrace Athena to show his fondness for her but Athena slashed out with her sword that was always with her and said sternly with her stoic expression.

" Do not come near me possey possey." She ridiculed him with the nickname he hated most. Poseidon snorted at her and moved away to go into the room offered by Athena. Then he turned back with a mischievous smile and grinned at Athena.

" sister, let that your beauty priestess be the one to serve me today, what name does she goes by, uhmmm, Medusa." A ferocious gleam appeared in his eyes and disappeared almost immediately then he smiled again .

" Athena will you."

Every of Poseidon expression didn't go unnoticed by Athena, she smiled inwardly then she felt she had to strike out before Poseidon suspicion grows further.

Athena immediately struck out with her sword which met Poseidon trident head on.

Poseidon laughed maniacally

" You haven't changed a bit, relax, am only joking Athena." Then he smiled and sauntered off.

Athena was fuming on the other hand thinking if not because of her so- called priestess this filthy idiot will not be able to do as he wishes in her abode.

With the change in her status , Medusa's role changed, she will be the one serving Athena personally not only at the temple but also in distributing Athena's intentions to other priestess and maid, since she became the high priestess she was now more busy than ever but she was very happy that she was able to serve her role model personally.

She continued her duties toward Athena and worked as hard as she could.

The impromptu guest remained there for two weeks and watched every steps of Medusa and her every move, where she goes and he made sure he knew her abode, he knows she goes before she moves to her apartment and he was looking for a very gracious day that he can carry out his plan.

As usual Medusa not knowing Poseidon's train of thoughts continued her routine without feeling suspicious of anybody's movement because she believed she cannot be harmed under the protection of her goddess.

Meanwhile Poseidon monitored her every moves.

Then on this fateful night as usual per her routine after she has served her mistress for the night she moved to her part of the building and Athena who wishes to receive fresh air outside moved out to admire the stars.

She was opposite Medusa her high priestess house, she was actually looking at Medusa back with great disdain she noticed Poseidon who mixed so well with the night near Medusa's place but Medusa was unaware because she was a normal mortal and couldn't see whatever the gods and goddesses could see. So she was unaware of her fate.

Athena saw this and her eyes has a cold gleam to it and she smiled wickedly. Poseidon's mind was filled with Medusa's approaching figure and didn't notice Athena, as Medusa opened her door Poseidon swiftly entered without Medusa noticing. She only felt the breeze was extreme at that moment. Athena remained there.

Not long Medusa noticed Poseidon's presence in her room. Then she cupped her hands and bowed low in an act of respect toward Poseidon.

" My god, how may I be of help to you."she said trembling trying to pick out the reason for the visit by the god of water and wished it was not what she was thinking of.

Poseidon stared at her lewdly, which made Medusa shivered,

" You have a lot to do for me darling."Then he caressed her cheeks , her arm and his hands running down her body.

Medusa shifts back from his hands which made Poseidon burst out in a throaty laughter

" You can't run away from me beloved."

Medusa now understanding in details what Poseidon's intentions were, she hurriedly replied him

" My god, I already made a vow that my body belongs to my goddess alone, my god do not make me break my vow and release this lowly female." She spoke out again.

"This lowly female is undeserving of your attention my god."

Then Poseidon chuckled,

" It is this lowly female I desire, let not waste the time talking."

Then he grinned wickedly and pushed her to the bed, immediately Medusa cried out for help but her quarter was not near any priestess quarters apart from the fact that it was opposite Athena's place but unknowingly to her Athena will spare no effort to make sure she is defiled, so Medusa is at Poseidon's mercy. Even Poseidon felt this was too easy for him at Athena's temple. Outside Medusa's door opposite her quarter stood Athena smiling broadly, while hearing the cries and plea of medusa. She said cynically,

" This Lass was useful and also capable,but it is a pity I have to dispose her."she laughed coldly.

After an hour Poseidon was done with her, he finished raping her and he didn't waste any more minutes as he returned to his kingdom,a god stopped so low to rape a priestess, that was what was in Medusa's mind , Medusa was more pained to find out that the gods she replied on betrayed her trust in them. She was so bitter because she knew she could not continue being Athena's priestess because she had been defiled and dishonoured, but she Athena will revenge for her and return her honour since she is the defender of all females.

Early the next morning, she went to the altar to pay homage to Athena. Immediately Athena sniffed the air and said she perceived a stain on her, she knew Medusa was no longer pure.

Then Medusa hurriedly explained the event which happened the night before thinking Athena will revenge for her with full force. Then Athena replied her with a thunderous voice saying.

" if I didn't notice, you were not planning on talking about it, Medusa and you still decided to continue serving me with an impure body, outrageous." She said with a threatening voice , immediately Medusa fell upon her knee with her head bowed and her whole body was shaking.

" This lowly one dare not deceive my goddess, I was about to inform you about it, but I wanted to pay homage to you first before informing you my goddess, forgive your servant my goddess." Medusa continued hitting her head on the floor in the bid to apologise but Athena only looked at her coldly void of every emotion, blinded by her jealousy.

Then Athena pronounced loudly

" You Medusa, you promised to be pure for me and me alone but you didn't fulfill your vow so receive your punishment."

Then Medusa stood up pained and said

" My goddess, it was never my intention to dishonour my vow but I was forced by the god of water and I was powerless." Hoping Athena will see her reason and spare her.

Athena's face darkened,

" are you saying the gods are irresponsible, you are smearing the reputations of gods which makes your punishment non- negotiable."

She remained adamant , she protested while kneeling down

" I didn't say the gods are irresponsible but the god of water forced himself upon me."She said wiping her tears which she couldn't hold back any longer.

Athena snorted

" Shed no more crocodile ears and receive your punishment ."She replied grimly.

Medusa was weeping uncontrollably, she couldn't stop herself from weeping as she begged Athena but Athena was filled with jealousy, then she raised her hands and stretched it out toward Medusa, immediately Medusa felt waves of unbearable pains not knowing the change her body was going through but she felt her body feels foreign to her with each and every agonizing pain are body is going through.

Medusa was screaming with her whole strength because the pain was too much, she almost blacked out but wanted to stay awake to receive her punishment and move forward with her life but she felt betrayed with the act exhibited and pain caused by the gods and goddesses to her. Immediately she no longer felt pain, then she heard Athena's cold voice

" Now, go and never come back to my temple."

Medusa was about to stand up and walk away although she was still dejected and betrayed by what her goddess has done for her but she decided to accept the pain that she felt and her banishment from the temple and start a new life afresh when she found out she couldn't move then she decided to strengthen her numb legs in order to be able to walk then she looked down and brought her hands down in the bid to carry legs when she found a big snake all over the temple but the funniest and scariest part to Medusa was that the snake was attached to her body in place of her legs. At the same time she was hearing the hissing of snakes but she couldn't find the head of the snake, she touched her mouth to check whether her mouth has been transformed to a snake own but it was not, she later found out the sound was coming from above and decided to look up but couldn't find the snakes hissing then she started praying internally it should not be what she is thinking then she looked at her reflection on the glass used on the floor, immediately Medusa let out a heart wrenching scream when she saw snakes in place of where her hair is meant to be, her heart wrenching scream reached the end of Earth and people felt the pain in the scream.

" No, no,noooooo," she let out a scream again " it can't be, I don't deserve this, no no, no, please don't do this, return me back to my normal self."She was desperately pleading with Athena but Athena turned a deaf ear to Medusa, she desperately charged at Athena out of hatred and anger but was flung back by Athena, she tried again and again, Medusa was already out of mind she wasn't thinking again she was filled with bitterness, she roared bitterly, she couldn't contain the pain and bitterness in her mind and she wished she could rip Poseidon and Athena to pieces, she wished she could destroy everything related to gods and goddess and this was the beginning of the evil that sprout in the mind of a kind and charming , beautiful and sweet woman called Medusa.

With bitterness and pain in her heart she crawled away into the forest with a bounty on her head saying whoever kills a deadly monster, a half human and snake body and her head full of snakes will be well rewarded. Medusa was filled with vegenance in her. She hated the fact that she was blinded by her own loyalty to Athena, to see the danger lurking around her.

Medusa crawled about in the forest for days and years before she found her destination.

She lived in the forest with the wild beast for so many years as she is also a wild beast. She lived her life in disdain and hatred toward Poseidon and Athena. People could not look at her in the eyes again anybody who looks into her eyes will be petrified which spelt out instant doom for the victims.

She hated Athena and Poseidon for so many years and she carried out lots of operations to eliminate Athena and Poseidon but all were unsuccessful, she became an entity filled with malice, hatred and lot of evil thought.

She transformed drastically form that kind, Charming and lovely woman to a demon everyone feared and hated, a demon parents mention of in their stories every night to scare their children. Her humanity was also lost and she became a demon avoided at all cost.

Medusa lived for thousands of years since she was immortal now, she lived these years in total sadness, sorrow and misfortunes and she blamed Athena for each and every of her misfortunes. Medusa hatred for men was intense and she was averse to me, any man she sees will be killed by her. She never experienced any warmth for this thousands of years she has lived.

Everyone talked about Medusa as an evil demon but no one remembered her as a warm and lovely girl and no one knew the story behind her turning to a beast apart from her and Athena and Athena gave a false information to the whole world about the turning of Medusa to a beast because of her position as a goddess she is proned to be believed.

Medusa side of story was not listened to making her hatred for humans and gods alike intense.

After living in the deep forest for thousands of years, Medusa formed a territory for herself .

When she first arrived inside the forest she crawled for years fighting beasts and demons alike before she got to a dilapidated mansion which she made use of for the years she had been banished out of humans midst and she gradually repaired the mansion and made it livable for her. She then stuck to her routine of gathering woods for fire and hunting animals to roast them even though she looks beastly she still has the human taste buds, Medusa doesn't eat raw meat. She even craves spices in her meat but she couldn't transform from her beast form to human form again so she stuck to eating roasted meat and fruits.

Sometimes she do come across the corpse of some cultivators and magicians who were fortunate enough to be killed by a beast then she will take the dry rations and other ingredients used to make life easier in the forest.

As time goes on she made life easy for herself and she decided to do away with her revenge because she knows she won't be successful but her hatred never ceases or decreased by a bit and people left her territory for her and they warned each other no to near Medusa's territory but Medusa continued her routines and kills anyone she comes across.

On this very evening she was going out to gather woods to make fire and roast the games she hunted as usual, when Medusa was slithering across the grassland and the forest beast who perceived her fled, she moved gracefully even without her legs she still has this graceful and elegant charm to her.

She was slithering and the snakes on her head were hissing as usual but she paid no mind to it, when she was first turned to this horrible creature she couldn't bear to see a living animal live on her head and tried to pull it off with my giving opportunity by killing them and they kept on appearing back on her head that was when she settled peacefully with the fact that they were part of her body and paid no mind to it.

When her beautiful hair and seductive body were turn to that of a beast she wasn't that moved because she was not obsessed or enamoured with her looks and she never wanted to look like an animal.

As she was slithering toward her destination she heard the sound of someone involved in an intense fight with someone but she was in no hurry to reach the clearing where the fight was taking place because she knew that be it human or beast that were there they were both her prey.

So she had a dull expression on face because this was the repetition of each and everything she does every day and she was bored of it. She actually had a thought once wether to appear at a human town and see them running Helter skelter at the sight of her, she laughed evily in her mind.

When she got to the place, she saw a young man whose back was as straight as a rod and his red fiery hair blew with the wind and flowed down his back, without the man turning back she felt a deep attraction toward the young man a feeling she has never had in her life and was surprised because this feeling emanated from just staring at his back then she got curious on how his face will be .

Medusa noticed the man was at the verge of death and Medusa decided to find a large place to curl her tail and watch the battle between the man and the beast in a relaxing manner and the man kept putting his life on line to fight disregarding his life which made Medusa more curious about the young man because she felt a strange pull toward him but she mocked herself internally because everyone got scared just at the sight of seeing her what difference will this man make apart from peeing on his body after seeing her form then she snorted but she decided to have a look at him before killing him off, Medusa grinned and said to the man who was knocking on death's gate

" Oh my, my, my young lad turn back let me behold your face, if it satisfy my curiosity I will give u a painless death."She chuckled and her chest vibrated with evil laughter .

But the guy couldn't stand up to turn to her, he was very weak although he her, he couldn't turn to her then Medusa sighed

" I will have to go through the hassle of turning you young guy, your face better worth the hassle."

Then Medusa uncurled her tail and crawled toward the young man then she carried him and flipped him so she can check his face.

Immediately she saw his face, she gasped loudly, an expression or gesture that has never appeared on her face in the last thousands of years she lived as a crawling animal. Then Medusa muttered softly .

" Your face is worth the hassle young lad, but it's a shame I have to kill you, but I will make it painless as per my promise."

When she uttered the statement , she felt a strange sting in her heart the moment words left her mouth. The guys eyes flew opened and Medusa was staring into a beautiful shade of red iris, her looking into the eyes made her forget each and every of her prejudice toward human. This young man lying on her tail looked into her eyes and her hair but Medusa could not feel the disgust that is always written on humans face on his face or the fear always lngrained in them. His eyes were as expressionless and dull as her face has always been. What made Medusa gasped was the otherworldly or celestial beauty of the young man which rivals that of the gods and which no man on Earth or among the gods can compare against. His red eyes were like abyss, soulless eyes, an abyss drawing someone into it danger.

Medusa forgetting her intention to kill the you g man found out he was loosing lots of blood, looked up to look into his eyes again but she saw the eyes were closed and his face was pale, showing that the servant of Hades were here for him, then Medusa thought to herself

" He must not die."

She moved quickly toward her mansion to drop him and use some of the pills that were found in the corpse of the cultivators and magicians alike. Although she doesn't know their use, she gave him everything altogether.

Then she licked all his wounds because there are healing properties in her saliva, as she licked his wounds, every gaping wounds in his battered body closed up. After some minutes is was as new as a new baby.

Then Medusa sat down and looked at him and sighed everything relies on the young man now then she prayed that the young lad survive his battle with the grim reaper so he can keep his life.