
The Golem Mage

Author: mystic dark
Ongoing · 2.1M Views
  • 582 Chs
  • 3.2
    39 ratings
  • NO.144

What is The Golem Mage

Read ‘The Golem Mage’ Online for Free, written by the author mystic dark, This book is a War&Military Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: When Alec was transported from Earth to a mystical world, he unexpectedly awakened a powerful system that allowed him to...


When Alec was transported from Earth to a mystical world, he unexpectedly awakened a powerful system that allowed him to continually enhance his abilities. Inheriting his family's Golem magic, Alec rapidly became an unparalleled mage with the System's aid. His Golems were not only highly intelligent but could also self-upgrade by defeating stronger enemies without relying on any magical materials. Alec created numerous unique Golems and formed a formidable Golem army. As the Blood Moon approached, bringing monstrous hordes to attack human cities, Alec and his Golem army stood ready to defend their new world. In this thrilling Litrpg adventure, Alec's legend was about to unfold. ------ Dive into this fast-paced Litrpg adventure where Alec, armed with a powerful system, rapidly and continuously levels up. With the system as cheat, Alec inherits his family's Golem magic, creating a variety of fascinating Golems to aid him in his quests and battles. Expect thrilling encounters as Alec not only builds a formidable Golem army but also forms and trains his own elite team. If you're a fan of solo leveling, you'll love this novel, filled with exciting upgrades, unique Golems, and relentless action.

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Volume 1 :1

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mystic dark



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It's an interesting story, world, and magic. It's just the absolute lack of grammar, and many sentences make no sense. Also, the pay wall is way too early, especially for the quality and length of the chapters. The characters are decent, but half the time, you can't understand their intentions or emotions because of the poor writing.


The story is interesting, but you hit a paywall way too quickly for how low quality the spelling and grammar is, and for how short the chapters are.


Reveal spoiler


The story itself is okay, the only thing that is holding it back is the grammar. it's like mtl hahahaha


Great premise excited to see where it goes I’m a binge reader so I don’t usually continue after the free chapter until we get to 500 plus and then I read about every 500 or a 1000 chapter until complete I would highly recommend Grammerly! The free version, if you go back and put every chapter through it you should be able to fix a ton of critics opinions of the book❤️😇


the story, characters, and world seem interesting. it's just difficult to see it under the mountain if grammatical mistakes.


Garbage grammer and spelling. pay wall way to early to really determine if it's worth the money no really world building


The grammar is very bad. The story is OK though.


Writing at the start is rough , really rough. Stuck through it as there are edits here and there that hint at better writing to come. What killed it for me though was the character progression. Just jumps all over thr place and really killed the enjoyment for me. I really wanted to like this book as the premise seems great but the execution really doesn’t make this worth reading. And certainly not worth using stones on.


Author your ideas and conyepts are really good and unique in this novel but maybe its because of grammar or those weird mix words that disrupts the pace and likeness of this novel.


i haven't even read it but the absolute lack of grammar in the synopsis tells me how this story will be and i can see a disregard for grammar


Very Good........thats it, its very good


This novel is honestly the biggest dumpster fire I’ve seen. The author spends no effort into proofreading or editing, has completely broken story lore by randomly changing his mind on key plot points or just simply forgetting and not bothering to try adding it in where it’s relevant. The system element is also really forced and unnatural because Author can’t decide on a stable IQ for MC. The only consistent thing about this novel is the amount of updates if you want to flush coins you’ve been warned. A few examples: - Every single chapter since ch 1 is an absolute mess of grammatical, punctual, and formatting errors that make it absolutely abysmal to read (I have read until ch 220) no hate if English isn’t your first language but with 500+ chapters out and multiple comments every chapter pointing it out you should start editing it - In ch 1 paragraph 2 MC states he has been reincarnated/transmigrated into his new body 14 years ago (story starts before his 15th birthday). Author then decides that instead at some point he transmigrated from where the story started and his memories from childhood are now jumbled and hazy since they “weren’t his” - MC starts to create different golems even upgrading some to elemental golems, Author decides to full pivot and MC’s GOLEM CREATING PATH has switched to making CYBORGS. Literal cyborgs, his spearman robot can apparently turn SPEAR QI into a PLASMA LAZER - MC acquires a DIVINE weapon (highest rank we’ve heard of) that is broken and requires the blood of SLAIN enemies to repair it, Author then has MC use a completely different blade for 90% of the time and even when he does use it no notification comes up from the system that announces anything happened


Not an exceptional story, just average. Do give a try and see if it’s upto your taste.


The grammar can be fixed and I can look around it due to the story being good!


Soon to be Number 1🔥🔥….Keep moving forward broo 👏😇


I feel the same as many reviewers. It’s a fun story but the grammar is not good.


Good concept, but the golem "crafting" is too simple.


.l n


boss why don't you atleast update 2 chapters a day please 🥺 please 🥺


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