
The gold one

everyone needs a superhero

Rashida_Carter · LGBT+
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5 Chs

chapter 3 the condo

Clients, " hi I am Dhaka Portsmouth, you are looking for to build 🔨 a condo. " we just brought land and we want the condo you design 🎨 on it. Said, Mr. Smith, " sure what kind of supplies you want it build 🔨 out of? oak, seeder, Redwood, or maple? I asked. " oak, you are a bit young for your age to be doing this, said. Mr. Smith,

" I am still in school ✏️ I come here on the weekends, I said. I write it up and send it to the factory for a wood mistrial, " I have the blueprints drawing up and ready for you the next ➡️ time we meet up. Any questions or concerns? I asked, in Ocean City, the time was 4:30 pm in business 📈 at