
The gold one

everyone needs a superhero

Rashida_Carter · LGBT+
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5 Chs

chapter 2 Ocean City

Elliott works at a factory 🏭and married to his high school ✏️ girlfriend. if he only focuses on school ✏️ and not her he would have a promising future 📡 instead of married to her and working at a post office 🏤. " what 😦 time you be home? Asked. Ruba, " the same time maybe latter, said. Elliott, he got in the car 🚘 and left 👈 for work 🏢,

My parents 👪 are at the bakery getting

ready to open 👐 for business 📈, " she is coming home tomorrow. Said, Karla. " can't wait for Sunday morning, Said. Howard, " I think 🤔 I'll fix 🔧 her favorite 🔖 meal Howard, Chicken 🍗 Cazador, said. Karla, " mmmm I love ❤️ it when you make it. Said, Howard. in Hawaii after we came from lunch. I am in my first meeting with my first