

In a kingdom where soulmates are chosen for by the gods, a young prince rebels against the gods decision when he was given a male as a soulmate. ....... Unfortunate circumstances turned King Klaus into a ruthless leader who ruled his kingdom with an ion fist. But even as heartless as he seemed, he still longed for his mate. It turned out his betrothed mate is a male. He refused to be mated to a male because it is unheard of. But there was one thing for sure..... the gods must've been crazy to pull such a prank on him. Erix, a young god has been in love with Klaus ever since he had his first cry(birthed) and his first laugh. He was the only child of the god Wincher and the goddess Idrissa. He could have anyone he wanted but he only yearned for his mate.Klaus. There's only one problem. Klaus wouldn't accept being mated with a man.

_Adwoa · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Erix, kept staring at the king dumbfounded, he didn't know what to say to him yet. Neither does he know what to do. He fears that immediately he opens his mouth to speak, it'll all be over before it even began. In some twisted way he wanted to keep being a female in Klaus's eyes. At least that would keep the disappointment he was bound to feel at bay. He just wants to continue feeling that intense mate bond they ere feeling. But he couldn't continue been mute, could he? Even if he wanted to keep shut to keep this illusion going on, he couldn't possibly do that now. Not with the way Klaus stared at him expectantly.

well here goes nothing...

"Talk to me mate. I'm your mate after all. I'd never hurt you. so you have absolutely nothing to be afraid of" Klaus muttered onto his mate. Without pausing his action of stroking his gorgeous mate's face he repeated his question. "Where are you from my mate. And who are your parents?"

Priest Akillas went to his rescue. "is uhh.. an orphan. His parents died when he was much younger my king."

The king looked at him from the side of his eyes with raised brow. "Akillas since when did you become my mate? I'm talking to my mate not you" "I'm sorry my king." he muttered with a bow head.

Don't be ashamed mate. I'm an orphan too. What is your name" he asked softly with the sweetest tone. With that tone Erix completely melted like goo. he wanted to give Klaus everything at that instant. Give him the whole truth and damn the consequences but there was that reality that Klaus was going to reject him anytime soon. He couldn't give his real name, at least not yet. He had to give a different name and fast.

"My name is Adrain. Adrain Clements my king." Erix whispered in the lowest of tone, afraid everything would go south if he raises his voice.

Adrain? Your name is Adrain? As in? Wait." Klaus looked at his mate with confusion. Stepping backwards he examined his mate properly. For the first time ever since his mate stepped into his presence, King Klaus took a better look at him. Seeing pass the beauty he had been so blinded with.

For the first time he noticed the manliness in his face, for the first time he noticed the flatness of his chest. for the first time he noticed the not so flatness in his crotch area. He was more confused than he'd ever been in his entire life.

With thick brows furrowed deeply he asked "Akillas why does my mate look and sound like an male with a male name?"

"T-that's because he is- a male my king" Chief priest answered nervously, trying really hard to masked up the awkward with a fake laugh but failed absolutely miserably.

As the words sunk into his mind and bored into his brain, Klaus looked like he'd been poured with ice cold water. A lot of emotions dawned onto his face as he processed the words well. He didn't want to believe it, he couldn't possibly have heard right, Right? Because to be mated to a fellow man wasn't a thing right? Could it be that the gods are playing tricks on him?

"WHAT!" he boomed.

"What do you mean by he is a male? Is that even possible? To be mated to a man? Akillas what game are you and your gods playing now?" He growled deep in his throat. Glaring intensely at the chief priest.

"I don't know my king, but the gods do know better and they choose him for you. I have nothing to do with this. I'm just a messenger."

"oh don't you dare give me that lecture about the gods being wise bullshit. Where in this entire kingdom have you heard that someone had being mated to the same sex before? Or are the gods punishing me for something? Haven't they done enough already? First my parents and now they mock me" he growled. Anger and confusion seeping through him.

Adrain cleared his throat sheepishly and said "I'm right here, you know. Stop talking about me as if i wasn't here.."

Klaus turned his attention towards him with an intense gaze. He began to annoy him to no end. But those blush on his cheeks with his flustered look as Klaus stared transfixed at him made Klaus's intense stare ease for a bit. "You just shut up" he said to him urgently. Erix bow his head stubbornly with a pout on his lips as if a kid being denied candy. Klaus looked at him indifferently for awhile, fighting hard not to admit how cute he thought that was.

"I cant accept this match Akillas. It impossible to be mated with a man and not to mention unheard of. Now you take a message back to the gods and mate it crystal clear this time, in case i wasn't clear enough the first time. I want my mate not a mockery." he said intently with a deep glare.

"Since I've turned into an object of mockery to them, they watched silently as all those horrendous thing happen to me in the past and did absolutely nothing about it. And now they do this? They mock me like this?" he growled angrily, gesturing his hands everywhere.

He paced around furiously. He couldn't believe the gods had pulled out such a dirty low prank on him. He had never heard of anyone being mated with a male, well not in his kingdom at least. What will the people say of think of him. They're going to rebel against him. Not to mention a male cant produce an heir, how's he going to keep his dynasty growing since he was the last of his family left, he so much yearned for mate to start a family with and now this is what they do? How is he even supposed to mate with his mate? where in gods name will he put it and how? he was angry just as much as he was confused.

The gods are crazy and dumb if you ask him. They couldn't do anything right. They wanted to play pranks, didn't they? Well two could play that game.

"Just one thing. They couldn't even do just one thing properly. Give me a damn mate and they couldn't even do that properly. Just as they sat on their high thrown and watched me being accused wrongly. Well since they can't do their jobs properly, seems to me that they're old and rusty, they should give up their jobs to a more capable go-" Before he could complete his sentence, his mates palm clasped over his lips gently.

"Don't say that my king" Adrain shushed him. Klaus was taken aback by that action, therefore stopping right in his trucks.