

In a kingdom where soulmates are chosen for by the gods, a young prince rebels against the gods decision when he was given a male as a soulmate. ....... Unfortunate circumstances turned King Klaus into a ruthless leader who ruled his kingdom with an ion fist. But even as heartless as he seemed, he still longed for his mate. It turned out his betrothed mate is a male. He refused to be mated to a male because it is unheard of. But there was one thing for sure..... the gods must've been crazy to pull such a prank on him. Erix, a young god has been in love with Klaus ever since he had his first cry(birthed) and his first laugh. He was the only child of the god Wincher and the goddess Idrissa. He could have anyone he wanted but he only yearned for his mate.Klaus. There's only one problem. Klaus wouldn't accept being mated with a man.

_Adwoa · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Sitting gracefully on his thrown, King Klaus's expression was one of a deadly lion king. He glared fiercely around with striking golden orbs flicking around the entire room with a glare so intense that, it could cause anyone around to shiver.

Today was the very last day of the seven days he had given that damn priest to provide him with his mate. He awaited in patience as to when the man was going to come with good news this time. If not he had a replacement ready to replace him in case this one had a death wish. Which is exactly what he was going to get if he dared to bring the same old news 'the gods are still silent about your mate'..... He had his guards ready to annihilate him anytime those unfortunate words fall out of his lips again.


The chief priest walk anxiously into the king's thrown room. He was sure the news he held this time will actually get him killed immediately they fell out. How do you tell such a man that his soulmate and his soon to be beloved is a fellow man. Not just any man but this one in particular. It had never been heard of.

The king knowing how fearful the priest was Of him, waited patiently for him to overcome his fears and give him some good news this time around, he wasn't going to rush him yet. There was nothing to be fearful of. It was just death, he was just going to join his ancestors and the gods that he loved so much. So was there something to be afraid of? Absolutely not.

"So! Eye of the gods, where's my mate's located? Because I hope for your sake, you didn't come here with the same old bullshit. If so then am sorry there's nothing I can do now" Klaus said in a very tight tone.

The fact that he is going to enjoy killing that old man, he still needed his mate. He felt too lonely. For the first time in his life he hoped really hard for something he wanted so badly.

"There is news about your mate your highness." the priest said "The gods have finally answered our prayers about your mate my lord."

For the first time in a long time,Klaus actually smiled cheerfully. But that made the priest uneasy. He dreaded his next words. Klaus got of his thrown and approached the priest. He clasped his palm on the man's shoulder "Finally! Some great news. Now you're no longer going to die! Because you my friend have finally brought me some great news today" He laughed joyfully. "come have a seat my good man.. Maids bring us the finest of wine for celebration"

"There's no need for that my king" The chief priest halted quickly with a fake nervous laugh. With that Klaus knew something wasn't right but thought nothing of it yet. Perfect eyebrows furrowed together "okay, so who is she? Where is she? Who are her parents?" he asked.

That was where the major problem lied. It is not a she, and how to tell him was the most difficult aspect. "it..it..i..it..n.ot..not..not..a..a..shh.." the priest kept stammering.

"Eye of the gods,!what are you murmuring to yourself about cause you're not using human words" His tone was beginning to change.

The priest cleared his throat nervously "I was saying my lord, that its not a shh.."

Before the priest could finish his sentence, he was saved by the bell. The door to the thrown room opened and two very powerful guards brought in the most beautiful creature Klaus had ever seen.. Immediately his eyes landed on her his heartbeat quickened. She was so beautiful to him that Klaus lost his senses and became speechless for a while. All he did was stare at the creature like a love sick puppy. He was feeling all the mate pull towards her.

His mouth watered, his heartbeats really loudly against his chest, that intense sense of pleasure that shot through him.... He closed his eyes and groaned audibly before his mind registered that his new found mate was being lusted after by those two buffoons.

"Watch where your eyes linger, keep those dirty thoughts away from my mate immediately or I'll show you no mercy" He bellowed.

The guards immediately let go shook out of it as soon they heard that command. Gasps left their lips as they gave a quick apology and scrambled out.

Now Klaus took a real look at his mate and registered every detail of that perfect being standing right in front of his eyes.

She was tall, way taller than any female Klaus had ever seen. Her long hair was the rarest of silver color, which complemented her mesmerizing striking grey eyes. Slim sexy waist with long legs. He wondered why he was dressed in a mans clothing but he didn't really care.

"Wow! Your gods have really done it this time Akillas! Shes so beautiful.. she could easily be mistaken as a goddess..." he says in all excitements. Akillas and Erix gave a very nervous laugh "hahah...ahh.."

Klaus didn't have time to dwell much on it as he beacons his mate to come closer. "come to me my mate." Gracious and cautious foot steps approached him with long strides. Erix stood in front of Klaus with dazed eyes despite himself. Klaus was even more perfect than he remembered.

Klaus stood tall with his 6'3 foot tallness. black shiny hair, thick eyebrows, a pointed nose, the pinkest of lips, those striking golden eyes had Erix melting, he even grew beards and gods did he look so perfect...he wanted to jump his bones immediately. Not to talk of all the mate pull he was feeling towards his mate. the yearn the cravings... he thought he might loose his mind if his mate didn't touch him anytime soon.

"What is your name my mate? Are you from my kingdom? How come I've never seen you around here before?" Klaus asked as he stroke his beautiful mates face. Her face was so soft and smooth to touch. Klaus was feeling everything, the electrical shocks that shot through him, the race in his heartbeat, the intense pleasure of having skin to skin contact with his mate and the sweetest scent of hers that filled his senses made him salivate.

What he didn't know though, and was too preoccupied by beauty to notice was that he wasn't actually a she.

"Who are your parents? I must reward them for having given me the most beautiful damsel in the whole kingdom."