
The Gods Great Game

The Greek gods created a game for mortals. They sent them to another world to fend for themselves. Each human can choose one of the Olympians gods, except Zeus, as Godfather or Godmother. However, one of the gods was left out from this game. The latter wasn't pleased about it and decided to do what it takes to be part of the gods' game... even if it means messing everything up.

AddaxShogess · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Establishing A Domain

Aiken appeared somewhere in an open field. 

Finally out of that Nymph's world. I hate that place. The voice inside him said.

How come you get quiet every time in there? 

It's a precaution set up by Lord Hades to prevent Nymphs from detecting my presence in you. I can hide deep in your soul.

I see. Where am I now?

Somewhere in Balfar. You need to quickly set up your domain.


If you're among the first people, you'll get some achievement points. You know as well as I do how difficult it is to gain those points.


Aiken didn't play as a Ruler of a Domain the first time around, so he ignored the subtleties of the title.

Yes, yes. Now hurry.

Wait, I need to find a good spot. I remember the area I chose on the map is near a body of water.

If you lose your opportunity to earn achievements, don't blame me later.

Aiken smiled.

I won't. 

Aiken walked around. The sky was clear with almost no clouds. A nice breeze emerged from time to time refreshing his body. He saw mountains in the distance, towering the scenery like a great wall. He walked toward them. He remembered seeing a lac near the mountains when he looked at the map in the Nymph's area. Most of the area was surrounded by mountains, especially on the east side. There was a gorge between the mountains on the north side. More mountains and forests were on the east side with a few gorges and ravines. All the way down south was a Sea. Aiken believed the territory would be easier to defend, hence making his choice. He suddenly received notifications.

[Congratulations to Godslayer for discovering a new zone - Arcadia.]

[Zone Discovered: 1]

Have you made your decision yet?

Yes, he replied to his helper. Right here.

His choice was closer to the south side of the area and also close to the mountains on the east. There was also a forest not far away on the southwest side before reaching the mountains again.

Then hurry; who knows how many have already set up their domain?

Once created, my domain can't be moved. It can only be expanded. So its point of origin is crucial to better defend from future attacks.

Yes, yes, yes… Now get on it for those achievement points.

Aiken sighed. He was carrying the sac of goods he received earlier over his shoulder. The Domain Establishment Orb was in his pocket. With his free hand, he took it out. The orb was a golden sphere the size of a ping-pong ball. There was an owl figure inside. Aiken wasn't surprised. The bird was the symbol of Athena, the goddess he selected as his Godmother. A notification came to him.

[Domain Establishment Ord - A mythical item created by the Olympian gods. Each orb is imbued with the power of a Godfather or Godmother. To activate the orb and create your domain, dig a hole deep enough to bury the orb and pour some of your blood on it until it activates.]

Aiken found a branch nearby, dug a shallow hole, put the orb in it, and covered everything with the dirt. He was about to cut his palm with the branch when the familiar voice in his soul rang in his mind.

Stop it! What are you doing?

Establishing my domain. Aren't you the one rushing me?

I know that. But why are you wanting to offer your blood?

I'm following the instructions.

To Tartarus with the instructions! For Hades' sake, don't you know that binding a mythical item created by the gods with your blood will link them to your soul?

I'm confused.

You've already chosen Lord Hades as your true Godfather. With us being in Pangea, if you offer your blood to such an item, Athena's power will override Lord Hades's. Your link with HIM will be destroyed alongside me, and Athena will become your true Godmother.

Why Hades has no power here?

Have you forgotten HE wasn't invited to be part of the game? That's why you must finish the game to render Lord Hades's power legitimate. If you complete the game as HIM as your Godfather, even Zeus can do nothing about it. And you will be able to use Lord Hades's Godfather powers.

What are his godfather's powers?

I can't tell you now. Lord Hades forbade it. You will naturally discover it once you finish the game.

Aiken sighed.

So what do I do now? I still need to activate the orb.

Your blood just gives the godmother or godfather access to your soul. The orb doesn't need your blood to work. Anything coming from you, produced by your body will do.

Aiken thought for a few seconds.

What about my saliva?

It'll do. But we'll be here all day for you to spit enough saliva to activate the orb.

I'm out of options. What do you suggest then?

It's easy. Just piss on the damn thing.

Are you serious? You want me to take a leak on a mythical item.

Why not? It'll work the same. I'd rather you use your urine than your blood.

Aiken remained silent.

What are you waiting for? Hurry up and set up your Domain.

Just hang on a second. I can't pee on demand.

You can't? I know a trick. You wanna hear it?


Take out your thingy, aim, and start whistling.


Trust me. It'll work.

Left with no other options, Aiken did as told and even began whistling. 

Your clever idea isn't working.

Be patient. Just keep whistling.

Aiken cursed but still whistled. Several seconds later, he felt a familiar sensation. He relaxed, let himself go, and released his urine on the covered orb. A golden light erupted from the ground just as Aiken finished doing his business. The light formed a golden dome that spread out to the border of his current Domain before vanishing. 

Aiken perceived movement in the wet ground. A white altar sprouted from the ground. On top of it was a golden owl statue. The whole monument was about 6 feet high. 

There it is; Athena's golden owl statue. Quickly, put your hand on it. Hades's gift said.

Aiken obeyed and put his left palm on the inanimate bird. 

[Congratulations, Godslayer for establishing your Domain, Arcadia Hamlet!]

[You are the fourth player to build a Domain. Reward: 400 Achievement Points.]

Only fourth, what a letdown! Hades's gift said.

Why do you sound so disappointed? Fourth isn't bad. 400 Achievement Points is big. 

Fourth isn't bad? That's the place before last. Only the first five players will receive a reward. The first gets 1000 Achievement Points. The second, 800. The third, 600. The fourth, 400. And the fifth, 200. I was aiming for you to get first… or second at worst.

Aiken smiled. 

There will be other chances to get Achievements Points.

Indeed. Let's open your sac of goods.

Aiken nodded and opened the brown leather bag.

[Godslayer has opened 1x Sac of Goods.]

[Godslayer received 550 wood, 5500 food, 550 Stones, 100 Olympian Ore, 1 Storage Ring, and 1 Summoning Orb.]

A Summoning Orb, your luck is good!

No kidding!

Aiken broke the orb. A red light came out from the item and landed near Aiken. It transformed into a humanoid shape before glowing. After a few seconds, the gleam vanished, revealing a young man. He was of a great stature, over 6 feet tall, with a colossal frame. He wore a helmet and armor. His thighs were the size of Aiken's chest. He carried a silver-studded sword.

By Hades's might, if it is not…

Aiken ignored the voice and focused on the notifications he just received.

[Congratulations to Godslayer for summoning Ajax The Great.]

[Reward: 50 Achievement Points]

The man looked around him and then at Aiken.

"Is this the Gods' Game?"

Aiken nodded.

"You know of it?"

"Of course. It's the main talk in the Other World. Many of us want to be summoned to Pangea."

"How come?"

"If our summoner completes the game, we will be resurrected for good."

Hades's gift, you know about that? 

It's not information Lord Hades was able to acquire.

"My goal is to finish this game," Aiken said with determination.

"In that case, it is an honor to be at your service, my lord."


"Is this your Domain?"

Aiken nodded.

"Then as the ruler of this land and my summoner, you are naturally my lord."

"There is no need to be so formal."

Ajax shook his head.

"If I don't call you as your statute requires, others will not do the same. This may lead to them questioning your authority."

"I see your point, thank you!"

[Godslayer, Ajax The Great has a favorable impression of you.]

[Ajax The Great's Trust: +5]

[To consult your Hero's stats, use his name followed by 'stats'.]

Aiken did as instructed.

[Name: Ajax The Great]

[Title: Bulwark Of The Achaens]

[Affiliation: Arcadia Hamlet Hero]

[Class: Warrior]

[Specialty: General]

[Trust: 80]

[Leadership: 85]

[Strength: 95]

[Intelligence: 70]

[Constitution: 95]

[Agility: 75]

[Special Ability]

[Bulwark War Cry - Boost soldiers' strength and constitution by 40%]

[Mount: Salamis Saddlebred Horse]

[Equipment: Red Tip Spear, Bronze Broad Shield, Silver-Studded Sword]

He's strong. Aiken said to his secret helper.

Of course, he is. We're talking about Ajax The Great, here. A warrior regarded as second only to the mighty Achilles. You're a lucky guy.

Aiken smiled. He couldn't agree more. He decided to check his own stats.

[Name: Godslayer]

[Title: Ruler of a Domain]

[Domain: Arcadia Hamlet]

[Godmother: Athena]

[Level 8]

[Experience: 10,500/14,500]

[Pangean Recruit: Rank 1]

[Achievement points: 550]

[Agility: 14]

[Constitution: 11]

[Intelligence: 55]

[Strength: 12]

[Characteristic Points: 8]

[Skills: None]

[Equipment: None]

[Hero Summoned: 1]

[Money: 200 Olympian notes]

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