
The godly system

DISCONTINUED!!!!!!!! When Quinn (20) dies from getting hit by a truck he finds himself reincarnated as a baby from a rich and powerful family But there’s a twist he has a Goldy system to help him through his times in his new life. Follow Quinn aka Alexander though his journey to become the richest in the world and the most powerful (( A/N: his family might be rich and powerful but he’s gonna be way more rich and powerful))

TheRandomFemaleFan · Others
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Chapter 4

So Alex has been taking his classes for about a month and he's already been exposed, He felt like he should let everyone know his power and intelligence so nobody won't underestimate him. What about enemies you ask? Well if they see how strong he is, they can only hold their hate.

He's also been cultivating which resulted in his strength being strong with surprised his dad.

His dad was extremely proud of his strong son. His dad felt like he was better than him in strength wise. His mother you ask? Well she was also proud, "Alex is very good in his studies, I fear he will be smarter than me" the words of his mother.

Alex pov-

'Now I should start becoming the richest in the world' so as he planned he wanted to start in the medical Field. So Alex went to his dads office.


"Come in" said a deep voice from inside the office

Alex walked in and the first thing he saw was a huge desk and his dad sitting behind it.

"Hey Alex!!" Said the dad with a huge lovingly, creepy, doting dad smile.

"HAhaha uh..hey dad" if Alex wanted to tell the truth he was kind of creeped out but he felt like he could use this as an Advantage.

"So what is it?"

"Dad, there's something I want to talk to you about. It's something every serious"

Seeing Alex was dead serious, the dad put a serious face. " okay what is it?"

Taking a deep breath Alex said what he wanted "I want to start a business more specifically a hospital"

There was a moment of silence after he said that, the dad knew Alex was smart so he wasn't surprised he asked something like that.

" you want to start a business? Why not work at one of my many companies? What if your business takes off? Whose gonna take over as CEO?"


Who would've thought the dad would be thinking like that?

" It's okay dad, I'll still take over I just want to start off by myself I mean I'm only 5 years old"

The dad visibly calmed down, I mean who could blame him. The dad doesn't want to spend the rest of his life working.