
The God System.

Shen Li woke up bound to the God System one day. She would have to go to various other worlds before she could have any wish of hers granted. Follow her on her journey as she discovers secrets from her past and finds true love in each of the worlds.

Reina_Black · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Li Nui said," Do we have to kill her? Can't we just let her keep going? She might be able to actually to complete her mission without He Ying ever finding her or regaining her original memories."

Li Huo shook his head and said," No, He Ying already found her once. If we hadn't gotten to her in time, then He Ying would have awakened her memories and the two of them would have destroyed this entire universe."

Li Nui nodded sadly. She didn't want to hurt Shen Li but she knew she had no choice in order to protect the universe.

Days passed and Meng Suyin continued to starve herself. Xie Chen had been delayed so Meng Suyin was left alone without food or water since Feng Mingli was too busy to take notice.

When Feng Mingli got home, he had noticed that several things were wrong with the villa. First of all there were several new servants around. He knew some of them were spies planted by his enemies because it was easy to tell that they had been digging through his office. Objects had been moved. Documents disorganized, and wiretaps placed.

Feng Mingli had to go through the whole house to remove whatever wiretaps were placed and sort through all of the servants personal records to root out any spies. With him being so busy it was no surprise that he had forgotten about Meng Suyin.

So Meng Suyin continued to shut herself in and gradually weakened. When Xie Chen finally arrived she discovered Meng Suyin unconscious on the floor.

Panicked, Xie Chen ran up to check on her and discovered she was severely dehydrated and weak from malnutrition. She quickly picked her up and placed her in bed. After hooking her up to an IV, Xie Chen left in search of Feng Mingli.

Once she found him, Xie Chen asked him how Meng Suyin had gotten like that. Feng Mingli explained the argument he had with Meng Suyin a couple of days ago. Xie Chen nodded and they continued their discussion.

After putting all of the clues together Xie Chen finally figured out what had happened. Meng Suyin had gotten angry and shut herself in her room. Feng Mingli didn't really take notice of her because he was too busy, and the servants weren't allowed into her room. Having no choice Nanny Lin and Su Hong left her meals outside the door at each meal time and collected the empty plates soon after.

Discovering this Xie Chen looked around Meng Suyin's room and discovered all of the discarded food piled up in a garbage bag hidden in the bathroom. She grabbed the bag and went to talk to Feng Mingli.

When Feng Mingli saw the bag and Xie Chen explained everything, Feng Mingli showed a visibly upset expression. Feng Mingli cursed Meng Suyin's stubbornness, but there was nothing he could really do. He certainly couldn't yell at her since she was still unconscious. The only thing they could do was offer medical care and wait for her to regain consciousness.

Hours passed and when Meng Suyin finally awoke she was surprised to see everyone in her room staring at her with a worried expression. Xie Chen ran over to her and grabbed her by the shoulders and said," How could you be so stupid. I was so worried when I found you passed out on the floor. I know you were mad at General Feng but you shouldn't have taken it out on yourself."

Meng Suyin thought about it and nodded before apologizing to Xie Chen for making her worried. Upset Feng Mingli said," Oh, you'll apologize to her, but where's my apology. You could have died if this kept up. Did you seriously have to rebel against me this way. You couldn't have used some other way?"

' Minus 5 points. New affection level 40.'

Shocked Meng Suyin paused before dismissing the notification and quickly returning her attention to Feng Mingli as she said," That was the only way I knew how. I may be stupid, but servants are human too. And, Nanny Lin isn't just a servant to me. She's a lot more like a mother to me and my own mother ever was. I can't stand you dissing her as a servant and not allowing me to eat with her when she's taken care of me all of my life. I'd be dead by now if it wasn't for her."

Meng Suyin glared at Feng Mingli with tears in her eyes while Nanny Lin exclaimed in shock and covered her heart in distress with a few tears trickling down her face as she said," I never knew you thought like that. I always just assumed you hated me since you've been avoiding me until recently."

Meng Suyin shook her head and sighed as she said," I just couldn't deal with my emotions. I was upset that no matter how much I wanted you to be my real mother that you never could be. I hated the fact that my real mother would always be the woman who locked down on me with disgust. If that wasn't enough there was also my father and brother's indifference, and my sister's hatred. No matter how much I wanted to be a family with them. I just never seemed to fit in. You were the only person who ever treated me like family and I didn't know how to deal with that."

Meng Suyin sat on her bed crying while Nanny Lin walked up to comfort her. Meng Suyin just laid there crying in Nanny Lin's arms while the others left to give them some space. As they left Meng Suyin heard a familiar ding.

' Plus 5 points. New affection level: 45.'

Time passed and Nanny Lin soon left to make Meng Suyin some porridge. Meng Suyin was left alone in her thoughts until she eventually called out for the twins.

Meng Suyin looked up at the two and said," What happened while I was out?"

Li Huo said," Nothing much."

While Li Nui said," The only thing that really happened was Xie Chen arrived and figured out how you managed to starve yourself. Other than that, the only noticeable thing was Feng Mingli's affection level rising 20 points while you were unconscious."

Time passed and Meng Suyin's shoulder started to heal. It was soon time for Li Shaoqing to arrive and begin her training. There was also talk of Meng Suyin's chance of getting a promotion. If she passed Feng Mingli's test then she would be promoted to Captain. The test was set to take place after Meng Suyin finished her training.

The day before Li Shaoqing arrived, Meng Suyin grew curious and asked the Twins about the military rankings. She wanted to know how many promotions it would take for her to reach Lieutenant.

The twins each had a futuristic looking watch on their wrists that were used for operating their system. So Li Huo tapped on the panel on his wrist and a screen appeared in front of Meng Suyin.

The screen said:

' Military Rankings:



Lieutenant General


Lieutenant Colonel




Meng Suyin read over the rankings and eventually said," So I just need to keep getting promoted until I reach Lieutenant General and then I'll have completed one part of the main mission right?"

The twins nodded and Meng Suyin sighed as she thought,' Even if I manage to get my promotion, I still have a long way to go to get to Lieutenant General.'