
The God System.

Shen Li woke up bound to the God System one day. She would have to go to various other worlds before she could have any wish of hers granted. Follow her on her journey as she discovers secrets from her past and finds true love in each of the worlds.

Reina_Black · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Divine Beings

Meng Suyin jumped on her bed in anger cursing Feng Mingli in her mind. Meng Suyin lay down on her back holding a pillow to her chest wondering why Feng Mingli was so against Nanny Lin and Su Hong eating with them. Sure they were servants but they were also people just like them who feel hunger.

While Meng Suyin was in her room, Feng Mingli sat at the dining room table waiting to see if she'd come back. When he saw that she really wasn't going to come back down to eat he just sighed and picked up his utensils to start eating. In his mind he thought that she was really like a child throwing a tantrum. He figured she come and eat whenever she got hungry enough to where she couldn't stand it. So he went ahead and ate and then made his to the study to get some work done.

What he didn't know was that when he thought about how she looked like a child throwing a tantrum his affection level went down five points. When Meng Suyin heard the notification she screamed in her pillow and vowed to never give in to him, even if it meant really starving herself.

Li Nui looked at her worried. She wondered why Meng Suyin would hurt herself and throw a fit just because Feng Mingli wouldn't let her eat with the servants. Li Nui thought Meng Suyin was naive. It would be pointless for Meng Suyin to threaten to starve herself because Feng Mingli wouldn't give in to her that easily. At this point, Meng Suyin was making Feng Mingli hate her. Li Nui looked at Meng Suyin who was cursing Feng Mingli and sighed. 

Li Nui thought, ' At this rate, it won't be long until Feng Mingli's affection falls back to zero.'

Li Nui suddenly stopped and turned to Meng Suyin as she said," Wait a minute. You do know that if Feng Mingli's affection level falls back to zero that you will automatically fail this mission right?"

Meng Suyin turned to Li Nui shocked and said," What you guys didn't tell me that."

Li Huo appeared next to Li Nui and said," Well I didn't think you'd be this bad in your first world."

Meng Suyin glared at Li Huo but Li Nui blocked him from her gaze as she said," Well even if it's annoying to hear. Li Huo is right. You are getting off to a bad start. Your affection level keeps dropping and you're getting pretty close to hitting zero."

Meng Suyin said," Wait a minute. You said I fail if his affection level hits zero, but his affection level has already hit zero. When I first came it was in the negative. So shouldn't I have already failed?"

Li Nui shook her head," No since his affection level was already negative when you came to this world. So at the beginning you would only fail if his affection hit -100. But since you gained more affection and are no longer in the negative your new failing mark is zero affection."

Meng Suyin nodded and said," I see, I sort of get it. You guys said that if I failed this world I'd get punished by the Goddess of Punishment right? Will it happen right after I leave the world or in the next world? And what about those small tasks I get and the hidden mission? Some of them also have random punishment listed under them in case of failure."

Li Huo floated forward and interrupted Li Nui from talking as he said," When you fail a world, then the next world will be considered a punishment world. The Goddess of Punishment usually makes changes to the body you'll be entering or changes some of the plot to make the world harder. She wants you to fail three worlds so that she can take your soul. Now when you fail one of the smaller tasks in a world, you won't fail the world because it's not a main task and you're not letting your targets affection level reach zero. But, when you fail those small tasks that have a random punishment, it'll take effect immediately. Those small tasks don't usually end in death when failed. Your first task was just an exception because it was to stop you from getting yourself executed."

Meng Suyin quickly stopped Li Huo and said," Wait hold on a minute you're going too fast. I can hardly keep up. I feel like I'm able to understand most of it, but what do you mean the Goddess will take my soul. What would she do with it? Also, you said my target's affection level was tied to the main mission right? That if I lose all of his affection I'll also fail this world. Why is that? It's just a hidden mission?"

Li Huo smiled and said," That's confidential for now. You don't have a high enough level to access this information. Complete a few more worlds and then you can find out. The only thing I can tell you is that all of your hidden missions will be the same in each world you'll have to raise your target's affection level. So part of the reason why you'll fail a world based on your target's affection level is because all of your hidden mission's in each world is the same. And, you were wondering about the Goddess right? Well, she'll make good use of your soul."

Meng Suyin sighed and said," How will she use my soul?"

Li Huo said," She'll eat it. Or more appropriately she'll consume your soul's energy to raise her cultivation level."

Meng Suyin gasped in shock and said, " Consume my soul? She sounds like a DEMON!!!"

Li Huo opened his mouth and said," That's because she was originally a demon."

Meng Suyin frowned and said," How can a demon become the Goddess of Punishment?"

Li Huo glanced at Li Nui and Li Nui sighed as she said," First of all anyone can become a God or Goddess if they work hard enough. Likewise if they don't work hard and lose all of their divine energy then they'll lose their Godhead and return to their original form. The Goddess of Punishment was originally a demon named He Ying. He Ying continued to consume more and more souls until eventually she became the most powerful demon in the underworld. She then spent the next one thousand years changing her demonic power into divine energy and she became a Goddess. Her demonic nature named her the Goddess of Punishment. So now she still gains power from consuming souls and cultivating that soul's energy into divine power."

Meng Suyin said," Ok, she sounds like someone I don't want to meet. You said that anyone can become a God or Goddess, basically a divine being, right?"

Li Nui nodded and said," Yes. Even you could become one if you gained enough power."

Meng Suyin said," How I gain the power required to become a divine being?"

Li Nui said," When you complete missions from a world you'll gain a little power from that world. The small tasks only give a little power while the main mission gives a lot. That's why you'll want to try your best to complete every mission you're given. When you leave the world the power is automatically given and is then split between you and the us. We use the power given by the world to transfer you to the next world. That's why if you fail the main mission we're relying on the power you gain from the small tasks you're given to transfer worlds. Once you gain enough power from the worlds you'll level up from human to a divine being. But, it takes a lot of power to become a divine being. You could be doing this for over a thousand years and still not be able to reach the benchmark."

Meng Suyin said," That's a lot to take in at once. If I got it right, I'll have to seduce someone in every world, avoid becoming a Goddess's dinner, and there's a chance I might also become a divine being far in the future."

Li Nui nodded and Meng Suyin told them that she was tired. She layed back down and went to sleep without dinner.

What she didn't know was that when she went to bed Li Nui and Li Huo both disappeared from the room and appeared in that familiar sea of stars that she awoke in after she died.

Li Nui looked at Li Huo and said," Why'd you make me explain He Ying's origin."

Li Huo said," Because we want her to try her hardest to complete the main mission for this world. That way we can kill her in the next."