
The God System.

Shen Li woke up bound to the God System one day. She would have to go to various other worlds before she could have any wish of hers granted. Follow her on her journey as she discovers secrets from her past and finds true love in each of the worlds.

Reina_Black · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Meeting the family

Since Feng Mingli refused to talk to her, Meng Suyin spent the rest of the time talking to Li Nui. She tried talking with Li Huo but like Feng Mingli, he was determined to ignore her.

Annoyed, Meng Suyin spent the next hour complaining about the two. After a while Li Nui told her she couldn't stay with her any longer because she had to help Li Huo update their main system. It turns out Li Nui and Li Huo needed to update their system every once in a while so they could keep up to date with all the supplies in the store, and so they could easily receive the future missions in each world.

The update generally only took a few hours. So since the two of them were now busy Meng Suyin had no choice but to look out the window and watch the scenery pass by. So that's how she spent the next hour before finally she ended up falling asleep.

She was woken up by Feng Mingli when he told her they had arrived. She sat up in the seat and stretched but she forgot she was currently injured so she tried to stretch her injured shoulder and quickly winced in pain.

Feng Mingli who saw this just shook his head and handed her a pain pill as he said," Take this, your other pain pill should have worn off by now."

Meng Suyin nodded and thanked him before taking the pill. Afterwards she saw Feng Mingli was looking at her with a weird expression like he was deep in thought. She could tell he was thinking about her shoulder because she could hear:

'*DING* Plus 6 points. New affection level: -2.'

Feng Mingli was worried about her shoulder and he also felt guilty because she was hurt because of him, but this feeling disappeared after he remembered all of those photos he saw in her phone. Looking at all of those photos, it was apparent that Meng Suyin had been stalking him without his knowledge. She had even dared to trespass in his tent and put up hidden cameras. He had wondered before how she got those photos of him bathing and sleeping. So when he went back to his tent, he searched it throughly and found two hidden cameras. He even looked around his bathing spot and found two more.

Otherwise knowing his sensitivity, he would have been able to sense her presence if she followed him to those places. She must have known that seeing as how she set up the hidden cameras beforehand. Thinking about all of this, Feng Mingli no longer felt any guilt towards her. Instead he just felt uncomfortable and wanted to stay as far away from her as he could in the future.

Meng Suyin had no way of knowing this though and was confused when she her another notification.

'*DINGS* Minus 2 points. New affection level: -4.'

Meng Suyin felt confused but she didn't have the energy to try and figure out what was going on in his head so she just said," We should probably go knock on the door. I don't think they know I'm coming."

Feng Mingli looked at her confused and said," Didn't you call and tell them? Headquarters should have also made a call. So they should know."

Meng Suyin just shook her head and said," They didn't answer so I'm not sure if they heard from headquarters or not."

Feng Mingli didn't saw anything else just nodded and got out of the car. Meng Suyin soon followed and they walked up to the door. Meng Suyin was about to press the doorbell when Feng Mingli looked at her and said," Don't you have a key?"

Meng Suyin shook her head and quickly pressed the doorbell feeling uncomfortable. Her parents had never given her the key or even the password to the mansion because they never really saw her as family. So she would usually have to enter through the servants entrance. But today Feng Mingli was with her and she didn't want to let him know this so she could only ring the doorbell.

It felt like the original Meng Suyin's feelings had rubbed off on her and she didn't want to let Feng Mingli see her bad side. She hadn't known him long but the original Meng Suyin's feeling and hers had already combined and she was deeply attracted to this brother-in-law.

Of course she didn't think she was as obsessed with him as the original owner, but she still felt she was sporting a crush on him. It's just she didn't know how long that crush could hold out. She was already hurt by Feng Mingli's attitude of ignoring her. If this was her original world she might have already given up by now, but her life depended on his affection level now so she knew she couldn't give up. She might not actually die if she fails this hidden mission, but she has no clue on what the punishment could be so she has to fight like her life depends on it. Because who knows it might.

Meng Suyin was taken out of her thoughts by the door opening. At the door stood Meng Jianyu.

Meng Jianyu was a lot taller than her so she had to crane her neck to see his face. Meng Jianyu looked closer to Meng Yun with his short blonde hair and turquoise eyes. He looked a lot different from her brown hair and brown eyes.

Meng Jianyu looked confused as he said," What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming home til the holidays."

Meng Suyin was about to reply when Feng Mingli spoke," She was sent home to recuperate."

Meng Jianyu looked at Meng Suyin trying to find what was wrong with her when he saw nothing he looked back at Feng Mingli and said," What's wrong with her?"

Feng Mingli was about to respond when suddenly a girls voice called out to Meng Jianyu. She sounded excited as she urged him to come to her.

Meng Jianyu looked inside as a girl appeared at the door. She was smiling happily about to say something when she saw Feng Mingli and Meng Suyin.

The girl was still smiling but Meng Suyin could tell she was no longer smiling from the heart because as soon as she saw her the light disappeared from her eyes. Meng Suyin wasn't surprised though because she didn't really want to see this sister of hers either.

Meng Yun looked at Meng Suyin with a shocked look as she said," Sister I didn't know you were coming home. Did you want to surprise me for my birthday. Is that why Feng Mingli's with you?"

Meng Suyin didn't say anything and Meng Jianyu was about to respond but Meng Yun continued and said," I'm so happy. Now that you're here you can attend my party. Mom and Dad agreed to hold a pool party for my birthday this year. I'm so happy I've been wanting one."

Meng Jianyu smiled at Meng Yun and said," That's good. Have you already invited all your friends?"

Meng Yun paused and then shook her head as she said," No I haven't, I was so excited that I forgot. I'll go invite them now."

Having send that, Meng Yun turned around and ran to her room. Seeing this Meng Jianyu just smiled and yelled after her," Ok, but be careful."

Meng Yun threw an I will back before she completely disappeared from sight. Meng Jianyu turned around with a small smile still on his lips but it soon disappeared when he saw them again.

Meng Jianyu just frowned as he looked at Meng Suyin as she said," You said you're here to recuperate or whatever, but today's Meng Yun's birthday. So don't ruin it for her. Today's the happiest she's been in a while. Your room is still as you left it. You know where it's at. So you can show Feng Mingli to the guest room while you're at it. I have to go help Meng Yun start setting up her party."

Having said that Meng Jianyu disappeared inside and left Meng Suyin alone with Feng Mingli. Feng Mingli looked at her confused as he said," Why'd he treat you like that? He made it sound like you would try to ruin the party intentionally."

Meng Suyin just sighed and said," I'm not surprised he thinks that way. My family and I haven't really gotten along that great, but these past years it's gotten worse. Especially with Meng Yun. This last year we've been repeatedly fighting."

Feng Mingli tilted his head as he said," Why? What happened?"

Feng Mingli looked closely at Meng Suyin's face trying to catch her every change in expression. He saw that she looked deep in thought then she looked up and glanced at him but quickly turned away. It was only a second but he saw a deep pain in those eyes.

She looked like she had something to say but she quickly shook her head and said," I don't want to talk about it. Come on I'll show you to the guest room."

Feng Mingli nodded and followed her, but his eyes never left her figure and he looked deep in thought. Meng Suyin didn't notice this and was surprised when she heard a familiar ding.

' Plus 10 points. New affection level: 6.'

Meng Suyin had only one thought. ' Why'd his affection level suddenly go up so much?'