
The God System.

Shen Li woke up bound to the God System one day. She would have to go to various other worlds before she could have any wish of hers granted. Follow her on her journey as she discovers secrets from her past and finds true love in each of the worlds.

Reina_Black · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Leaving the army

Meng Suyin was still confused when suddenly Xiao Fan walked into the tent. He quickly spotted the General and saluted him as he said," General, Jin Xiabo's attack on you was just a diversion. While you were preoccupied with him the enemy Commander broke into our armory and destroyed all of our weapons. We're now basically defenseless except for the few weapons we had stored separately and the ones we were already carrying."

Feng Mingli nodded and said," I will report it to the Commander immediately and have a new batch of weapons ordered immediately. While I do that you go and make a list of all the weapons we have on hand right now. Including the cold weapons. We'll need every weapon available until the new shipment of arms arrive."

Xiao Fan said," Yes General I will get started on that right away."

As Xiao Fan ran out of the tent, Meng Suyin was wondering if she should tell Feng Mingli that he was the spy.

Right as she was about to say something Li Huo appeared and said," You can't tell him. For one you have no evidence so he wouldn't believe you, and secondly Xiao Fan is a major part of this world's plot line so you can't directly interfere with him like that. You can only vaguely try and give the General a few hints. If he can figure it out is all up to him."

Li Nui also appeared and said," I wouldn't try that. Xiao Fan has been friends with the General every since they were kids. He wouldn't believe it easily even if you gave him hard evidence. He needs to see Xiao Fan betraying him with his own eyes to believe it. But, that's not going to be easy. So I recommend you just keep an eye on him and stop him if he tries to hurt the General."

Meng Suyin nodded and said,' Ok, but why did Xiao Fan betray the General if they were such good friends?'

Li Nui shook her head sadly and said," I can't tell you everything right now. You'll have to unlock more of the plot to find out."

Meng Suyin sighed and returned her attention to Feng Mingli and Doctor Xie.

Feng Mingli looked back at her as he said," Get some rest. We leave at first light."

Then he turned to Doctor Xie and told her to keep an eye on Meng Suyin while he went to headquarters to fill out an order for new weapons. The Doctor just nodded and went to grab some pain medicine for Meng Suyin's shoulder while Feng Mingli exited the tent.

After taking the medicine Meng Suyin gradually fell asleep. When she awoke the sun was gradually started to rise and the Doctor walked in and started to help her get ready for the trip home.

Doctor Xie gave her pain medicine and a list of exercises for her to do to help her heal her shoulder as she said," Now for the first week I want you to take a pain pill everyday. After that you can just take them as they're needed. Only when the pain's too intense to endure. After the first month you shouldn't need to take any more pain medicine as long as you're careful with your wound. When the second month comes, I want you to follow those exercises to help your shoulder rehabilitate. For the first month I want you to gradually work up to it. By the second month your rehabilitation should be halfway done and you shouldn't have too much trouble controlling your shoulder for a short period of time before it starts to hurt. And during the last month, your shoulder should be completely healed just don't overexert it or you could pull a muscle or do further damage to your shoulder which would require further rehabilitation."

Meng Suyin nodded and placed both items on the bed while they waited for Feng Mingli to appear. Seeing that he still hadn't appeared yet the two kept talking and Meng Suyin eventually learned more about Doctor Xie as a person.

First of all Doctor Xie was a year younger then her and had always dreamed about being a soldier, but she wasn't able to pass the exam so she had no choice but to enter the army as a doctor. Thankfully she grew up in a family of doctors so she could easily pass the Doctor exam, but she didn't have the money or connections to enter the army as a soldier the way Meng Suyin did. Because without her family Meng Suyin would have never been able to enter the army. Forget being a doctor, the original Meng Suyin didn't even have the skills to be a soldier. The same way Shen Li who was now in Meng Suyin's body didn't have the skills to be a soldier either.

Meng Suyin sighed and just thought to herself that the future looked bleak. There's no way she can continue to be a soldier the way she is now. Forget completing her mission and becoming a Lieutenant. Right now she's afraid the moment she returns to the army she'll be killed by an enemy soldier.

Meng Suyin returned from her thoughts when Doctor Xie told her that she hadn't given up on her dream yet and that she was studying various martial arts at a dojo to try and retake the exam.

Meng Suyin leaned forward excited as she said," You're studying at a dojo? Which dojo? Do you think they could help train me?"

Doctor Xie gestured for her to calm down as she said," It's a small dojo one of my friend's uncle runs it. He's a retired soldier so I'm pretty sure he can help you train as well. The thing is he doesn't just use one martial art. He uses several moves from several different martial arts to the point where he can fight or defend in any given time or way that he needs to. If you want after you're healed I can take you with me to meet him."

Meng Suyin nodded quickly and said," Yes please. I could really use it."

Doctor Xie smiled at her eagerness and quickly exchanged numbers that way they could keep in touch.

After putting their phones up Feng Mingli appeared and told Meng Suyin that it was time to go.

Meng Suyin quickly said goodbye to her new friend, Doctor Xie, and quickly followed Feng Mingli out to the car.

The car ride would take five hours. So during that time Meng Suyin tried various topics with Feng Mingli. Most of the time he didn't respond and other times he only said one word.

Frustrated Meng Suyin said," You're not saying much. Am I annoying you? If I am I'll stop talking."

Feng Mingli didn't say anything just glanced at her and returned his eyes to the road. But, Meng Suyin's hand clenched and her expression darkened when she heard a familiar voice.

'*DINGS* Plus 2 points. New affection level: -8.'