
The God Particle Explosion

In a world transformed by an accidental explosion that birthed Mana and initiated the golden age of cultivation, the story unfolds around a young boy named Damian. This cataclysmic event not only altered the fabric of reality, but also awakened dormant gifts within individuals, leading to a society where the talented could cultivate their abilities and ascend to new heights of power. Damian, the son of an ambitious father who desired the best for him, becomes a victim of a cruel scheme that plunges him into a world of darkness and despair. His life takes a drastic turn when he is forced to confront the harsh realities of the heart, pushing him on a path of self-preservation. However, the world is not kind to Damian. His unique essence become a coveted resource, and he finds himself hunted by those who seek to exploit him. As Damian struggles to survive, he is pushed to his limits and beyond, transforming from a victim to a villain. His journey is not one of redemption but of revenge, as he resolves to annihilate his enemies and extinguish all life that stands in his way. The narrative is further enriched by the introduction of magical elements and fantastical creatures. Adding layers of complexity to his journey. The story explores themes of power, survival, and the lengths one would go to protect oneself. As Damian navigates this new world, he must confront his past, face his fears, and make choices that will define not only his future but also the fate of the world around him. His story is a testament to the human spirit's resilience and the darkness that can reside in the heart when pushed to the brink. This novel is a thrilling exploration of a world transformed by magic and a young boy's transformation into a figure of terror. It is a tale of survival, power, and the darkness that can reside within us all when pushed to our limits. This is my first story and I would be happy to receive your support and constructive criticism.

Adnan_Salam · Eastern
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10 Chs

Paralyzed Walk Again!

Damian's patience was wearing thin as the lecture dragged on for over an hour. His boss then demanded him to recite the dos and don'ts. Damian obediently replied, stating that his task was to transport the goods from the warehouse to the auction site without any interference. 

He promised to drive without any abnormalities or suspicious behavior that could draw attention from the authorities. If questioned, he would simply state that he was a driver taking a client to a hotel or let the man accompanying him handle it. 

He understood that his performance would determine his fate — either a reward or a punishment. He knew he was vulnerable and had no protection if the underworld organization decided to cause him harm.

In his boss's eyes, he was just an insignificant mortal. Since awakening from his coma, Damian had been consumed by a fierce and bitter rage. Despite receiving good treatment at the hospital and being oblivious to the societal hierarchy at his workplace, he was now being labeled as nothing more than a mere slave, a lowly mortal. In this day and age, those who did not possess the power of cultivation were deemed worthless and treated as such. 

This was the unfortunate reality in the world of cultivation, and it was even more brutal within the realms of evil organizations like the underworld. As he made his way to the designated meeting point, Damian's blood boiled with fury. The words kept echoing in his mind: those who were unable to cultivate had no value and were meant to serve their superiors. The feeling of discrimination and belittlement was one that Damian detested with every fiber of his being.

However, by the time he reached his destination, he had managed to let go of his anger. He reminded himself that a wise man always makes the best of his circumstances, and he saw himself as a hero on a journey to become stronger. When he finally arrived at the abandoned location, Damian sent a signal through his vehicle and waited for further instructions. A shutter wall slowly opened, and he drove in. 

"Step out of the car," a menacing gangster demanded, brandishing a crowbar in an attempt to intimidate Damian, but when he took a good look at Damian situation he laughed hard. 

" Hahaha Perfect, a cripple. If he tries to run, he won't get far. Listen up, old man, you better do as you're told if you want to live to see another day." 

As Damian drove in silence with a gangster by his side, he took in the disturbing sights of enslaved humans trapped in a small cage, surrounded by paintings, old artifacts, and modern technology. His mind was blank and his heart heavy as he heard their pitiful whimpers and saw the collars around their necks. 

Suddenly, his tense body froze as he noticed a police car following them. The gangster urged him to pull over, and the officer approached them with a sinister grin on his face. With a swift exchange of a large envelope and a handshake, the gangster whispered, "Nothing gets past Brother Max, Consider this a small token to turn a blind eye to tonight's business." Damian watched in disgust as the officer accepted the bribe and returned to his car. 

The night passed in a blur, and before he knew it, the sun was rising. As he made his way back to his humble abode, he couldn't shake off the realization that those who were supposed to protect were the ones causing harm. 

The lines between good and bad were blurred, as even the wealthy and influential elites of the city were bidding on these unfortunate souls. 

Damian remembered the words of the Fire Clan lord, warning him that after they were done exploiting the Fire Clan, they would come for him, the one who created the powerful elixirs. 

Back at the work place, "You did well with the delivery last night," the boss continued. "Not many can keep their mouths shut and avoid making a fuss."

The boss handed Damian a large box. 

"Here, take this. It's your dream, an exoskeleton for your lower half. With it, you can walk again." 

Damian "Thank you, sir," 

the boss, "No problem. We take care of our own." 

In the staff room in the back, Damian took a good look at the exoskeleton. It was a metallic belt with leg supports down to the knees, a machine that reads the body electrical signals, and help the muscle move according to the signals.

He wore it and With it, he took his first step, Damian was delighted, he could walk again. 

"Just a few more steps," Damian whispered to himself, feeling a surge of hope and excitement. The exoskeleton felt sturdy and powerful, yet surprisingly comfortable as he moved. It was a marvel of engineering and technology, a testament to the incredible advancements made in this fantasy world. 

As Damian took a few more confident steps, his colleagues in the staff room applauded and cheered for him. He couldn't help but smile at their genuine support and camaraderie. Despite the dark nature of his job, he had found a small community within the drivers, people who shared in both his struggles and his dreams. 

With his newfound mobility, Damian started to imagine all the possibilities that lay ahead. No longer confined to a wheelchair or dependent on others, he could once again explore the world and seek out his own path. 

The fire within him, ignited by the injustices he had witnessed, burned brighter than ever. 

The boss's gesture of giving him the exoskeleton was not simply an act of kindness, but a symbol of trust and acknowledgment of Damian's potential. It was a reminder that even in a world where power and cultivation dominated, there was still room for individuals like him to rise above their circumstances.

As he prepared to embark on his next drive order, Damian knew that he had a choice to make. He could continue to be a pawn in a dangerous game, delivering goods and turning a blind eye to the atrocities of the world. 

Or he could harness the strength of his new exoskeleton and the determination within him to fight for change.

Taking one final glance at the staff room, Damian made his decision. He would no longer accept the role of a lowly mortal, but rather become a force to be reckoned with, standing up against the oppressive forces that plagued society.

With the exoskeleton giving him the ability to walk, he was ready to take his first step on the path of becoming a hero, a leader, and perhaps, a savior to those who were oppressed. As the door of the staff room swung open, Damian stepped out into the world, his heart filled with newfound purpose. The journey ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but he was determined to create a different future, not only for himself but for all those who suffered. And with each step, the weight of his past injustices transformed into strength and resolve, propelling him forward into the unknown.

Sorry for the long wait, I had a bad case of corona.

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