
The God Particle Explosion

In a world transformed by an accidental explosion that birthed Mana and initiated the golden age of cultivation, the story unfolds around a young boy named Damian. This cataclysmic event not only altered the fabric of reality, but also awakened dormant gifts within individuals, leading to a society where the talented could cultivate their abilities and ascend to new heights of power. Damian, the son of an ambitious father who desired the best for him, becomes a victim of a cruel scheme that plunges him into a world of darkness and despair. His life takes a drastic turn when he is forced to confront the harsh realities of the heart, pushing him on a path of self-preservation. However, the world is not kind to Damian. His unique essence become a coveted resource, and he finds himself hunted by those who seek to exploit him. As Damian struggles to survive, he is pushed to his limits and beyond, transforming from a victim to a villain. His journey is not one of redemption but of revenge, as he resolves to annihilate his enemies and extinguish all life that stands in his way. The narrative is further enriched by the introduction of magical elements and fantastical creatures. Adding layers of complexity to his journey. The story explores themes of power, survival, and the lengths one would go to protect oneself. As Damian navigates this new world, he must confront his past, face his fears, and make choices that will define not only his future but also the fate of the world around him. His story is a testament to the human spirit's resilience and the darkness that can reside in the heart when pushed to the brink. This novel is a thrilling exploration of a world transformed by magic and a young boy's transformation into a figure of terror. It is a tale of survival, power, and the darkness that can reside within us all when pushed to our limits. This is my first story and I would be happy to receive your support and constructive criticism.

Adnan_Salam · Eastern
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10 Chs

an otherworldly experience

Picatrix, my dear friend, I came here as soon as I received your message, come give me the good news, what are you doing here dazing about.

Picatrix was taken back at the site of this old man jumping about, "dude chill out, congrats on walking again, but you need to sit down and relax."

Damian "no man, I got no time to relax, First I got my ability to walk again and next I will unlock the ability to cultivate. The world is moving too fast, and I intend to be on top of it."

Damian was too excited, earlier this day he has received a message stated that picatrix is done with his work on the catalyst and with it Damian can contact the All-knowing god to start cultivating.

So Damian, usually the catalyst comes as a bill you take, and after you fill it effect you will receive a notice or a message in your mind like a divine revelation.

It will ask you to be one of its follower to pledge you body and soul for it and in exchange it will Gide you on your path of cultivation.

But I did not make it as bill, it's boring, and I know your body hurt you on a regular passes and have not smoked before. So just for you, I made a catalyst from medicine plant that you can inhale, here take this.

Damian, "what the ....., is this a cigarette?"

"The correct term is a blunt, but who cares, you could call it a cigarette if you want."

Following that, Picatrix began to explain that Damian body is too frail and by smoking and inhaling the catalyst he could absorb it better.

To tell the truth, Damian did try to smoke once before, but he coughed so hard he almost puked his lunch at that time. He was wondering if this time will be any different.

Damian sat across from Picatrix in the dimly lit room, the air thick with the scent of incense and the weight of expectation.

The room was adorned with tapestries of intricate patterns, their colors muted in the soft light. Between his fingers, he held a slender, hand-rolled cigarette laced with a substance they called "the Catalyst." It was said to unlock the mind's hidden potential, to dissolve the barriers between self and others, to open a door to a realm of shared consciousness.

With a deep inhale, Damian introduced the Catalyst to his system.

The room immediately took on an otherworldly quality, the colors intensifying, the shadows deepening, and the sounds of the world transforming into a symphony of unimaginable beauty.

The Catalyst was working, weaving its magic through his consciousness, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary.

The air around him seemed to shimmer, as if charged with an unseen energy.

The tapestries on the walls came alive, their intricate patterns dancing and swirling in a mesmerizing display of color and movement.

The soft hum of the air conditioner became a harmonious melody, each note resonating with a depth of sound he had never experienced before.

The Catalyst was not just altering his perception, it was expanding it, pushing the boundaries of his senses beyond their usual limits.

The scent of the incense became a tangible presence, wrapping around him like a comforting blanket.

The taste of the smoke from the Catalyst was a symphony of flavors, each one distinct yet blending seamlessly into the next.

His skin became hypersensitive, each breath of air causing a ripple of sensation across his body.

The fabric of the couch beneath him felt like a landscape of textures, each fiber a unique terrain to be explored.

Even the dim light of the room seemed to caress his skin, its gentle warmth a soothing balm.

As the Catalyst continued to work its magic, Damian felt a profound sense of connection to the world around him. He was no longer a separate entity observing the world, but an integral part of a vast, interconnected tapestry of existence.

The Catalyst had not just altered his perception, it had opened a door to a new understanding of reality.

As the smoke curled and vanished into the air, the walls began to pulse with a rhythm that matched the beating of his heart.

The lamp's soft glow turned into a spectrum of radiant light, bathing Picatrix in a halo of shifting colors.

Damian felt an overwhelming sense of connection to his friend, their souls momentarily merging in a dance of shared existence. It was as if he could see through Picatrix's eyes, feel his emotions, and live his memories.

But the Catalyst's power extended beyond the confines of the room. Damian's perception expanded, and he found himself immersed in the lives of strangers, each person's life unfolding before him in vibrant detail.

He experienced their love, their pain, their triumphs, and their defeats as if they were his own. It was a tapestry of human experience, each thread as vital and vivid as the next.

The music, a mere background element before, now became the narrative to these lives, each note a word, each melody a sentence in the story of existence. Damian was adrift in this sea of shared humanity, buoyed by the Catalyst's ability to dissolve the illusion of separation.

As the night progressed, the intensity of the connection ebbed and flowed. Moments of anxiety and fear crept in, threatening to overwhelm Damian with the vastness of the experience. Yet, these were but ripples on the surface, quickly soothed by the Catalyst's reassuring touch.

Eventually, the effects began to recede, pulling Damian back to the shores of his own mind. The colors faded, the sounds softened, and the lives of others retreated to the privacy of their own minds. 

Somehow, Damian knew that those were the people how took an elixir before, they took a part of him, and he shall take it back some day.

While Damian lost in this marvelous experience. He saw a window pop up in front of his eyes. It was color blue, on it says the world's.

Identifying a new contractor. Welcome, Damian Grimmstone. Would you pledge your body and soul to the all-knowing…., error error error.

Damian was reading the divine revelation when the prompt turned red with error messages flashing bright.

What happened? He was perplexed. He was still thinking of away to trick the god to not be a slave for it when this happened.

Did the god know my intention and deemed me unworthy or something!

His hart fell as the thought of divine punishment and lightning falling down on him scared the hell out of him.

He looked around but nothing happened. The error messages kept flashing until it came to a stop, host was found to already been contracted multiple times.

Finding a bug in the system, using Root access to solve the bug. Bug not solved.

Reinstall the assist system to the host.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Problem not solved. Giving Root access to host.

Scanning. Scanning. Scanning

Multiple hostess found for the current host.

Solving the issue.....

Other people have merged part of the host body and soul within them.

Host soul is too weak to support extraction. Extraction failed.

The host need to element the other host to take back his missing body and soul.

Right in front Damian eyes, the screen return to its normal blue color and start showing him his information.

Name: Damian Grimstone.

Cultivation echelon: 2nd echelon Qi gathering.

Body type: pseudo soul body.

Bloodline: none.

Talent: Due to the interference of the system and the host past experience, the host talent has mutated into A new talent "Soul merge"

Soul merge: allow the host to sense other part of his soul in a distance near him, And take back and merge the weak part of the host soul to the dominant one.

Warning: The host has depleted his body and soul potential. And in need of an extreme medicine for any further breakthrough in cultivation.