
The God of Wealth!

Notice: Spelling Errors have been fixed for all chapters before chapter 20. If you find any, please feel free to send me a message so that i can fixed them. Orphan Michael Croft wakes up after an unfortunate beating, only to find that he has acquired The System. With the help of the System Michael's optimistic life turns for the better leading him not only into the world of the rich and powerful but also a world of martial arts,magic and God hood. [Writers note] I write for fun. The story will be updated every day 1-2 chapters minimum if we have a good week going I might update more. Happy reading!

Uriel_Oblea · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapte:14 1,000 years.

Chapter: 14 1,000 years.

When Michael finally woke up, the sky outside was dark and he was still snuggled up next to two beauties, one on each side.

Trying not to wake them up. Michael slowly sat up on the bed, his back facing the wall.

As he stretched his sleepy body he checked the rewards the system had given him before falling asleep.


Mission completed!

You have hired Rose Anderson as your personal bodyguard and conquered her mentally and physically.

Rewards: Training Hall

Description: In this world or any world across time and space power is everything Therefore Many Organizations and governments created Training halls to train their family and soldiers. This training hall was built in the shape of a pagoda by an ancient God, it contains all the laws in the universe and all skills one wishes to learn. Be it the sword or the pen training here will ensure you have the might to defeat all and stand above all.

Bonus reward awarded For having your first threesome.

Bonus reward: World bead

Description: World bead, made out of the remains of a multitude of broken worlds.The owner of the Bead will be able to experience what it means to be God, all laws,Land,sky and oceans can be easily controlled and molded with a thought.

Note: World bead has been bound to the host by the system, it can not be unbound for the time being.

As Michael read the description of the rewards given to him by the system, He couldn't hold his excitement and leaned over to Cindy and Rose giving them a kiss on the cheek as they slept.

As many ideas and possibilities rampaged throughout his mind. Michael came out with a plan that could possibly alter his near future.

In the past few days Michael had been asking the system random questions here and there and came to the conclusion that the world he lived in wasn't simple at all.

From what he gathered his world was a colonial planet called caelum and its mother planet was a planet called earth, after a changed in the world, the beings from earth who had lived peacefully and secluded from the rest of the universe started to cultivate once again and after many years of wars and conflicts the planet settled there disputes based on the threat of another powerful enemy known as The galactic Union.

This force was spread all across the galaxy and had deals with great forces across the Universe maintaining peace in the worlds within their reach.

They also served as a type of army and deterrence for outsider forces keeping them from inviting as for the rest of the details there not important right now all Michael knew is that because of a very powerful cultivator that came from earth they were able to obtain caelum as a gift from the Galactic Union and some cultivators from came and settled on the planet since it had more resources than on earth, but after a couple of years that mighty figure left to explore the universe and never came back leading to internal conflicts and eventually leading to the destruction of most of the population and with that most of their heritage and contact with the mother planet was lost, now cultivation and magical races and clans remain hidden from the rest of the world.

It is thanks to these clans that normal people don't come across demonic beasts or dangers that could possibly endanger the population, making the world believe that magic and beings that can fly through the sky are just part of myths and fantasy.

And here is where Michael's plan was to start. He wanted to use the world bead and invite all these martial and magical clans to explore his world and pay for the resources they gathered and for time to cultivate inside.

If what the system told him was correct and the world was completely under his control, it wouldn't be a big deal to farm the world. After all there was no way a world made up of multiple other worlds could run out of resources in such a short period of time.

But just to make sure he wanted to test it out first.

"Hey system, how do I use the World bead?"


To use the world bead just think of going inside.

Note: If you are trying to use the world bead to farm the items and resources for outside parties. It would be best to fuse the Training Hall with the world bead first as it will allow you to accelerate your training. After all, you can only protect yourself and your riches if you're strong enough.

Michael was surprised to hear he could actually fuse both prices together but nonetheless he agreed without hesitation. The system could sometimes be a bit of an ass but it had never lied to him since he got it and because of it, he even had two beauties by his side right now so he decided to just listen to it without any hesitation.

After the system fused both the training hall and the world bead there wasn't any change Michael could make out of them, after all he had never even seen the world bead or the training hall before the fusion.

But after asking the system he got to know that the bead's original color was blue and after the merge the bead had gained golden engravings across its body giving the bead a very cool Aesthetic to it.

As Michael thought of going into the bead he was welcomed to a world of white,with nothing but white in site,the place gave people the feel of being in a hospital everything was clean and strangely quiet.just as he was about to flair up at the system the system spoke first easing his troubled heart.


As the host had combined the training hall with the world bead you have been sent to a type of reception room.To modify the reception space just imagine an image and the area will change according to the image used by the host.

Same thing applies to the host's destination.

I suggest making two doors to separate the world and the training hall from each other. That way if the host wishes to accelerate time the time of the hall won't interfere with the time of the world.

After figuring out the ins and outs of the matter Michael instantly got to work and with a thought a huge golden city appeared out of nowhere the style was similar to those futuristic cities from video games and movies.

The city was so big even Michael didn't know where it ended.

The city had a giant wall surrounding it that seemed to extend to infinity with two gates with a plaque above each of them, one was named planet and the other hall.

It was quite simple, after he walked to the entrance with the words hall above it,Michael was taken to the inside of what used to be the Pagoda.

Michael could still change the environment a bit if he wanted to but since he was already inside the pagoda he decided to just go ahead and take a look at what kind of training he could do first.

Walking around Michael could see various doors with detailed descriptions of what kind of training they offered.

Michael saw a lot of cool ones such as the gravity manipulation room, wind energy manipulation, fire, creation. But none of them were suitable for Michael, as he had not even started on the path of cultivation yet and didn't even know how to manipulate energy yet.

Michael walked for a long time until he finally found a door that caught his attention.

The door was completely red as well as its Description and the more Michael looked at it the more the door seemed to call out to him.

As he approached the door Michael couldn't help but read the description of the door for he wanted to know what was so special about it for it to call out to him like that.

And as he read its content Michael was shocked. And could help but ask the system for its opinion.

"Hey! system! Is what this door says true?."


Yes! The descriptions of all doors within the pagoda are true and completely functional.

"So you are saying that if I go through this door! I'll be Able to obtain the reward it describes?."



"Will I really spend 1000 years here or only in there?."


Once inside only a minute will have passed in the real world.

After thinking about it for a while Michael took a deep breath and made up his mind, and after making sure with the system,repeatedly, that he couldn't die after passing through the door. Michael opened the door and charged in and with his disappearance the door vanished behind him..


Door description:

Live for a 1000 years and discover the truth, the horror and the beauty of the world.

Endure 100 years of hardships

Endure 100 years of death

Endure 100 years of sin

Endure 100 years of torture

Endure 100 years of calamities

Endure 100 years of hatred

Endure 100 years of solitude

Endure 100 years of love

Endure 100 years of happiness

Endure 100 years of wealth

Rewards: The ability to convert and invert the luck of one self or others. An unbreakable heart, and unbreakable will that can even withstand the tests of time, Understandings of fate and karma, peer into the strings of fate and karma and predict all possibilities.