
The God of Wealth!

Notice: Spelling Errors have been fixed for all chapters before chapter 20. If you find any, please feel free to send me a message so that i can fixed them. Orphan Michael Croft wakes up after an unfortunate beating, only to find that he has acquired The System. With the help of the System Michael's optimistic life turns for the better leading him not only into the world of the rich and powerful but also a world of martial arts,magic and God hood. [Writers note] I write for fun. The story will be updated every day 1-2 chapters minimum if we have a good week going I might update more. Happy reading!

Uriel_Oblea · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter:10 Oh no, Going to school

Chapter:10 Oh no, Going to school

Monday Morning, A cheerful Ana was wide awake ready to start off a new day. After going through her morning routine, She headed towards Michael's room in the hopes of waking him up.

After knocking on the door in an exaggerated manner and acting as Michael's personal alarm clock, she hurriedly ran away while in the midst of laughs and giggles.

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm coming!."

Getting up from the bed, Michael felt as if he'd been hit by a train. Taking small steps he headed towards the restroom lazily while in the midst of yawning and stretching only to forcefully wake himself up the next moment.

"Oh no, this is going to be a problem!."

"System! What is going on? Why do I look like this!"


Host you were born this way! Or should I explain to the host how the story of the birds & the bees works.

Michael was speechless. He knew very well the system knew what he was referring to, and yet the system was trying to act dumb.

"You! know what I mean! Now start talking."


Fine! It's not a big deal, the physique Upgrade you received, Is just doing what it's meant to do. If it were anyone other than you, the changes wouldn't have been so extreme.

But since you have been malnourished since childhood and all the fighting you've been doing, the physique Upgrade really worked hard to put some spunk into you. Right now, as we speak, you are still being nurtured into a healthier and better you!

Isn't it exciting!

Michael was Speechless! He never knew how bad his condition was before today.

Yesterday's Michael vs Today's Michael is like the difference between night and day. Yesterday, anyone who saw Michael would've been attracted to Michael like moths to a flame, the lady's had nowhere to run. But today's Michael was enough to trigger a war.The term Male God was completely used up on him.

In all honesty Michael's physical condition wasn't bad at all. The thing is, that just like in everything, everyone's results aren't always equal or proportional to the effort being done. To others the results of training an hour a day at a gym, could be two are three times the results of someone else's. As for Michael, the results of Upgrading his physique to that of an Olympics athlete, is the same as Michael training hard every day for years in order to become an Olympic athlete. In short Michael was born gifted, therefore we should all be jealous of his eight pack. (After he is the main character lol)

In an exasperating tone Michael began to talk to himself while still looking at himself in the mirror.

"Fuck! Okay! I guess I'm wearing a Hoodie and loose clothing for a couple of days."

Some time later, Michael Was done getting ready to go to school, as he walked out of his room and into the kitchen he was met with Ana, As they stared at each other and wishing one another a good morning Ana couldn't help but get red on the face, after looking at Michael, Ana could help but think he had gotten even more handsome today.

"Ah, what am I thinking! No! You can't think that way about him Ana! Even if it's true. Ahhh I did it again!."

As Anna was having an internal struggle with herself, Michael wasn't thinking about much. All he was thinking about was about how to get through classes Without people noticing the changes to his body, but not long after Michael just gave up thinking about the matter all together and decided to deal with what was to come when it came.

After a good breakfast Michael and Ana walked in separate directions and headed towards their respective classes.

Today's Class was Business 101 for 4th years. Michael having no parents and no money to speak of naturally had the desire to better himself, therefore he went into the business route.

Michael's plan was simple. Graduate from University, make money, get married, and then spend his days in luxury with his future wife and kids.

But because of unfortunate events Michael's University days kept getting harder and harder, it got to the point where he almost started failing his classes. Michael would have probably failed his third year if it wasn't for the fact that the teacher took pity on him and let him retake the finals after catching up on his studies.

And this year was probably not going to be any different. Or that would've been the case if it was for the system.Because as soon as Michael walked into the classroom A mission from the system was assigned.


Determined the host has entered a learning environment.

Mission: Sit through Class, take notes and listen to the Entire Lecture for Business 101.

Reward: Photographic memory and a lifetime's worth of Business experience and all relevant memories.

Mission category: Mandatory

"Well...isn't this something! Ask and you shall receive. Don't mind if I do. Hehehe, I was wondering how I was going to get through the finals, I guess, after today I won't have to worry about anything anymore. I guess I'm also starting vacation time earlier than expected. Hahaha."

Entering the classroom, everything looked just like you'd expect a University classroom to look like.

The class looked like a small scale Auditorium.

There were rows after rows of seats covering half the space of the room in a stair like fashion. In the front center of the room was a desk where the professor sat and a wall right behind, but instead of being filled with chalkboards as you would imagine, what replaced it was a rubber like film.

The rubber-like film was not only able to act as a chalkboard but also as something similar to a 3d model for whatever you want to display. You could think about it as a huge monitor, with color and everything but when you needed to view something in depth, you could turn everything on the screen from 2d to 3d, it was a very ingenious piece of technology.

So much for living in a period of time were technology has made successive breakthroughs, with he technology today although not too exaggerated, we can still send Men to near planets and back repeatedly in a days time, yet all they could come up with to teach the future of the world was a fucking monitor ...an extra... fucking wide ....monitor.

I tried getting back on track with the main idea of the story. the previous chapters were more about you getting to know the characters and a little about them and there importance to future events. But I didn't know very well how to jump back to the main point of the story, until now ...or atleast I hope so. Going forward I'll be writing more about the characters world as per the main storyline...no more information just pure unadulterated action /fiction.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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