
The God of Technology

**Synopsis: Hashi, the God of Technology** Hashi, a man burdened by loss, finds himself at the edge of despair after losing his family. But before he can act, he is transmigrated twelve years into the past. Gifted with the Technology System, he embarks on a journey to master its power and rewrite his tragic history. With unrivaled knowledge and skills, Hashi revolutionizes the world and uncovers the secrets of his transmigration. As he faces adversaries and unravels cosmic plans, he discovers the true extent of his capabilities and the boundless potential of technology. "Hashi, the God of Technology" is a thrilling tale of redemption, ambition, and the fusion of humanity and innovation.

Loko_Poko1 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Unleashing Potential

materials for his all-weather repairing tool, his brother's call interrupted his thoughts. His brother asked him to throw out the garbage, and in that moment, inspiration struck Hashi like a bolt of lightning.

Hashi: (thinking to himself) Yes, that's it! I can find the materials I need in the "gomi shobai" - the area where broken appliances and other items are dumped. It's a treasure trove of resources just waiting to be discovered.

He knew exactly where the gomi shobai was located, not far from his house. He remembered how his school friends often went there to play, oblivious to the potential hidden within the discarded items. With determination in his eyes, Hashi made his way to the garbage collector area, his mind buzzing with possibilities.

As he arrived, he saw a vast array of appliances and other discarded items, each with its own story of neglect and abandonment. The gears in his mind started turning, and an idea began to take shape.

Hashi: (contemplating) If I repair these appliances and sell them, I can make a significant profit. It's a win-win situation - I can save money on acquiring materials and offer affordable, refurbished appliances to those in need. But how can I transport and sell them in different areas? Perhaps I need more people to help me expand my reach and establish a reliable network.

Hashi activated his material detection skill, allowing him to locate the necessary materials amidst the sea of discarded objects. The skill revealed the hidden potential within the seemingly useless items, offering him a path towards resourcefulness and innovation.

He took out his all-weather repairing tool from his inventory and placed it in front of the materials. The tool's tiny insect-like robots sprang into action, their synchronized movements a testament to their efficiency and precision. As they consumed the materials, a sense of satisfaction welled up within Hashi. His tool had become a beacon of transformation, turning discarded scraps into valuable resources.

With the materials safely stored within his all-weather repairing tool, Hashi's mind raced with ideas and possibilities.

Hashi: (excitedly thinking) I've been so blind! The solution was right in front of me all along. My inventory! By placing the repaired appliances in my inventory, I can not only transport them easily but also showcase them to potential buyers wherever I go. It's like having a portable marketplace at my disposal.

Eager to put his plan into action, Hashi began searching for the best appliances to repair and sell. Among the discarded items, he found a refrigerator that appeared to be in decent condition but had a broken compressor. Once again, he placed his all-weather repairing tool in front of the refrigerator and activated it.

The tiny insects swarmed inside the fridge, diligently repairing it with meticulous precision. Hashi watched in awe as the broken components were restored, piece by piece. After a few minutes, the tool indicated that the fridge was fully repaired. A sense of accomplishment washed over Hashi, fueling his determination to transform the world, one repaired appliance at a time.

Carefully, Hashi placed both the fridge and his tool into his inventory, ready to embark on a new venture that would not only change his own life but also empower those in need of reliable and affordable appliances.

With newfound confidence and a world of possibilities before him, Hashi left the gomi shobai, excited to explore the potential of his repaired appliances and the impact he could make on the lives of others.

• [Technology System Interface] •


| Technology System |


[Navigation Tabs]

- Status

- Skills

- Inventory

- Store


| Status |


[Character Information]

- Name: Hashi

- Level: 5

- Experience Points: 1900/5000


- Strength: 12

- Agility: 15

- Intelligence: 10

- Charisma: 8

- Luck: 5


- All-Weather Repairing (Level 3)

- Material Finder (Level 2)

- Learning (Level 1)


| Skills |


[All-Weather Repairing]

- Description: Repair any small to medium appliances and machines automatically.

- Level: 3

[Material Finder]

- Description: Locate and identify required materials for repairs or crafting.

- Level: 2


- Description: Learn anything instantly through system scans.

- Level: 1


| Inventory |


[All-Weather Repairing Tool]

- Description: A sophisticated tool capable of repairing various appliances and materials.

- Quantity: 1

[Other Items]

- [Empty]

- [fridge]

- [Empty]

- ...


| Store |


[Available Items]

- [Random Blueprint]

- ...


| Notifications/Alerts |


- New reward received: Learning (Level 1).

- Upgrade available for All-Weather Repairing Tool.
