
The God of Technology

**Synopsis: Hashi, the God of Technology** Hashi, a man burdened by loss, finds himself at the edge of despair after losing his family. But before he can act, he is transmigrated twelve years into the past. Gifted with the Technology System, he embarks on a journey to master its power and rewrite his tragic history. With unrivaled knowledge and skills, Hashi revolutionizes the world and uncovers the secrets of his transmigration. As he faces adversaries and unravels cosmic plans, he discovers the true extent of his capabilities and the boundless potential of technology. "Hashi, the God of Technology" is a thrilling tale of redemption, ambition, and the fusion of humanity and innovation.

Loko_Poko1 · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

The Path of Knowledge

As Hashi busied himself in the kitchen, preparing a meal for his family, he could hear the sound of the front door opening. His parents had returned home after a long day of work. His mother, slightly out of breath, apologized, "We were late... Sorry, wait a moment, and I'll come and help you."

Hashi reassured her: "Don't worry, Mom. Take your time."

His father chimed in with pride, "That's my boy, already taking charge in the kitchen."

After some time, Hashi's mother joined him, lending her expertise and assistance in the cooking process. Together, they worked in harmony, creating a delicious meal for the family.

As they sat around the dinner table, enjoying their food, Hashi's father turned his attention to him. With a curious expression, he asked, "Sato, when will your school open?"

Hashi replied, "Oh, in two days. I'm looking forward to it."

The conversation flowed effortlessly as they savored their meal. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and contentment, a reflection of the close bond they shared as a family.

After dinner, Hashi's brother retired to his room, soon drifting off to sleep. Now alone in his own space, Hashi couldn't resist the temptation to explore his technological companion once more. He opened the status screen, revealing the familiar interface of the technology system.

[Technology System Interface]


| Technology System |


[Navigation Tabs]

- Status

- Skills

- Inventory

- Store


| Status |


[Host Information]

- Name: Hashi

- Level: 5

- Experience Points: 1500/5000

- Ability Points: 10


- Strength: 12

- Agility: 15

- Intelligence: 10

- Charisma: 8

- Luck: 5


- All-Weather Repairing (Level 3)

- Material Finder (Level 2)

- Learning (Level 1)


| Skills |


[All-Weather Repairing]

- Description: Repair any small to medium appliances and machines automatically.

- Level: 3

[Material Finder]

- Description: Locate and identify required materials for repairs or crafting.

- Level: 2


| Inventory |


[All-Weather Repairing Tool]

- Description: A sophisticated tool capable of repairing various appliances and materials.

- Quantity: 1

[Other Items]

- [Item 1]

- [Item 2]

- [Item 3]

- ...


| Store |


[Available Items]

- Random Blueprint


| Notifications/Alerts |


To his surprise, he discovered that the system had rewarded him for his first earning with the all-weather repairing tool. The reward came in the form of a new skill called "Learning - Low Level." Hashi's curiosity piqued as he read the skill's description.


• Notifications/Alerts

- New reward received: Learning (Level: Low).

- Upgrade available for All-Weather Repairing Tool.


Skill: Learning

Description: This skill enables the host to learn anything in seconds by utilizing the system's scanning ability. However, the level of knowledge acquired depends on the skill's level. At a low level, basic knowledge can be obtained. At a moderate level, higher knowledge can be attained. At an advanced level, complex and advanced knowledge becomes accessible. Skill levels can be upgraded using AP (Ability Points), with higher levels requiring more points.


A warning flashed across the screen, cautioning that higher levels of the skill would demand greater points.

Hashi's mind raced with possibilities. If this skill could help him learn his school subjects instantly, his final year of school might become truly memorable. But the skill's description also suggested that he could learn anything. The prospect excited him.

In the morning, Hashi woke up as he checked his technology system interface, he couldn't believe his eyes. His level had risen to 5! He hadn't realized that simply upgrading things would contribute to his level progression. Thoughts raced through his mind as he contemplated the possibilities. "If repairing things alone can lead to leveling up, what could happen when I start inventing new technologies?" The future held endless possibilities, but for now, he needed to focus on the present.

Closing the status screen, Hashi went about his day, attending to his usual routine. As the day came to an end, fatigue washed over him, and he fell into a deep sleep without realizing it. The next morning, he woke up with a start, realizing that it was already 7:09 AM. He hurriedly made his way to the kitchen, only to find his mother already cooking breakfast.

Hashi: (apologetically) I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to be late.

Mother: (smiling) Oh, don't worry, dear. Come and help me with the preparations.

Together, they finished cooking breakfast, and the family gathered around the table to enjoy their meal. After bidding farewell to his parents, who left for work, and his brother, who retreated to his room, Hashi pondered his plans for the day.

Hashi: (thinking to himself) I should go around the neighborhood and check for any broken appliances. There might be more opportunities to put my repairing skills to use.

With determination in his heart, Hashi set out to his neighbors' houses. One after another, he repaired small appliances with the help of his all-weather repairing tool. As he continued his work, his tool alerted him with a message.


alert- required material. Machine have low material


Realizing that he needed to gather more materials, he decided to take a break and returned home.

Inside his room, Hashi couldn't contain his excitement as he tallied his earnings.

Hashi: (amazed) Up until now, I've made a total of 10,000 Yuan. I can hardly believe that I've earned this much!

To be continued....

Author's Note: Dear readers, the journey of Hashi continues to unfold, presenting new opportunities and challenges along the way. If you have any thoughts, questions, or insights, please feel free to share in the comments section. Your engagement is greatly valued. Stay tuned for the next captivating installment!