
The God of Technology

**Synopsis: Hashi, the God of Technology** Hashi, a man burdened by loss, finds himself at the edge of despair after losing his family. But before he can act, he is transmigrated twelve years into the past. Gifted with the Technology System, he embarks on a journey to master its power and rewrite his tragic history. With unrivaled knowledge and skills, Hashi revolutionizes the world and uncovers the secrets of his transmigration. As he faces adversaries and unravels cosmic plans, he discovers the true extent of his capabilities and the boundless potential of technology. "Hashi, the God of Technology" is a thrilling tale of redemption, ambition, and the fusion of humanity and innovation.

Loko_Poko1 · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

The Making and Contemplation

The scene changes to Matsuya, a chain of fast-food restaurants in the countryside. they have very low customers and all them enjoying their meals. Hashi's father, Hiroshi, the owner, wears a concerned expression as he serves the customers. His wife, Emiko, observing him, notices his unease and approaches him in the kitchen.

Emiko: (concerned) Hiroshi, you should believe in your son.

Hiroshi: (sighs) I believe in him, but...

Emiko: (curious) But...?

Hiroshi: (pauses) I can't control it, but I worry about him.

Emiko: (assuring) You know our son is mature and sensitive to his surroundings.

Hiroshi: (frustrated) That's what I don't want. I want him to enjoy life, to live it to the fullest. But he's taking on so much responsibility. It feels like I'm a worthless father to both of them. I...

Emiko: (interrupts, firm) Don't say that again. We all know how hard you try to live up to our expectations. Let me tell you, both our boys and I love you unconditionally. As for Sato, I see the passion and desire in his eyes. He wants to do something meaningful with his life. And I believe he is finding joy in pursuing his dreams.

Hiroshi gazes into her eyes, his worries easing, and he pulls her into a tight embrace.

Hiroshi: (whispering) I'm so lucky to have you guys.

The scene shifts to Hashi in his room, immersed in his thoughts. He hears his brother, Takeshi, returning home and tries to keep him from entering the room.

Hashi: (interrupting) Go somewhere else, I'm a little busy.

Takeshi: (compliant) Okay.

With his brother gone, Hashi continues his work on the all-weather repairing tool.

Hashi: (sighs) Phew, it took the whole day, but at least I've completed it.

As evening approaches, Hashi realizes that his parents will be returning home soon. Before that, he needs to figure out how to make money from the tool.

Hashi pondered on how to turn his all-weather repairing tool into a money-making machine. Suddenly, an idea struck him. He recalled that in his village, many people often struggled with broken appliances. He thought to himself, "This could be a good start."

Determined, Hashi set off to his neighbor's house, where an elderly couple, Mr. Tanaka and Mrs. Tanaka, resided. The scene changed to Mr. and Mrs. Tanaka's living room.

Mr. Tanaka: (frustrated) This fan hasn't been working for days. I thought of buying a new one and throwing this out.

Mrs. Tanaka: (reminding him) Didn't we buy this fan just last year when our granddaughter visited?

Mr. Tanaka: (smiling) Ah, I miss my granddaughter. This fan was her favorite. I can't bring myself to throw it away.

Mrs. Tanaka: (concerned) But where will you find a mechanic to fix it?

Mr. Tanaka: (determined) I'll go to the city and find a mechanic for this fan. It's worth it for my granddaughter.

Mrs. Tanaka: (hesitant) Their charges are usually high, and they add the cost of traveling as well.

As they discussed their concerns, the doorbell rang, interrupting their conversation.