
The God of Technology

**Synopsis: Hashi, the God of Technology** Hashi, a man burdened by loss, finds himself at the edge of despair after losing his family. But before he can act, he is transmigrated twelve years into the past. Gifted with the Technology System, he embarks on a journey to master its power and rewrite his tragic history. With unrivaled knowledge and skills, Hashi revolutionizes the world and uncovers the secrets of his transmigration. As he faces adversaries and unravels cosmic plans, he discovers the true extent of his capabilities and the boundless potential of technology. "Hashi, the God of Technology" is a thrilling tale of redemption, ambition, and the fusion of humanity and innovation.

Loko_Poko1 · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

First Invention

Hashi eagerly opened the note from the system and began reading. The note addressed him as the host and stated,


"Dear host,

this note is to provide you with help. The package contains materials for the tool and necessary skills that you will need in the future. The system will provide you with materials every time you generate a random blueprint. I hope you like it."


Hashi read the note and couldn't help but express his thoughts. "So, the system doesn't listen to me, huh? Well, I guess I should be thankful. Now I know the box contains materials. But what about this unknown skill?" he pondered.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Hashi opened the skill interface. It displayed a skill called "Material Finder." Hashi's eyes widened in surprise as he realized the potential of this skill.


The material finder skill is a special ability that Host obtained from the unknown skill package. It allows him to detect and locate specific materials or resources required for his projects or inventions. When Host activates the material finder skill, his senses become attuned to the presence of these materials, making it easier for him to locate them.

With this skill, Host gains an enhanced perception that helps him identify the exact locations or sources of the materials he needs. It acts as a kind of radar, guiding him towards the desired materials. The skill takes into account various factors such as proximity, quantity, and quality of the materials, providing Host with valuable information to aid his search.

When Host activates the material finder skill, he experiences a heightened awareness of his surroundings. He may notice subtle cues or signs that indicate the presence of the required materials. This could include changes in the environment, specific patterns or markings, or even intuitive feelings guiding him in the right direction.

The material finder skill becomes a valuable tool for Host as he embarks on his journey to build the All-weather repairing tool. It helps him overcome the challenge of acquiring the necessary materials by streamlining his search process and increasing his efficiency. With this skill, Host can save time and resources, ensuring he has everything he needs to bring his project to fruition.


"Material Finder? That sounds promising! With this skill, I'll be able to locate the necessary materials more efficiently. This could be a game-changer," he exclaimed.

Excited about the possibilities, Hashi couldn't wait to put his newly acquired skill to the test. He contemplated all the ways it could benefit him in his quest to build the All-Weather Repairing Tool. "With the Material Finder skill, I won't have to wander aimlessly searching for specific materials. It will save me time and effort, allowing me to focus on the construction process. This skill is invaluable," he thought.

Feeling a renewed sense of determination, Hashi decided to explore the inventory further. He turned his attention to the box labeled "materials." Opening it, he discovered a wide array of components and resources neatly organized inside. "Wow, there are so many different materials here! This should cover everything I need to build the tool. The system really came through for me," he remarked, impressed by the assortment before him.

As Hashi examined the materials, his mind began to race with ideas. He envisioned the intricate design of the All-Weather Repairing Tool taking shape, fueled by his newfound knowledge, skills, and the abundance of resources at his disposal. "I can see it now. This tool will be a game-changer not only for me but also for my family. It will bring us closer to financial independence," he thought with determination.

With a plan in mind and the necessary resources at hand, Hashi couldn't wait to embark on the journey of building the All-Weather Repairing Tool. He understood that it wouldn't be easy, but he was ready to face any challenges that came his way. The thought of fulfilling his promise to his family and achieving financial stability motivated him to push forward.

Hashi took a deep breath, ready to immerse himself in the construction process. He knew that building the tool would require hard work, dedication, and the utilization of his newly acquired skills. But he was prepared to give it his all, fueled by his desire to change his family's circumstances.

As he closed the inventory and prepared to begin his work, a sense of gratitude washed over Hashi. He felt fortunate to have stumbled upon this system and the opportunities it presented. With newfound determination and a clear vision in mind, Hashi set out on his journey to create the All-Weather Repairing Tool, confident that it would be a stepping stone towards a brighter future for himself and his loved ones.

Hashi eagerly opened the material box, revealing its contents. Inside, he found an assortment of components and materials neatly arranged. Determination etched on his face, he exclaimed, "Let's get this done!"

Before he could dive into making the All-weather repairing tool, he felt the need to check on his parents. Heading downstairs, he discovered that they weren't home. "Probably at work," he surmised. This was a stroke of luck, as he wouldn't have to explain his project to them. Satisfied, he returned to his room and securely locked the door.

With solitude and focus in his room, Hashi set his sights on crafting the All-weather repairing tool. Taking a deep breath, he initiated the process. Piece by piece, he meticulously assembled the components, carefully following the instructions he had obtained from the system. The hours ticked away as he soldered, connected, and calibrated, channeling all his concentration into the task.

Throughout the day, Hashi's determination never faltered. He remained steadfast, driven by the desire to succeed. As the shadows lengthened and the sunlight waned, he persisted, dedicated to completing the tool he had envisioned.

By evening, the All-weather repairing tool began to take shape. Hashi's hands moved with precision and purpose, his excitement growing with each passing moment. The culmination of his efforts was within reach, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride.

As the final piece clicked into place, Hashi marveled at his creation. The All-weather repairing tool stood before him, a testament to his ingenuity and resourcefulness. With a sense of accomplishment, he picked it up, feeling its weight and examining its intricate design.