
The God of Ranker Academy

A Story of a war between Rankers, man born with unnatural abilities and the Fallen, beings born from the hate and pain brought by the last war. When the Fallen begin to over take humanity, who will take lead of the world?

PROJECT_Lilac · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Part 5 : Victory

Everyone had gotten up to leave after Xie Saiko had disappeared.

"That's finally over."


"Ready to go?"

"Give me a sec, I needa stretch, my legs hurt."


Rin got up and stretched for a bit.

"Ok done."

"Let's go then."

"Where are we going?"

"Follow me, we're going to the coliseum."


They kept walking until they got to the coliseum. They had arrived just as the teacher started talking

"Today, practice is going to be sparring, you may challenge each other to a rank battle if you so wish. However, it is on your discretion if you lose your rank. Is Rin Hikari here?"

"Yes sir."

"The Headmistress has informed me that you do not have to participate in the training if you do not wish."

"I'll join, I don't mind."

"With that settled, you may all start."

Everyone began to spar with each other, while Rin and her guide just sat and watched as everyone fought, many of the higher ranks got challenged into rank battles, some had won, while others had lost their ranks. When suddenly...

"Hey you!"

One by the name of Jaku came out of nowhere after just winning a rank battle, pointing at Rin's guide."

"I always see you with that girl, even though you never do anything! If a high-class citizen like me can't have her, a low-class scum like you doesn't deserve to be with her!"

"Someones jealous, I see."

"I challenge you to a rank battle! If I win, I get to be with that girl, and you will never disturb us again!"

"And if I win?"

"Then i'll do anything you say!"

"Alright fine."

He finally had decided to get up. Everyone else had stopped they're matches to watch Jaku challenge the most mysterious one in this academy.

"Teach, mind being our referee?"

"No problem."

"You may begin!"

Jaku chants and tries to use his ability. As he chants, the air within the coliseum becomes frigid, causing everyone aside from him to start shivering. Rin starts to be able to see her every breath.

"Lets see how you handle this!"

Trying to trap him using his ice. The ice had started to creep up His legs when he finally decided to do something.


He said, waving his hand, as all the ice had just shattered in front of everyone in an instant.

"My ice! What did you do?! You bastard!"

"Is that your best? If so, it's quite disappointing."

He pulls a hand out of his pocket and raises his hand, and prepares an attack.

"Teach, sorry if something gets destroyed."

"Oh, ok."

With permission acquired, he formed a massive fireball burning so hot it had melted all the frost in the coliseum from Jaku's ice and aimed it at Jaku's direction and fired, missing on purpose, but still burning a few of Jaku's hairs and leaving a enormous crater in the wall of the school.

"What th-?!"

Leaving everyone, even Rin, surprised and thinking - "What?! He canceled Jaku's power?! And even can use a Fireball?!"

"Are we done?"

"It's my loss..."

"Jaku has conceded!"

The Teacher announced, while Jaku's rank lowered by one tier from an Intermediate back down to an Apprentice.

"And for our agreement, just don't bother me ever again."


"Shall we go then Rin."


After the match, everyone had left wondering "Who is he? What rank is he?" Rin grabbed his hand and pulled him over to where Jaku was kneeling.


"Rin! Have you decided to be with me!?"

"No, i'm here to give you advice."


"If you want someone... become a better person and change the way you think first."