
The God Of Life

When people are poor, they breathe wrong. Ding, congratulations to the host, you will get a certain amount of money every time you breathe. Ding, you get a spicy consumption card when you eat a crayfish with explosive taste. Ding, your sleep quality is very high today. Gain energy + 20% of your daily buff. Different Shenhao system, everything in life will bring surprises. Coach, I want to learn to race!

TheBigAut · Urban
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9 Chs

God of Life Chapter 5: Test water

Wang Yan's mood, a mix of excitement and anticipation, trembled with enthusiasm.

A recent high school graduate, previously immersed only in studies, now facing the complexities of the social world. The term "society" was casually thrown around every day, but how many high school students truly understood where the entrance to this society was?

Just yesterday, he was carefreely engrossed in playing games. Today, he had to confront a significant challenge. How could he not be thrilled?

For the first time, Wang Yan considered seeking help from Brother Xizi. However, after a moment's thought, he realized it wasn't an option. Could Brother Xizi really assist in such matters? Prospective parents could be alerted!

He had to handle it on his own.

Wang Yan, a fearless novice, acknowledged that he could only rely on himself. He focused his mind immediately, ready to formulate plans.

As his thoughts clarified, Wang Yan's determination solidified.

Must do it!

Three compelling reasons:

Firstly, the [habit cultivation instrument] was a must-have. Despite Wang Yan's limited knowledge about the power of habits, an urgency in his heart urged him not to miss this opportunity.

The mystery and power of the system convinced him that habit cultivation was more than simple routines like washing hands before meals.

Secondly, early system upgrade opportunity. Acquiring the loan in two or three days could enable an immediate system upgrade, saving 10 to 12 days. This would result in an additional 30,000 to 40,000 yuan in breathing space—essentially a white profit.

Using someone else's money to upgrade his own system was an opportunity too good to pass up.

Lastly, self-exercise. If he didn't obtain the Divine Symbol system, he would become a Divine Symbol. As a financially struggling student, when would be a better time to exercise? Success would be excellent, failure inconsequential. It was a challenge, but not dangerous at all.

How intriguing!

The reasons were compelling—time to take action!

Thus, the first step was to refine the details.

Holding Dapeng's old ID card, Wang Yan rushed to the bathroom.

Both brothers resembled their mother in three ways: eyebrows, eyes, and skin tone. Wang Yan combed his hair into oblique bangs, covering his eyebrows. Mission accomplished.

Brother Dapeng squinted slightly, Wang Yan's eyes gleamed. A pair of black-framed glasses later, and everyone assumed the ID photo was narrowed due to myopia.

It didn't matter if he couldn't match the fat and thin aspects. The ID photo could achieve a 5-point image, which was sufficient. Now, it could reach an 8-point image, ensuring no issues.

ID card secured√


After a quick preparation, Wang Yan went out. He first got a pair of flat glasses, then purchased an outfit matching Dapeng's. He drove straight to Xiawa District Education Bureau.

Getting off at the small intersection next to the education bureau, he walked in, out, and into an alley more than two hundred meters away, finding a small three-story building.

The building was dilapidated, likely constructed 30 years ago. A sign at the door read: "School Production Office of Xiawa District Education Bureau."

The school property office, a subordinate organization of the Education Bureau, differed from the Education Bureau, and Wang Yan was uncertain of the distinction. However, he knew the school property office was a business unit, thanks to his young aunt, Wang Xiume, who worked there.

The small building rarely saw sunlight. Upon entering, a cool breeze replaced the scorching heat.

Wang Yan ascended to the third floor, knocked on an office door from memory, and entered, surprising his aunt.

"Oh, you skinny monkey, why did you think of coming to see your aunt? Come here and drink water."

"Thank you, Aunt, I'm not thirsty."

Wang Yan raised the book in his hand and presented the prepared excuse, "It's summer, and the home is too hot to study."

Wang Xiumei took Wang Yan's hand and smiled, "Alright, then you'll stay in my office. At noon, Aunt will treat you to some delicious food."

"That won't be necessary."

Wang Yan came prepared and avoided lying to his elders. "I'm not here to disturb you. The house is small, plus people come and go... Hey, Auntie, aren't there many offices on the second floor? Give me an inner one, quiet."

Wang Xiumei never refused Wang Yan's requests and quickly replied, "I'll get you a key."

Soon, Wang Xiumei returned with the key and opened the innermost office on the second floor.

Wang Yan glanced at the sign reading "Logistics Office."

He entered, and with a glance, he noticed the office phone on the table, almost blossoming into a smile.

"Auntie, is there a landline here? What's the number?"

"The first four digits are the same as in my house, but the last four are either 1123 or 1124." Wang Xiumei casually explained, "If you need to make a call, use this and chat freely."

Work unit secured√

Office phone secured√

Next, Wang Yan engaged in a conversation with his aunt until he was asked to leave before proceeding to the next step.

In the office, Wang Yan noticed file cabinets with many discarded documents. He casually pulled out a document with an official seal and flicked his finger gently.

Official seal secured√

Next, it was time for an on-site investigation to test the waters.

Not far from Xiawa District, there was a financial street with various banks, insurance companies, and small loan companies scattered in the alleys.

Wang Yan circled around the main street, avoiding the flyers distributed by salesmen. He found the store of Huhai Company, as recommended by Xi Zige, and entered hastily.

According to Xi Zige, Huhai was a reputable company with strong capital, efficient management, and strict risk control. It ranked among the top in the small loan industry, competing with Anping. If Wang Yan could pass Huhai's risk control, he could likely secure loans from other companies.

Upon entering, a female salesperson warmly greeted him. Wang Yan agreed to the loan inquiry, and the female business led him upstairs.

Seated, Wang Yan faced an application form and a carbon pen.

"Sir, please fill out the form. I'll guide you through it."

The female business smiled, and Wang Yan felt a slight embarrassment. Everyone else seemed confident when using money to court others. Why did it feel so awkward?

Even for a small loan...

In fact, Wang Yan acknowledged he was still quite young. Having just graduated from high school, oblivious to the world, he had fun in front of his loved ones. Wasn't this the time to step into the new society?

Precisely because of this, seizing this opportunity was essential for personal growth.

Setting down the pen, Wang Yan leaned back, trying to appear composed despite his inner anxiety.

"Let's not fill in the form for now. Please tell me what other documents you need."

The female business explained, and Wang Yan listened attentively.

Work unit? Yes.

Proof of income, affixed with an official seal? Yes.

Proof of housing, preferably

 a house purchase contract? Shaking his head.

"I haven't bought a house; I live with my parents."

The female business was undeterred and suggested an alternative, "No worries if you don't own a house. You can provide your home's water and electricity bills."

"I haven't paid the bills... Where can I get those?"

"Which community do you live in?"

"Hometown of Education Bureau."

Wang Yan provided the neighborhood where his aunt lived, a familiar place.

"Then, you can pay the bill at the Chunhuan Street Community Service Center. It won't cost much—5 yuan to issue a bill."

Wang Yan noted the information silently and continued listening.

When the female business mentioned the need for a field visit to verify the housing situation, Wang Yan shook his head.

"I'm afraid that's not convenient."

The female business glanced around, lowered her voice, and said, "Our company must inspect the residence. It's non-negotiable. However, you can choose a time when your family is not at home, call me, and we will immediately come to take pictures to save time."

Wang Yan sighed inwardly, impressed by the company's stringent risk control.

Although his aunt owned a house in that community, using her information was impossible. Everything he provided was fake, so why not fill in his aunt's address?


Wang Yan decided to abandon this company but was about to get up when the female business added one more suggestion.

"If it's not possible, you could temporarily rent a place in the community!"

The voice was almost a whisper, and Wang Yan almost thought he had misheard.

He looked up at the female business, who smiled shyly but nodded affirmatively.

"Rent a house? Are you afraid I won't pay?"

"You won't," she said, with a determined smile.

Wang Yan was dumbfounded. All his information was fabricated, and now the decision was contingent on the salesperson's mood. Did she not know he might default?

After a moment of contemplation, he recalled a casual remark Brother Xizi had made—salespeople received signing commissions, and as long as funds were allocated from above, they could get around 80% of the total commission. The remaining portion would be divided for follow-ups. The first-line salesperson wasn't overly concerned about repayments.

Let the collection agencies worry about it!

Indeed, the young Comrade was still inexperienced. This salesperson only cared about signing contracts. In a way, they were on the same side.

No wonder Brother Xizi emphasized, "If there's an issue, the salesperson will help."

With a self-deprecating smile, Wang Yan sat back down and continued listening.

A mobile phone number in use for more than six months was a requirement, and a communication password was necessary. During the contract signing, he would need to log in to the online business office for verification. Presently, mobile phone numbers couldn't be in the applicant's name.

Wang Yan nodded silently, realizing this was the last hurdle.

Absolutely impossible to use his real mobile phone number for a loan. If he couldn't buy a number in use for more than six months, he'd be stuck.

Understanding all the requirements, Wang Yan began filling out the form.

When he filled in his workplace, the female business's eyes brightened, and her tone became enthusiastic, "Sir, you're employed? Your loan interest rate will be much lower than usual."

Now he understood what she was excited about.

A good workplace implied a high likelihood of loan approval, ensuring a stable commission.

When he filled in his contact information, Wang Yan paused, putting down the pen and standing up.

"I'll think about it again. I'll take the form with me. Leave me your contact information; I'll get in touch with you."

The female business felt a bit disappointed but tried to persuade him a few more times.

Wang Yan hadn't obtained a mobile phone number yet; there was no need to waste more time. He quickly escaped the disappointed gaze and exited the office.

Field visit secured√

Feasibility was flawless, and now only the most critical element remained—

Mobile phone number!