
The god of Chaos and Slaughter

As the war was about to begin, a young man prayed silently to his god. "I pray to the god worthy of heaven and earth, the chaos that disrupts reality, the slaughterer of life and death." A smile crept on his face because he knew, his lord would soon descend and slaughter humans and gods alike. . This tale started long ago, at the birth of this powerful god.

King_Solomon_II · Fantasy
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13 Chs


As the head was sliced off, a fountain of blood gushed out from the 'still standing' body of the soldier.

It poured down like rain, dying the ground crimson. The body then collapsed as it realised it has already lost its head.

Everyone present on the battlefield watched the scene in horror.

None of them, not a single one had been able to see the attack that had managed to put the soldier in such a state.

Gnell looked pale, his back was drenched in cold sweat. All he had heard was a clicking sound and then the head fell, he could not even see the blur of the attack, its speed was too astounding to capture!

The opposing general didn't look any good either. A solemn expression took hold of his face, he clearly had not expected such an outcome.

With a complicated look in his eyes, he said to the young man that looked unbothered by the death of the soldier, "I think I may have misunderstood-"

Just as he said these words, the young man infront of his eye disappeared.

'Huh!' A little frightened, he took a step back. 'Where did he go?'

He took a few more steps back, he felt uneasy. The unease in his heart was rising at an alarming rate.

Amidst the conflict going through his head, he caught glimpse of the general of the 'red armoured' army.


Absolute Horror.

This emotion was carved into the face of this general, and not only him, all the soldiers surrounding him had the same expression on their faces.

'Wait what happened? Why is he-' Just as he thought of this, he suddenly turned to look back.

Where his army of 1500 men stood, was now nothing but a large pool of mangled flesh and blood.

All of his soldiers were dead!

Not a single one had survived!

The silver armours on their bodies had been cut clean off, like they were made of butter.

Their organs were spewed on the ground, like a monster had forcefully carved them out, only to observe them and inspect their workings.

As the general laid eyes on this scene, a wave of emotion hit him. Fear, horror, despair, hopelessness, these emotions clouded his mind and heart.

He was confused, he did not know, why or how this had happened.

His eyes were wide open, not daring to even blink, afraid to meet the same fate as his army.

His life flashed through his eyes, all events that led to this moment. He could feel the glorious fate of being promoted to a higher rank and enjoying for the rest of his life, slowly slip away from him.

'How could this happen?' His legs were shaking. He wanted to run, but his body refused to listen to him. It was too scared to move, a mighty general that had killed hundreds, was too scared to move!

This reality was too baffling.

He wanted to believe all of this was just a dream, but the hard reality did not allow him to even have such a hope. He felt true despair for the first time.

"What is that?" He suddenly heard a calm voice from behind, it was a foreign voice that held unimaginable power behind it.

He slowly turned around, his eyes watering, he was prepared to beg for his life.

There he saw the young man, smiling.

Then he heard him say, "That look; that look of despair..."

"It interests me, an emotion only felt when an inferior being meets a superior power. It really... interests me."

As these words entered his ears, the general had the urge to fall down on his knees and beg. However, before he could do any of that, the strange clicking sound was once again heard by everyone present on the battlefield.

The light from the general's eyes faded away. He did not even know when his head had been decapitated— separated from his pitiful body.


Raizel sighed internally.

With the help of his first domain art [Blade mastery], he had been able to slaughter all these mortals effortlessly. His speed was not something they could defend against, on top of that, his domain ability made him especially agile when using blades.

When he arrived at this place, he already had made plans of slaughtering a few people. He wanted to test, if it would give him divine fragments. After-all, killing was just him exercising his authority.

After the other party took the initiative to attack him, he had responded in kind. The number of this army was greater, hence it was better for him to slaughter it than the smaller one.

He found the sword, the old man had given him quite descent. It was a narrow blade that was slightly curved, its blue blade was so sharp, it had been able to cut through metal with ease. The clean cuts it made, had caused Raizel to dissect these soldiers into rather tiny pieces.

Big bad evil god slaughters his way through the chapter...

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