
The god of Chaos and Slaughter

As the war was about to begin, a young man prayed silently to his god. "I pray to the god worthy of heaven and earth, the chaos that disrupts reality, the slaughterer of life and death." A smile crept on his face because he knew, his lord would soon descend and slaughter humans and gods alike. . This tale started long ago, at the birth of this powerful god.

King_Solomon_II · Fantasy
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13 Chs

A foolish general.

After Raizel fell into the water vortex, he was greeted by an eternal darkness. It spread as far as he could see.

But, this view did not last long, after what felt like a split second, Raizel was instantly thrown out of the darkness. During the entire process, he felt weightless and a little disoriented.

Then, light once again engulfed his being. He had escaped the darkness.

He could feel air around him, he also felt a strange warmth.

'Have I arrived?' Standing straight on the ground, Raizel looked above, towards the sky. His blue eyes saw through the obstructing dust suspended in air.

There, in the blue sky, he could see it. An orb of light that emitted a brilliant warmth that could soothe one's soul. It was the first time Raizel had seen a star.

He was not a foreigner to its concept however, as he had already read about its existence in the 'Book of the mortal world'.

Slowly, the dust around him subsided. Which gradually revealed his presence to the creatures or mortals around him.

Before they could even see him, Raizel had already sensed their presence. His keen instincts already told him that none of these mortals proved to be a threat to him.

That is why, he calmly stood in the same spot, unbothered by anyone, just enjoying the environment of the mortal plane.

'The gravity here is almost half of what it is in the 'realm of the gods''. Raizel remarked, getting used the new forces acting on his body.

The clouds of dust around Raizel vanished gradually. Now the view of the entire battlefield was unobstructed, Raizel could feel numerous gazes land on his body.

Looking around, the corners of his mouth went up slightly.

'Is a war going on... Interesting!'


General Gnell narrowed his eyes as he saw the scene unfold before his very eyes.

As the dust that had filled the visions of all soldiers slowly vanished, the silhouette of the man that had appeared out of nowhere came into view.


General Gnell was surprised to see the true appearance of the silhouette.

What was revealed to both the armies, was a young man who looked no older than 20. He had neck length, raven-black hair that was tied at the back of his head.

He had delicate, fair, white skin, and two sky blue eyes, which gleamed unnaturally.

He stood at the height of 6 feet, had a lean body that made him appear rather skinny when compared to the muscular soldiers on the battlefield.

He wore black robes which had a blue belt that held a black and golden scabbard with a sword inside.

Gnell's surprise was not unusual, almost all the people present on the battlefield had the same feeling.

After making such a strange appearance, that too in the middle of a war, people expected this person to be a little... Extraordinary?

However, this young man looked extremely normal, like any other youth.

"What sorcery is this!? Do you think this little stunt of yours will help you escape? Dream on!" Suddenly the general of the 'silver-armoured' army roared as veins popped on his forehead.

Just as he was about to declare victory and become a war hero, his opponents had dared to actually use cheap tricks to scare him away! The general could not accept such an outcome.

At a glance, he understood what his opponents were trying to do. Making a grand scene so that it would scare him and his army away. This definitely wasn't going to work on him.

Gnell after listening to these words began to feel stumped and also... A little afraid.

Like the opposing general, he too felt that this stunt was caused by the opponent army, however after thinking about it carefully he discarded the idea. There was no need for the winning side to resort to cheap tricks.

Now that the opposing general had shifted the blame on his side, Gnell got a better grasp of the situation.

'He thinks I did it. But I didn't, while I also don't think he did it. Then who the hell is this person?'

Fear of the unknown was the strongest of fears, instantly this fear took root in General Gnell's heart.

'A third party? No, no-one has enough resources to go to war against the two big Kingdoms. I can't think of any other possibilities.'

Gnell kept quiet, not uttering a word. Following his lead, his army did the same. None of them had any idea what was going on, so they just kept quiet.

"Staying silent won't help you! Today only we shall emerge victorious!" The opposing general got angrier, he could no longer accept such blasphemy. He turned to one of his troops and ordered, "Kill him!"

The soldier hesitantly nodded his head as he rushed towards the young man standing in the middle of the battlefield.

However, just as he was one metre away from the young man, a clicking sound resounded in the ears of everyone present on the battlefield.




The soldier's cut-off head suddenly fell to the ground and the battleground instantly fell into a deadly silence.

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