
The god of Chaos and Slaughter

As the war was about to begin, a young man prayed silently to his god. "I pray to the god worthy of heaven and earth, the chaos that disrupts reality, the slaughterer of life and death." A smile crept on his face because he knew, his lord would soon descend and slaughter humans and gods alike. . This tale started long ago, at the birth of this powerful god.

King_Solomon_II · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Beautiful specks of light flew around a dark forest. Upon closer inspection one would see that these specks of light were actually fireflies.

One such firefly slowly drifted through the space and landed on the nose of a creature sleeping peacefully amidst the dark forest.

This event spelled a reaction as the eyes of the being slowly opened up.

This creature was a young man, one who seemed to be in his early twenties.

His eyes were light-blue like the sky. He had short raven-black hair that was kept short, he had a fair skin complexion which even the dark night couldn't mask.

He slowly got up on his feet, his eyes moved around the dark forest, observing everything cautiously.

His blue eyes seemed to contain a strange coldness and indifference in them. It was almost like he had no care for anything around him.

He inhaled lightly, as he looked down at his hands, he clenched and unclenched them a few times. It was like he was not accustomed to his own body.

After that, the young man slowly moved his body around. Walking short distances and familiarising himself with his body.

A while later, he jumped around and did a few maneuvers. He did not seem to mind the dark forest that stretched to unknown distances around him.

Just as he was about to leave the area to satisfy his curiosity, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

Gleaming with an eerie blue light, his eyes quickly darted around his surroundings.


A gust of wind blew past him, and the young man instantly constricted his muscles, ready to take action at any moment.

"Quite cautious, aren't we?...hehe."

Instantly, a voice of unknown origins reverberated throughout the entire forest. Hearing this, the young man frowned but did not let down his guard.

"Don't be tense young one. I am not your enemy." As the giggle came to an end, the aged voice further said in the same mysterious manner.

The young man looked around, searching for the origin of the voice. Suddenly, another breeze blew past him, causing his already tense muscles to futher contract.


The gust of wind instantly formed a small vortex a few metres away from the young man.

The vortex lost its original power slowly as a being immediately materialised before the young man.

This being held a gas lantern in his right hand. His body was covered with torn pieces of cloth that seemed to form a strange dark robe. The being had his face covered with the robe, only his white beard and mouth were visible.

As the young man witnessed the scene, he did not make a move. He just quietly observed the scene with his cold, blue eyes.

"Hehe... It is not everyday we see a new birth. Today, the world seems to have been blessed with a rather strong one." The old man muttered as he stroked his beard with his ghostly pale hand.

The young man kept quiet, listening and analysing everything that was being said.

"Not much of a talker huh... You are a unique one. What is your name?" The old man said in an amused tone.

For the first time, the young man seemed a little stunned. He hesitated for a while before a few words left his mouth.

"I- I don't know."

As the old man heard these words, he waved his left hand in air in an apologetic tone as he let out a short laugh.

"Haha... Forgive me, it has been too long since the last birth. I have forgotten some stuff." Stroking his beard, the old man continued:

"Just search in yourself. Your name will reveal itself to you."

The young man looked a little surprised when he heard it. However, he did not voice out his thoughts.

Even though he did not know this old man before him, he still felt a strange sence of trust towards him. It was like an instinct, one that stemmed from deep within his very being.

He followed the directions given to him by the old man unknowingly. He began thinking of himself and soon a question surfaced in his mind.

'Who am I?' Just as this thought emerged, the young man felt a sleeping power within himself awaken.

At that moment, an pink illusory flower that only he could see presented itself infront of him. The flower slowly bloomed and transformed into a sheet of information, one that contained a lot of knowledge which, the young man could strangely read even though he had never seen this language before.

His eyes scanned through the sheet of information, meanwhile the old man just watched the scene with a smile.


-Name: Raizel Zabech Ozaris

-Race: God

-Domain: [Unknown]

-Stage: 1st

-Divine fragments: 0


-Physique: Tier 1 (0/100)

-Spirit: Tier 1 (0/100)


[Domain arts]




"Do you see it? Your true-self?" The old man asked.